Ученая степенькандидат физико-математических наук
Ученое званиедоцент
Научное направлениеФизико-математические науки
Кандидат физико-математических наук, директор инновационного центра Евразийского национального университета им. Л.Н.Гумилева, доцент кафедры радиоэлектроники и технической физики
Членство в профессиональных союзах, различных комитетах и комиссиях:
BDA PIU (Консалтинговая ассоциация, Алматы, Казахстан);
Координационный совет пищевого кластера (Министерство сельского хозяйства РК, Астана, Казахстан);
Научно-технический совет (Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н.Гумилева, Астана, Казахстан);
Координационный совет по качеству образования (Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н.Гумилева, Астана, Казахстан).
Является разработчиком таких проектов, как:
Экспортная стратегия сектора по переработке плодоовощной продукции (Международный торговый центр, 2005);
Оценка последствий присоединения Республики Казахстан к секторальным инициативам в рамках вступления в ВТО (высокотехнологические сектора, Университет международного бизнеса, 2005);
Технопарки как инструменты инновационной политики Казахстана (Азиатский банк развития, 2003);
Концепция Технопарков для Казахстана (ТАСИС, 2000).
Научные публикации
2006, Physica Status Solidi, Investigate of Surface Topology of Crystals by SEM and AFM (in printing)
2006, International Journal of Technology Management, Between vision and reality: promoting innovation through technoparks in Kazakhstan (in printing)
2005, Journal of Luminescence, Dependence of Accumulated Luminosity of Thermostimulated Luminescence on Type of the Electron-Hole Center Distribution in a Crystal
2004, National Business, N4, P. 8-9, Statement of Problems and Complex Approach at a Choice of Scientific Researches Directions
2003, Asian Development Bank, Project Ta No. 4027-Kaz: Industrial Sector Review and Study
2003, Oxford Analytica Daily Brief, 14 April 2003: KAZAKHSTAN: Government plans telecoms liberalization: Changes in the country´s telecoms market
2003, Regional Trade Promotion Program Report: Capacity building of Kazakhstan’s SMEs regarding the Multilateral Trading System
2002, LEM publishing, Optics (university manual)
2002, Vestnik AGU N2, Nanocluster approach to the luminescent centres in crystals
2002, Vestnik AGU N2, Potassium sulphate crystals synthesis
2002, Bulletin of the entrepreneur N10, The industry policy on an example of development of the open software market
2002, Bulletin of the entrepreneur N8, Entry in WTO: consequences for branches and the enterprises
2002, Bulletin of the entrepreneur N6, Increase of competitiveness of the enterprises: role of consultants.
2002, Vestnik AGU N1, Methods of synthesis of crystals of alkali metals in laboratory conditions
2002, Vestnik AGU N1, About cluster approach in computer modelling
2002, Bulletin of the entrepreneur N1, Strategic planning in middle enterprises
2001, Vestnik AGU N2, Synthesis and application of the crystals passing in a wide optical range
2001, Bulletin of the entrepreneur N10, Whether democratization will mention gold mining?
2001, Bulletin of the entrepreneur N9, When to address to advisers
2001, Bulletin of the entrepreneur N8, Automation of business – processes
2001, Bulletin of the entrepreneur N7, Prospects of development of micropower in Kazakhstan
2001, Maconsult Ltd, Business - incubators and Technoparks: idea, creation and development (Book)
2001, Kazakhstan economic magazine "AlPari" N6, Prospects of development of micropower in Kazakhstan
2000, TACIS Project 99/FIN/018, Report: Access of the enterprises of small and average business to the European sources of financing
2000, News of Kazakhstanic Education ministry and scientific academy Physics N2, Own and extrinsic radiations of sulphates of alkali metals
2000, TACIS Project 99/TECHN/026, Report: the Technopark Concept for Kazakhstan,
2000, Kazakhstan economic magazine "AlPari" N6, Business - incubators in Poland
1999, Kazakhstan economic magazine "AlPari" N6, Scientific and technological parks: an origin, functions and prospects
1999, Optics and spectroscopy V86 N4, Radiating defects in irradiated K2SO4-Cu
1995, Economics Today (Kazakhstan newspaper) N11, How to receive the income from the bill
1995, Economics Today (Kazakhstan newspaper) N10, About the state securities: the Russian experience
1995, Economics Today (Kazakhstan newspaper) N7, Exchequer obligations
1995, Economics Today (Kazakhstan newspaper) N6, About bills
1995, Solid State Physics V37 N6, Dimers in impurity ammonium halide crystals
1995, Optics and spectroscopy V79 N2, Luminescent complex centres in impurity ammonium halide crystals
1995, Optics and spectroscopy V79 N2, Influence of phase changes on parameters of the luminescent complex centres in impurity ammonium halide crystals
1995, Optics and spectroscopy V79 N3, Excitonic transfer of electronic excitation energy in ammonium halide crystals
1995, Economics Today (Kazakhstan newspaper) N9, About the state securities
1995, Economics Today (Kazakhstan newspaper) N8, The Bill: legal questions
1989, Optics and spectroscopy V67 N6, Concentration effects in temperature suppression of a cold light of the extrinsic centres
Всего свыше 70 научных публикаций.