Ученая степеньдоктор физ-мат наук
Ученое званиепрофессор
Научное направлениеФизико-математические науки
РегионРоссия / Омская область
Родился 23.02.1954. Окончил с отличием физический факультет Омского государственного университета в 1979 году и был оставлен для работы на кафедре теоретической физики ОмГУ. В 1979-1982 годах читал курс лекций по классической механике в ОмГУ. В 1984 году защитил кандидатскую диссертацию и перешёл на работу в Омский институт инженеров ж.-д. транспорта (сейчас Омский государственный университет путей сообщения ОмГУПС). С 1984 по 2019 год в ОмГУПС (ОмИИТ, ОмГАПС) читал лекции и вообще преподавал физику (все разделы), специальные разделы физики, новые методы физических исследований, концепции современного естествознания, теорию физических полей. С 1994 года – профессор, в 1995 защитил докторскую диссертацию. С 1994 по 2004 преподавал физику в лицее БИТ.
С 2019 года - профессор-консультант кафедры "Физика и химия" ОмГУПС.
Места работы по совместительству
Омский государственный технический университет, Омск (2016-2019); Омский госуниверситет, Омск (2008-2010);
Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin, Deutschland (1991-1993);
Argonne National Lab, Illinois, USA (1995);
Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique (1997, 2000);
GANIL, Caen, France (1999);
Institute Science Nucleaire, Grenoble, France (1998);
Messina University, Messina, Italy (1995);
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia (2001-2003);
Научные интересы
Моделирование теплового распада метастабильных состояний
Физика деления возбуждённых атомных ядер
Физика слияния сложных ядер
Разработка компьютерных программ, моделирующих эти процессы
Научные публикации
101) M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar, Kulik// Precision numerical modeling of the Brownian motion in a bistable potential at medium friction// AMSD 2021; IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES XX(2022)XX accepted
100) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova, O.M. Sukhareva//Systematic application of the M3Y NN forces for describing the capture process in heavy-ion collisions involving deformed target nuclei// Phys. Rev. CXX(2021)XX accepted
99)M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar, O.M. Sukhareva// Comment on “Effect of density and nucleon-nucleon potential on the fusion cross-section within the relativistic mean-field formalism”// Phys. Rev. CXX(2021)XX accepted
98) M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar, O.M. Sukhareva, N.A. Khmyrova // Modification of the Effective Yukawa-Type Nucleon–Nucleon Interaction for Accelerating Calculations of the Real Part of the Optical Potential// Moscow Uni Phys Bulletin 76(2021)202
97) M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar, N.A. Khmyrova// Reply on Comments to “Detail study of the relativistic mean-field effective NN-forces for heavy-ion fusion within a dynamical model” // J. Phys. G Nucl. Part. Phys. 48(2021)088002
96) M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar, N.A. Khmyrova // Activated decay of a metastable state: transient times for small and large dissipation // Indian Journal of Physics ХХХ(2021)XXX (7 pp) DOI: 10.1007/s12648-021-02061-w
95) M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar, O.M. Sukhareva// A Simple Method for Evaluating the Nucleon Densities of Atomic Nuclei Based on Microscopic Charge Densities // Moscow Uni Phys Bulletin 76(2021)9
94)O. M. Sukhareva, M. V. Chushnyakova, I. I. Gontchar, A. A. Klimochkina// A New Algorithm for Calculating Proton, Neutron, and Charge Densities in Nuclei: Comparisons to Experimental Data // Nucleus 2020// Bull. Rus. Acad. Sci. 85(2021)664
93) M. V. Chushnyakova, I. I. Gontchar, N. A. Khmyrova, A. A. Klimochkina// Relativistic Mean-Field Effective Nucleon–Nucleon Forces in the Dynamic Modeling of Heavy Ion Fusion // Nucleus 2020// Bull. Rus. Acad. Sci. 85(2021)639
92) M. V. Chushnyakova, I. I. Gontchar, N.A. Khmyrova// Two algorithms for numerical modeling of thermal decay of a metastable state// AMSD 2020; IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1791(2021)012114
91) M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar// Average lifetimes of a metastable state at low barrier in the overdamped regime// AMSD 2020; IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1791(2021)012113
90)M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar// Fission rate of excited nuclei at variable friction in the energy diffusion regime // IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1643 (2020) 012077
89) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova, N.A. Khmyrova// DFMSPH22: A C-code for the double folding interaction potential of two spherical nuclei // Computer Physics Communications 259 (2021) 107690
88) M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar, N.A. Khmyrova// Detail study of the relativistic mean-field effective NN-forces for heavy-ion fusion within a dynamical model // / J. Phys. G Nucl. Part. Phys. 48 (2021) 015101
87) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova// Testing the energy diffusion approximation for the escape of a Brownian particle from a potential pocket// Chinese Journal of Physics 67 (2020) 388
86) A V Zakharov, M V Chushnyakova, I I Gontchar// Thermal decay rates for an asymmetric cusped barrier at strong friction // IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1546 (2020) 012122
85) M V Chushnyakova, I I Gontchar, R A Kuzyakin// Computer simulating of nanoprocesses: Thermal jumps over a low barrier in the overdamped regime// IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1546 (2020) 012122
84) A. V. Zakharov, M V Chushnyakova, I I Gontchar// Accuracy of the analytical escape rate for a cusp barrier in the overdamping regime// IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1441 (2020) 012181
83) M V Chushnyakova, I I Gontchar, A. V. Zakharov, N. A. Khmyrova//Two ways for numerical solution of the Kramers problem for spatial diffusion over an edge-shaped barrier// IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CON-FERENCE SERIES 1441 (2020) 012135 (8 pp) doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1441/1/012135
82) M.V. Chushnyakova, M. Bhuyan, I.I. Gontchar, N.A. Khmyrova// Above-barrier heavy-ion fusion cross-sections using the relativistic mean-field approach: Case of spherical colliding nuclei// Nucl. Phys. A994 (2020) 121657
81) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova, A.I. Blesman// Thermal escape from a trap over the parabolic barrier: Langevin type approach to energy diffusion regime// IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1260 (2019) 092002
80) M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar, A.I. Blesman// Two ways for finding the thermal decay rate at week friction// IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1260 (2019) 092001
79) M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar// Precision numerical modeling of the decay of a metastable state at high temperature// Brazilian J. of Physics 49(2019)587
78) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova, N.A. Khmyrova// DFMSPH19: A C-code for the double folding interaction potential of two spherical nuclei// Computer Physics Communications 242 (2019) 153
77) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova, A.I. Blesman// Dimensionless Uni-versal Parameters of the Kramers Problem// IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1210 (2019) 012052
76) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. 76) Chushnyakova, A.I. Blesman// Thermal Decay of a Metastable State: the Quasistationary Rate and the Mean Lifetime// IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1210 (2019) 012051
75) M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar, A.I. Blesman// The Kramers problem in the energy diffusion regime: transient times// IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1050(2018)012018
74) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova, A.I. Blesman// Applicability of Kramers rate formulas in the energy diffusion regime// IOP JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES 1050(2018)012029
73) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova// Comment on “Temperature dependence of nuclear fission time in heavy-ion fusion-fission reactions”// Phys. Rev. C98(2018) 029801
72) M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar// Thermal decay of a metastable state: the in-fluence of the rescattering on the quasistationary dynamical rate// Phys. Rev. E97(2018)032107
71) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova// DFMDEF18: A C-code for the double folding interaction potential of a spherical nucleus with deformed nucleus // Computer Physics Communications 222(2018)414
70) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova, V.K. Volkova, A.I. Blesman// Modeling a two-dimensional stochastic harmonic oscillator // IEEE Conference 2017 Dy-namics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Omsk, 2017).
69)I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova// Thermal decay rate of a metastable state with two degrees of freedom: Dynamical modeling versus approximate analytical formula // Pramana 88(2017)90
68) I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova// Dynamical modeling of fission process: impact of collective potential// IEEE Conference 2016 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Omsk, 2016).
DOI: 10.1109/Dynamics.2016.7819015
67)I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova// DFMSPH14: A C-code for the double fold-ing interaction potential of two spherical nuclei// Computer Physics Communications 206(2016)92
66)M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar// Bull. Rus. Acad. Sci. Phys. 80(2016)1026
65)M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar//Phys. At. Nucl. 79 (2016) 376
64)M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar// Describing the heavy-ion above-barrier fusion using the bare potentials resulting from Migdal and M3Y double-folding approaches // J. Phys. G43(2016)045111
63)M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar// Approximating the spin distributions in capture reactions between spherical nuclei// Nucl. Phys. A941(2015)255
62)E.G. Demina, I.I. Gontchar// Phys. At. Nucl. 78(2015)185
61)M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar// Oscillations of the fusion cross sections in the reaction 16O+16O// Pramana 85(2015)653
60)M.V. Chushnyakova, R. Bhattacharya, I.I. Gontchar// Dynamical calculations of the above-barrier heavy-ion fusion cross-sections using Hartree-Fock nuclear densities with the SKX coefficient set// Phys. Rev. C90(2014)017603
59)E.G. Demina, I.I. Gontchar// Precision of approximate Kramers formulas for the fission rate: canonical and microcanonical ensembles// Phys. At. Nucl. 77(2014)882
58)I.I. Gontchar, R. Bhattacharya, M.V. Chushnyakova// Quantitative analysis of the precision above barrier heavy-ion fusion data using Skyrme-Hartree-Fock nuclear densities// Phys. Rev. C89(2014)034601
57)M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar// Memory versus fluctuations in heavy ion fusion// J. Phys. G 40, 095108 (2013)
56)M.V. Chushnyakova, I.I. Gontchar// Heavy ion fusion: Possible dynamical solution of the problem of the abnormally large diffuseness of the nucleus-nucleus potential// Phys. Rev. C87(2013)014614
55)I.I. Gontchar and M.V. Chushnyakova// A C-code for the double folding interaction potential for reactions involving deformed target nuclei// Computer Physics Communications 184(2013)172
54)E.G. Pavlova, N.E. Aktaev, I.I. Gontchar // Modified Kramers formulas for decay rate in agreement with dynamical modeling// Physica A 391(2012)6084
53)E.G. Pavlova, N.E. Aktaev, I.I. Gontchar // Corrections to the Kramers formula for the fission rate of excited nuclei// Bull. Rus. Acad. Sci. Phys. 76(2012)1098
52)I.I. Gontchar and R.A. Kuzyakin// Integral Kramers formula for the fission rate versus the dynamical modeling: the case of deformation-dependent temperature// Phys. Rev. C84(2011)014617
51)N. E. Aktaev, I. I. Gonchar// A Modified Kramers Approach to Describing the Fission of Excited Atomic Nuclei// Bull. Rus. Acad. Sci. Physics 75(2011)994
50)I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova, et al.// Disentangling effects of potential shape in the fission rate of heated nuclei// Phys. Rev. C82(2010)
49) N.E. Aktaev, I.I. Gontchar// Comment on «Systematic description of evaporation spectra for light and heavy compound nuclei»// Phys. Rev. C82(2010)059801
48)N.E.Aktaev, I.I.Gontchar// Dynamic and Statistical Simulation of the Fission of Highly Excited Atomic Nuclei with Allowance for the Relaxation Stage// Bull. Rus. Acad. Sci. Physics 74(2010)513
47)I.I. Gontchar, M.V. Chushnyakova// A C-code for the double-folding interaction potential of two spherical nuclei// Computer Physics Communications 181(2010)168
46)I.I. Gontchar, N.E Aktaev// Importance of the relaxation stage for adequate modeling of nuclear fission accompanied by light particle emission// Phys. Rev C 80 044601 (2009)
44)M.V. Chushnyakova, N.E Aktaev, I.I. Gontchar// The Effect of Difference between Neutron and Proton Density Distributions on the Nuclei Fusion Barrier in a Double Folding Model// Bull. Rus. Acad. Sci. Physics 73(2009)185
43)I.I.Gontchar, N.A.Ponomarenko, A.L.Litnevsky //Effect of the initial excitation energy of the average fission lifetime of nuclei// Phys. At. Nucl. 71(2008)1143
42)I.I. Gontchar, N.A. Ponomarenko //The influence of the nucleonic content on the duration of fission of exited nuclei// Phys. At. Nucl. 70(2007)2051
41)I.I. Gontchar, D.J. Hinde, M. Dasgupta, C.R. Morton, J.O. Newton// Semi-microscopic calculations of the fusion barrier distributions for reactions involving deformed target nuclei// Phys. Rev. C73, 034610 (2006)
40)I.I. Gontchar, M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, J.O. Newton// The Finite Size Effects in fusion of deformed nuclei at incident energies near the barrier// Phys. At. Nucl. 69(2006)1463
39)I.I. Gontchar, D.J. Hinde, M. Dasgupta, J.O. Newton// Double folding nucleus-nucleus potential applied to heavy-ion fusion reactions// Phys. Rev. C69(2004)024610
38)I.I. Gontchar, N.A. Ponomarenko, V.V. Turkin, L.A. Litnevsky// Theoretical investigation of the angular-momentum dependence of the mean fission lifetime of excited nuclei// Phys. At. Nucl. 67(2004)2080
37)I.I. Gontchar, L.A. Litnevsky, N.A. Ponomarenko, V.V. Turkin// The resonance-like dependence of the average fission lifetime upon the parameters of the excited nucleus// Nucl. Phys. A734c(2004)229
36)J.O. Newton, R.D. Butt, M. Dasgupta, D.J. Hinde, I.I. Gontchar, C.R. Morton, K. Hagino// Systematics of precise nuclear fusion cross sections: the need for a new dynamical treatment of fusion?// Phys. Lett. B 586 (2004) 219
35)J. Newton, R. But, M. Dasgupta, D. Hinde, I.I. Gontchar, C. Morton// Systematic Failure of the Woods-Saxon Nuclear Potential to Describe Both Fusion and Elastic Scattering, Suggesting the Need for a New Dynamical Approach to Fusion//, Phys. Rev. C70(2004)024605
34) I.I. Gontchar, D.J. Hinde, M. Dasgupta, J.O. Newton // Surface diffuseness of nuclear potential from heavy-ion fusion reactions// Nucl. Phys. A722(2003)479c
33) W. Wagner, I.I. Gontchar, A. E. Gettinger, L.A. Litnevsky, H.-G. Ortlepp, D.V. Kamanin// NOVEL FEATURES OF THE FRAGMENT MASS VARI-ANCE IN FISSION OF HOT NUCLEI/ ЯДЕРНАЯ ФИЗИКА 65(2002)1
32) I.I. Gontchar, M. Morjean et al.// Nuclear dissipation from fission time// Europhys. Lett. 57(2002)355
31) R. D. Butt, M. Dasgupta, I. Gontchar, D. J. Hinde, A. Mukherjee, A. C. Berriman, C. R. Morton, J. O. Newton, and A. E. Stuchbery, J. P. Lestone //Effects of finite ground-state spin on fission fragment angular distributions following collisions with spherical or deformed nuclei// Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) 044606 1-8 See Also Erratum Phys. Rev. C 65, 069904 (E) (2002)
30) I.I. Gontchar, M. Dasgupta et al.// Importance of Geometrical Corrections to Fusion Barrier Calculations for Deformed Nuclei// Phys. Rev. C65(2002)034610
29) D.J. Hinde, A.C. Berriman, R.D. Butt, M. Dasgupta, I.I. Gontchar, C.R. Morton, A. Mukherjee and J.O. Newton// Role of entrance-channel dynamics in Heavy Element Synthesis// J. Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, 3(2002)1
28) A.E. Gettinger, I.I. Gontchar// Is the approximation of overdamping applicable in order to describe the dynamics of fission of excited nuclei?// J. Phys. G26(2000)347-
27) И.И. Гончар, А.Е. Геттингер и др. // Многомерная динамическо-статистическая модель деления возбужденных ядер// Ядерная физика 63(2000)1778
26) P. Froebrich, I.I. Gontchar// Langevin description of fusion, deep-inelastic collisions and heavy-ion induced fission// Phys. Rep. 292(1998)131
25) I.I. Gontchar, L.A. Litnevsky// Dependence of nuclear dissipation upon deformation or temperature: analysis of the data using a Langevin-Monte-Carlo approach// Z. Phys. A359(1997)149
24) I.I. Gontchar, L.A. Litnevsky, P. Froebrich// A C code for combining a Langevin fission dynamics of hot nuclei with a statistical model including evaporation of light particles and giant dipole gamma-quanta// Computer Phys. Comm. 107(1997)223
23) И.И. Гончар// Ланжевеновская флуктуационно-диссипативная динамика деления возбужденных атомных ядер// ЭЧАЯ 26(1995)932
22) N.V. Eremin, G. Giardina, I.I. Gontchar //A strong isotopic effect in prescission charged particle multiplicities// Phys. Lett. B353 (1995) 432
21) I.I.Gontchar, P.Froebrich// Damping coefficient of the fission mode: analysis of experimental data with a combination of a dynamical and statistical model// Ядерная физика 57(1994)1249
20) D.Hilscher, I.I.Gontchar, H.Rossner// Fission dynamics of hot nuclei and nuclear dissipation// Ядерная физика 57(1994)1255
19) I.I.Gontchar, P.Froebrich// Dynamics of the thermal decay of a metastable system over a multiple-humped barrier// Nucl. Phys. A575(1994)283
18) P.Froebrich, I.I.Gontchar // What are sensitive probes for nuclear friction in heavy-ion induced fission?// Nucl. Phys. A563(1993)326
17) P. Froebrich, I.I. Gontchar, N.D. Mavlitov // Langevin fluctuation-dissipation dynamics of hot nuclei: prescission neutron multiplicities and fission probabilities// Nucl. Phys. A556(1993)281
16)I.I. Gontchar, P. Froebrich// Nuclear fission: combining the dynamical Langevin equation with the statistical model// Nucl. Phys. A551, 495 (1993)
15)Yu.A. Lazarev, I.I. Gonchar, N.D. Mavlitov//Long-lifetime fission component and Langevin fluctuation-dissipation dynamics of heavy-ion induced nuclear fission// Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1220 (1993)
14) I.I. Gontchar, P. Froebrich, N.I. Pischasov // Consistent dynamical and statistical description of fission of hot nuclei // Phys. Rev. C47(1993)2228
13) N.D. Mavlitov, P. Froebrich, I.I. Gontchar // Combining a Langevin descrip-tion of heavy-ion induced fission including neutron evaporation with the statis-tical model// Z. Phys. A342(1992)195
12) Г.И.Косенко, И.И.Гончар, О.И.Сердюк, Н.И.Писчасов// Расчет моментов энергетического распределения осколков деления ядер методом уравнений Ланжевена// Ядерная физика 55(1992)920
11)И.И. Гончар, Н.Д. Мавлитов // Влияние распределения компаунд-ядер по спину на множественность предделительных нейтронов в реакциях с тяжелыми ионами// Ядерная физика 53(1991)1567
10) И.И.Гончар, Г.И.Косенко// Применима ли формула Крамерса для опи-сания распада высоковозбужденных ядерных систем// Ядерная физика 53(1991)133
9)Г.Д.Адеев, И.И.Гончар и др.// Времена релаксации коллективных мод при делении возбужденных ядер// Ядерная физика 50(1989)1242
8)Г.Д.Адеев, И.И.Гончар и др.// Диффузионная модель формирования распределений осколков деления// ЭЧАЯ 19(1988)1229
7)О.А.Сердюк, Г.Д.Адеев, И.И.Гончар и др.// Массово-энергетическое распределения осколков деления в диффузионной модели// Ядерная физика 46(1987)710
6)Г.Д. Адеев, И.И. Гончар и др.// Флуктуационно-диссипативная динамика формирования массового распределения осколков деления// Ядерная физика 43(1986)1137
5)G.D.Adeev, I.I.Gonchar// The dynamical description of the mass distribution of fission fragments// Z. Phys. A320(1985)451
4)Г.Д.Адеев, И.И.Гончар, Л.А.Марченко// Флуктуационно-диссипативная ди-намика формирования зарядового распределения осколков деления// Ядерная физика 42(1985)42
3)G.D. Adeev, I.I. Gonchar// The dynamical description of the mass distribution of fission fragments// Z. Phys. A320, 451 (1985)
2)Г.Д.Адеев, И.И.Гончар// Флуктуационно-диссипативная динамика формирования энергетического распределения осколков деления// Ядерная физика 40(1984)869
1)Г.Д.Адеев, И.И.Гончар // Динамическое описание дисперсий кинетической энергии осколков деления //Ядерная физика 37(1983)1113