Ученая степенькандидат педагогических наук, доктор педагогики
Ученое званиедоцент
Профессор Российской Академии Естествознания
Научное направлениеПедагогические науки
Нестеренко Константин Михайлович - кандидат педагогических наук, доктор педагогики.
Специальность Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования Шифр комитета по контролю в сфере образования МОН РК (ВАК) 13.00.01 Дата присуждения 22 сентября 1994 г. № диплома КН № 005890.
Ученое звание - доцент специальность Теория и методика профессионального образования Шифр комитета по контролю в сфере образования МОН РК (ВАК) 13.00.08 Дата присвоения 28 сентября 2006 г. № аттестата СU 0181.
Тема докторской или кандидатской диссертации: Профессиональная ориентация сельских школьников на обучение в аграрные колледжи.
педагог 33 года, специальность менеджер учебного заведения 23 года.
Напечатаны около 71 научных работ и публикаций, одна монография, два учебника.
Эксперт в Республиканской Комиссии по Аттестации Управленческих Кадров в Министерстве Образования Молдовы, 2010/2011.
Международный эксперт по педагогики в Academy of Sciences and Higher Education London., 2013/2014.
Эксперт в области подготовки кадров, в составе Научно-Технического Консилиума при Министерстве Сельского Хозяйства Молдовы,2015
Член Союза Чернобыль Украины, Член Союза Чернобыль Молдовы, Член Союза Ветеранов Констанцы, Румыния, Член Федерации Спортивных Единоборств.
Бухарест ( Румыния) Стажировка в области механизации сельского хозяйства.
Лодзь ( Польша) Стажировка в проекте Про-Наука.
Монреаль ( Канада) Стажировка в Школе Публичной Администрации.
Сучява, Яссы, Бузэу (Румыния) Стажировки как районный советник.
Лауреат Республиканского конкурса, Лучшая научно-методическая работа.
Почетный Диплом Комитета Защиты Мира.
Высшая награда Академии Наук Молдовы Почетный Диплом.
Лондон ( Англия) Third Class Diploma of Excellence, Medal of the third winner.
Academy of Sciences and higher Education London.
Хобби, увлечения, интересы: Музыка и стихи, автор и исполнитель более 20 песен, 15 инструментальных пьес. Спорт, Черный пояс по,, Воеводу,, Подготовил более 15 чемпионов страны и 5 спортсменов стали чемпионами Евроазиатского турнира. За последние 10 лет был признан лучшим тренером года Сорокского района.
Был участником ликвидации аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС, за что был награждён Орденами и Медалями. За трудовые результаты, был награждён Орденом. За Трудовую Доблесть, а также, являюсь Почётным Работником. Руководство г. Сорока присвоило звание Почётный Гражданин города.
Научные публикации
1. Nesterenco C. Managementul instituțiilorr învățământului agrar: Problemele manageriale ale gestiunii instituţiilor cu profil agrar in perioada europenizării economice. Monografie, Chişinău: Centrul editorial al UASM, 2009, 244 p. 20,9 c.a. ISBN 978-9975-64-175-3.
Статьи в научных журналах:
2. Nesterenco C. Perfecţionarea mecanismului de gestiune in cadrai sistemului învătământului agrar prin implemeiitarea paradigmei noi a sistemului educational european. în: Economica, ASEM. Chişinau. 2010. III .2, p. 25-34., 0;75 c.a. ISSN - 1810-9136.
3. Nesterenco C. Structura învățământului agrar şi particularitățile lui de funcţionare în
managementul resurselor umane. In: Studii economice. ULIM, Chişinău, 2010. nr. 1-2, p. 263 - 276. 0,98 c.a. ISSN 1857 - 226 X.
4. Nesterenco C. Locul şi rolul instituţiilor învățământului agrar al Republicii Moldova, în condiţiile europenizării relaţiilor economice. In: Economie şi sociologie, IEFS, Chişinău, 2010, nr.2. p.67 - 74., 0,6 c.a. ISSN: 1857 -4130.
5. Nesterenco C. Orientarea elevilor spre învățământul agrar. În: Revista de pedagogie și psihologie, Chișinău, 1994, 7-9, p.10-12, 0,26 c.a.
6. Nesterenco C. Orientarea elevilor în cadrul studiilor la colegiul agrotehnic. În: Agricultura Moldovei, Chișinău, 1994, nr.5-6, p.13, 0,1 c.a. ISSN 0582-5229.
7. Nesterenco C. Particularitățile orientării profesionale în învățământul agronomic. În: Agricultura Moldovei, Chișinău, 2005, nr4, p.21-22, 0,24 c.a. ISSN 0582-5229.
8. Nesterenco C. Agricultural polites in central and easern european countries. În Studii economice, ULIM, Chişinău, 2010, nr. 1—2 , p. 140 — 144., 0,5 c.a. ISSN 1857 — 226 X.
9. Nesterenco C.Die erfahrungen bei der lanwirtsentwicklung in den ländern europas. În Studii economice, ULIM, Chişinău, 2007, nr.4, p_ 137-148., 0.62 c.a. ISSN 1857- 226X.
10. Nesterenco C. Particularităţile funcţionării instituţiilor educaţionale cu profil agrar în
condiţiile transformărilor de piaţă. În: Administrarea Publica, Chişinău,, 2010. nr. 2-3, p. 124-135., 0,75 c.a. ISSN 1813-8489.
11. Nesterenco C. Perspectiva si căile dezvoltării sistemului educaţional agrar în Republica Moldova. In: Studii economice. ULIM, Chişinău, 2007. nr.4, p.220-229., 0,54 c.a. ISSN 1857- 226 X.
12. Nesterenco C. Institatille învăţământului agronomic ш sistemul educational al Republicii Moldova. In Buletinul Ştiinţific, Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petrice cu Haşdeu" din Cahul, ediţie semestrială seria Ştiinţe Economice, 2011. nr. 2(6), p.82 — 90., 0.6 c.a. ISSN 1875-2723.
13. Нестеренко К., Тухарь Т. Особенности менеджмента в коллективной профессиональной деятельности. In; Studii economice, ULIM, Chişinău, 2010, nr.1-2, p. 222 - 228., 0,5 c.a. ISSN 1857 - 226 X.
14. Nesterenco С. Aplicarea cunoştinţelor psihologice in procesai educaţional In : Univers Pedagogic, IŞE, Chişinău, 2005, nr.l(5), p.64-67. 0,2 c.a., ISSN 1811-5470.
Nesterenco C. Dirijarea și analiza psihologică a procesului educațional în instituțiile de învățământ. În: Univers Pedagogic, IȘE, Chișinău, 2005, nr.1(5), p.22-27, 0,33 c.a. ISSN 1811-5470.
15. Nesterenco C. Un secol de știință. În: Agricultura Moldovei, Chișinău, 2007, nr. 9, p.22-24, 0,3 c.a. ISSN 0582-5229.
16. Nesterenco C. Condițiile de implementare a modelului conceptual de conducere managerială. În: revista teoretico-științifică, fondată în anul 1953 Economie și Sociologie, Chișinău, 2012, nr.3/2012, p.107-117, 0,7 c.a. ISSN: 1857-4130.
17. Nesterenco C. Conferința științifico-practică – apogeul procesului educativ. În Univers Pedfagogic pro, Săptămânal al MECC al RM și IȘE, Chișinău, 2019, nr. 11(659), p.2, 0,33 c.a ISSN 1857-3282.
Статьи в международных журналах:
18. Нестеренко К. Эволюция аграрного секторав некоторых странах европейского союза. In: Науковий вicник. Национального Аграрного Университету, Киeв: НАУУ, 2007, пг.110, частина 1, с.24-30., 0,5 с.а.
19. Нестеренко К. .Использование теории активного обучения при подготовке будущих менеджеров к аграрно-технической деятельности. In: Репутациология (An International Scientific Journal Reputatiology), Vol 4 № 3-4 Май-Август 2011, с. 111 - 113, 0,3 c.a. ISSN 2071-9094.
20. Нестеренко К. Менеджмент сельского хозяйства. Молдовы в условиях экономических отношениях. In: Репутациология (An International Scientific Journal „Reputatiology): Voл 4, № 3-4 Май - Август 2011, с,114 - 116, 0,23 c.a. ISSN 2071-9094.
21. Нестеренко К. Условия достижения менеджером успеха нри помощи управленческого общения. In: Экономит и предпринимательство, (Ап International Journal „Economy and Entrepreneurship"´), Vol.5. № 5, сентябрь - октябрь 2011, c.222 - 224, 0,35 с. a. ISSN 1999-2300.
22. Nesterenco С. The Improvement Of Financial Administration In The Agricultural Educaţional System By Applying The New European Educational System Model In:. Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology, Scientific Papers. Org. Issue 4. June 2011, p. 1-10., 0.6 c.a. ISBN 978-1-90 8089-34-2.
23. Nesterenco C. Dirijarea si analiza psihologică a. procesului educational hi Instituţia de învăţământ In.: Revista de Management şi Inginerie Economică, (Revista Asociaţiei Managerilor şi Inginerilor economişti din România), 2011 volumul 10 / nr. 3 (41), p.45 - 51, 0,5 c.a. ISSN 15S3-624X.
24. Нестеренко К. Использование теория активного одачеяяя при иод готовке -будущих: менеджеров аграрного- производства. In: Экономика образования, № 6, 2011 г., с. 12-15, 0,4 с.a. ISSN 1609-4654.
25. Nesterenco С. Agricultural politics in Central and Eastern European Countries. In: International scientific researches, nr.3-4, My - December 2011, р.66 - 68, c.a. 0,4 ISSN 2076-9563.
26. Nesterenco C. The features in the collective management of professional activity. In:
„Dilemma of the era: scarce social resources, rules and mechanisms of their reproduction and exploitation”- International Academy of Science and Higher Education London, Great Britain (International Scientific Analytical Proiect), (London, January 31 - February 05, 2013), p.47-49, c.a. 0,4 ISBN 978-1-909137-18-9.
27. Nesterenco C. Directions to increase effective functioning of educaţional institutions agrarian. In: „Dilemma of the era: scarce social resources, rules and mechanisms of their reproduction and exploitation" - International Academy of Science and Higher Education London, Great Britain (International Scientific Analytical Proiect), (London, January 31 - February 05, 2013), p.43-47, c.a. 0,4 ISBN 978-1-909137-18-9.
28. Nesterenco C. Research of the process of changes and trends in educational. management — agriculture in the rep able of Moldova in the context of earopeoizatkm of economic relations. In: Forms of social comumcation in the dynamics of´ human society development /Materials digest of the XXXVII International Research and Practice Conference and the III stage of the Chanionship in philogical, historical and sociological sciences). London. December 05 - December 10, 2012. p.27- 31, c.a. 0,5 ISBN 978-1-90913 7-14-1.
29. Nesterenco C. Management of sports activities in agricultural colleges. în: Forms of social comunication in the dynamics of human society development /Materials digest of the XXXVII International Research and Practice Conference and the III stage of the Chanionship- in philogical, historical, and sociological sciences). London, December 05 - December 10, 2012, p.44-49, c.a. 0,5 ISBN 978-1 -90913 7-14-1.
30. Nesterenco C. Psihologica! and pedagogical aspects of the educational process on engineering faculties. In: Problems of modern pedagogics in the context of international educational standards development /Materials digest of the XI International Research and Practice Conference and I stage of the Chanionship in pedagogical sciences). (London, January 31- February 05, 2013), p.21-22, c.a. 0,1 ISBN 978-1-909137-17-2.
31. Nesterenco C. Curriculum management peculiarities, of agricultural management is the agrarian environment education In: Problems of modern pedagogics m the context of international educational standards development /Materials digest of the XI international Research and Practice Conference and I stage of the Chanionship in pedagogical sciences). (London, January 31-February Ш. 2013), p.145-148, c.a. 0,4 ISBN 978-1-90913 7-17-2.
32. Nesterenco C. The financial administration mecli3Bism1s improvement in the
agricultural educational system through the implementation of the new paradigm of the European Educational System. In: International scientific researches, nr.3-4, Iuly - December 2011, p.84 - 88, c.a. 0,7 ISSN 2076-9563.
33. Nesterenco С. Implementing conditions of the national model of leadership.
În: Solution of a social requirements and objective reality issues in economica land juridical sciences, (Materials digest of the XXXV International Reasearch and Practice Coiiferen.ee and the III stage of the Championship in political, philosophical and military sciences.) (London. November 05 — November 12, 2012), p.41-47 c.a. 0.6 ISBN 978-1- 909137-11 -0.
34. Nesterenco C. The efficiency of educational services m the classic agrarian viclon of the educational system. In: Solution of a social requirements and objective reality issues in economica land juridical sciences, (Materials digest of the XXXV International Reasearch. and Practice Conference and the III stage of the Championship in political, philosophical and military sciences.; (London, November 05 - November 12, 2012}, p. 59- 64; c.a. 0,6 ISBN 978-1-909137-11-0.
35. Нестеренко К. Psvcho-pedagogical knowledge la educational. process of attaining agrica.lta.rat managers. In: The person in conditions of the interpersonal relationships intensification. Technologies of globalization of the XXI cebtury: evolution or setbacy? (London, March 28-Aprilie 02, 2012), p.27-28, c.a. 0,1 ISBN 978-1 -909137-22-6.
36. Нестеренко К. The financial administration mecanism´s improvement in the agricultural educational system through the implementation of the new paradigm of the енгореаи educational system. In.: Physical, mathematical and chemical sciences: theoretical trends and applied studies, Education as the basis of the humanity evolution in conditions of the information environment of the society domination (London, May 21 -May 26,2013), p.89-92, c.a. 0,5 ISBN 978-1-909137-25-7.
37. Нестеренко К. Менеджмент сельского хозяйства в условиях европеизации
экономических отношениях. In.: Social processes regulation in the context of economics, law and management (Materials digest of the LIII International Research and Practice Conference and II stage of the Championship in economics, management and juridical sciences). (London. June 06-June 11-2013), p.49-50. c.a.0.1 ISBN 978-1- A«J 909137-26-4.
38. Nesterenco C. The impact of psychology on managerial activity. In: Biosocial characteristics of the modern human psychology. (Materials digest of the LIX International Research and Practice Conference and II stage of the Championship in psychological sciences (London, August 08-August 14. 2013): p.41-43. c.a. 0.2 ISBN 978-1-909 137-31-8.
39. Nesterenco C. Analysis of the management sistem and the role of managers in the agricultuгаI edacation. In.: Social and political aspects of the post-industrial life activity of spates, (Materials digest of the LX International Research and Practice Conference and II stage of the Chemapionship in military, sociologica land political sciences (London, August OS-August 14, 2013}, p. 79-S2, c.a.’0,3 ISBN 978-1-909 137-31-8.
40. Nesterenco C. The impact of change on the renovation of educational management agricultural issues and contempоrany considerations. In: The state, corporation and individual: correlation of rights, economic interests arid ways of rheir realization. (Peer- reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published following the results of the LXV International Research and Practice Conference and the III stage of the Championship in Economic sciences and Management, Juridical Sciences (London, October 10 -October 15, 2013), p..62-67, c.a. 0,6 ISBN 978-1-909137-35-6.
41. Нестеренко К. Использование теории активного обучения дри подготовке будущих, менеджеров к аграрно-технической деятельности. In: Farming and qualitative development of modern educational systems. (Materials digest ofthe LXIV International Research, and Practice Conference and III stage of the Championship in Pedagogical sciences (London, September 26 - October 01, 2013), p. 59-61.. c.a. 0,3 ISBN 978-1 -909137-34-9.
42. Nesterenco C. Directions in development and efficient functioning of agricultural education mstltetions. In.: Forming and qualitative development of modern educational systems. (Materials digest ofthe LXIV International Research and Practice Conference and III stage of the Championship in Pedagogical sciences (London, September 26 - October 01, 2013), p.94-97, c.a. 0,3 ISBN 978-1-909137-34-9.´
43. Nesterenco C. The correlation between the transpersonal and managerial psychology. In: Development of modern psychology in a conditions of a permanent social ceisis. Peer- reviewed materials digest (collective monograph.) published the results of the LXXI International Research and Practice Conference and III stage of the Championship in Psychological sciences (London, November 20, 2013), p.42-43. c.a 0,1 ISBN 978-1- 909137-40-0.
44. Nesterenco C. Caoacitv building of managers of technical vocational tr citing institutions in order to ensure a modern management and an efficient partnership with business. In: Prblems of correlation of interpersonal interactions and educational demagogies in social relations. Peer-reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published the results of the LXXV International. Research and Practice Conference, and I stage of the Championship in Pedagogica and Psychological sciences (London, January 27 - February 03, 2014), p.51-54. c.a.0,3 ISBN 978-1-909137-43-1.
45. Nesterenco C. Advice inplanning the graduates career and implementation of transferable credits in agricultural со leges. In: Interpersonal mechanisms of knowledge and experience transfer in the process of public relations development Peer- reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published following the results of the LXXXIX international Research and Practice Conference and III stage of the Championship in Psychology and Educational sciences (London, September 24 - September 30, 2014), p. 23-25, c.a.0,3 ISBN 978-1 -909137-56-1.
46. Nesterenco C. The process of learning based on competences at the, specialized, disciplinesin agricultural educational institutions. In: Functions. of upbringing and education in conditions of the accelerated socialization of the personality in the modern society. Peer-reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published, following the results of the CIII international Research and Practice Conference and II stage of the Championship in Educational sciences and Psychology (London, June 18 - June 24, 2015), p.39-41, c.a.0,3 ISBN 97S-1 -90913 7-74-5.
47. Nesterenco С. Ceters of excellence in agrarian vocational trening. In: Pressing problems of interpersonal communications in the educational process and the social practice. Peer-reviewed materials digest (collective monograph) published following the results of the CX International Research and Practice Conferenceand III stage of the Championship in Psychology and Educational, sciences (London, October 8 - October 14,2015), p. 23-25, c´a.0,3 ISBN 978-1 -909137-80-6.
48. Nesterenco C. Условия достижения менеджером успеха при помощи управленческого общения. În: Вища освита в Украiнi: Досвид, актуальнi питания та перспективи для випустникiв. Матерiали мiждународной науково-практичноi конференцii (22 листопада 2018 року) с.12. с.а.0,3. УДК 378 (100) ББК 74.58.
49. Nesterenco C. Entrepreneurial education in the trening of students in agricultural colleges. În: Вища освита в Украiнi: Досвид, актуальнi питания та перспективи для випустникiв. Матерiали мiждународной науково-практичноi конференцii (22 листопада 2018 року) с.17. с.а.0,3. УДК 378 (100) ББК 74.58.
50. Nesterenco C. Pedagocigal aspects of pupilsיִorientation on trening in agrarian colleces. În: Педагогика, психология, общество: современные тренды. Сборник материалов Всеросийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием (Чебоксары, 24 апреля 2020 г.) с. 114 – 117. с.а. 0.5, ИДК 37.0 (082) + 15 ББК 94.3 П24. ISBN 978-5-907313-27-9.
51. Nesterenco C. The Relations Between Persons in Managerial Processes În: Педагогика, психология, общество: современные тренды. Сборник материалов Всеросийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием (Чебоксары, 24 апреля 2020 г.) с. 230 – 232. с.а. 0.3, ИДК 37.0 (082) + 15 ББК 94.3 П24. ISBN 978-5-907313-27-9.
• Публикации в национальных журналах:
52. Nesterenco С. Aspecte psihologice m activitatea managerială. In: Lucrări ştiinţifice, UASM. Chişinău, 2005. voi. 13 (Economie), p.114-116., 0,21 c.a. ISBN 9975-9855-9-9.
53. Nesterenco C. Cunoştinţele psihopedagogiee în procesul educaţional de formare a managerilor agricoli. In: Analele ştiinţifice, USM, Chişinău, 2006, nr.4 (Ştiinţe socio umaniste), р.399-402., 0,38 c.a. ISSN 1811-2668.
54. Nesterenco C. Elemente ale psihologiei transpersonale în activitatea managerială a inginerilor. În: Analele ştiinţifice, ATIC, Chişinău, 2005, voi. , p.26-30., 0,32 c.a. ISBN . 9975-94.2-83-0.
55. Nesterenco C. Unele particularităţi psihologice ale activităţii de dirijare. în: Analele ştiinţifice, ATIC, Chişinău, 2004, Voi. 2, p. 199-203., 0,21 c.a., ISBN 9975-942-83-0
Mатериалы научных конференций:
56. Nesterenco C. Agricultura Moldovei în contextul politicii agricole comune a Uniunii Europene. In: Materialele simpozionului naţional cu participare internaţională. Perspective ah dezvoltării agriculturii în competiţia pentru integrarea în Uniunea Europeană, U.S.A.M.V., Bucureşti, 2006, p.417-421., 0,6 c.a. ISBN (10) 973-731-347- X.
57. Nesterenco C. Perspectiva şi căile dezvoltării sistemului educaţional, agrar în Republica Moldova. în: Materialele Conf. Şt, Intern., AAP, Chişinău, 2007, p.24-5-247., 0,46 c.a. ISBN 978-9975-9885-9-9.
58. Nesterenco C. The orientation of pupils for training in agrotechnical colleges. In.: Пятая международная научно-практическая конференция Проблемы технического. сервиса сельскохозяйственной технике» ХНТУСГ имени Петра Василенка, г .Харьков, 5006, с.242-245, 0,3 с.а.
59. Марьян Г., Сидоров В., Нестеренко К. Педагогические аспекты ориентации к аграрно-техническому образованию. In: Пятая международная научно-практическая- . конференция Актуальные проблемы развития аграрно-технического образования, БГАТУ, г. Минск , 2006, с.57-58., 0,15 с.а.
60. Руснакк Ю., Нестеренко К. Психолого - педагогические аспекты учебного процесса
на инженерных факультетах. In; Материалы международной научно-практической конференции, НГО, г. Орел, 2006, с.48-51., 0,14 с.а.
61. Nesterenco С. Corelaţia, dintre psihologia transpersanală şi cea. managerială. În: Материалы междунар, Науч., Практ, Конф., I.S.F.E.-P, Chi.şinău,. , 2005, р.333-337, 0,23 с.а.., ISBN 9975-78-424-0.
62. Nesterenco С., Arhip I. Formarea personalităţii elevului în colegiile agricole prin prisma relaţiilor profesionale. In: Conferința practico-ştiinţificâ internaţională, INED, Bălţi, 2007, p.134-141.. 0,5 c.a. ISBN 978-9975-9510-9-8.
63. Nesterenсо С. Psycho-pedagogical knowledge in educational, process of attaining agricultural managers Problems and tendencies of modern society development. În: Materials digest of the IXth International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kiev, London, September 14 - September 19. 201L p. 51 -53, 03 c.a.
64. Nesterenco C. The impact of psychology on managerial activity. Ways and problems of human society development. In: Materials digest of the Xtli International Scientific and Practical Conference, Kiev, London, September 28 — October 4, 2011, p. 190 — 192., 0,3 c.a.
65. Нестеренсо К. Взаимосвязь между трансперсональной психологией и психологией, управления. In: Materials digest of the Xth International Scientific and Practical Conference., Kiev, London, September 28 - October 4, 20! 1, p. 192 - ,193., 0,2 c.a.
66. Nesterenco С. Использование теории активного обучения при подготовке будущих менеджеров к аграрно-технической деятельности. In: Materials digest of the Xltk International Scientific and Practical Conference (Kiev, London, October 14 — October 18, 2011), p.39-41, 0,3 c.a.
67. Nesterenco С. Менеджмент сельского хозяйства в условиях европеизации экономических отношениях În: Materials digest qftheXîth International Scientific and Practical Conference (Kiev, London, October 14 - October 18, .2011), p. 41-43, 0,3 c.a.
• Учебники
68. Nesterenco C. Psihologia manageriala. ATIC, Chişinău: Evrica, 2005, 140р., 8,75 c.a. ISBN 9975-942-96-2.
69. Nestereaco C. Tomiţa P., Psihologia conducerii. Material didactic, UASM. Chşinau: Central editorial al UASM, 2002, 86 p., 6,02 c.a. ISBN 9975-946-11-9.
Участие в международных форумах
70. Nesterenco C. Impactul reformei învăţământului agrar asupra agriculturii în noile condiţii de europenizare economică. Raport la şedinţa plenară. In: Programul simpozionului naţional cu participare internaţionala, U.S.A.M.V., Bucureşti, 2006, p. 2., 0,68 c.a.
71. Nesterenco C. Paradigma formării manageriale a învăţământului profesional agrar în condiţiile europenizării. Raport la secţiunea economie rurală. In; Programul conferinţei internaţionale, ASEB, Bucureşti, 2007, p.23., 0,05 c.a.