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3.Беляев А. А. 1985. Новые данные об анатомическом строении тесты и ультраструктуре поверхности семян у двух представителей рода Pentaphragma (Campanulaceae). - Бот. Журн., 70: 955-957.
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5.Беляев А.А., Беляева Н.Н. 1991 К вопросу о нуклеотидном составе гетерохроматина Trillium camchatcense (Trilliaceae). – Бот. Журн., 76: 1733-1734.
6.Беляев А. А. 1986. Особенности анатомии и ультраструктуры поверхности семян у отдельных представителей критических родов семейства Campanulaceae. - Бот. Журн., 71: 1371-1375.
7.Беляев А.А., Беляева Н.Н. 1991 Цитогенетический анализ хромосом Trillium camchatcense (Trilliaceae). - Бот. Журн., 76: 900-902.
8.Беляев А.А. 1992 Дифференциальная исчерченность G/R-типа М-хромосомы Vicia faba. - Цитология, 34: 65-68.
9.Беляев A.A., Пунина E.O., Паук В.Н. 1992 Новая компьютерная программа хромосомного анализа. - Материалы 3-й Конференции по Кариологии растений, Санкт Петербург, P. 9-10.
10.Belyayev A. 1993 Banding of G- or R-type in prophase/prometaphase in M-chromosome of Vicia faba L. - Caryologia, 46: 301-307.
11.Беляев A.A. 1994. О возможности моделирования отдельных стадий морфогенеза растения при помощи метода «Машина Клеточных Автоматов». – Бот. Журн., 79: 46-51.
12.Пунина E.O., Беляев A.A., Паук В.Н., Агроскин Л.С., Гриф В.Г. 1994 Применение системы анализатора изображений для исследования хромосом растений. - Цитология, 36: 888-892.
13.Беляев А.А. 1994 Динамика дифференцифльной спирализации различных блоков M-хромосомы Vicia faba. - Цитология, 36: 310-313.
14.Belyayev A.A., Punina E.O., Grif V.G. 1995 Intrapopulation and individual polymorphism of heterochromatin segments in Trillium kamchatcense Ker.-Gawl.. - Caryologia, 48: 157-164.
15.Belyayev A., Raskina O. 1998 Heterochromatin discrimination in Aegilops speltoides by simultaneous genomic in situ hybridization - Chromosome Research, 6: 559 – 565.
16.Belyayev A., Raskina O., Korol A., Nevo E. 2000 Coevolution of A and B-genomes in allotetraploid Triticum dicoccoides. - Genome, 43: 1021-1026.
17.Ivanitskaya E.Yu., Nevo E., Belyayev A.A. 2000. Chromosomal evolution and phylogenetic analysis of G-banded mole rat karyotypes (Spalax, Spalacidae). Rodens et Spatium Conference, Chesh Republic P. 12.
18.Belyayev A., Raskina O., Nevo E. 2001. Detection of alien chromosomes from S-genome species in the addition / substitution lines of bread wheat and visualization of A-, B- and D-genomes by GISH. Hereditas, 135: 119-122.
19.Belyayev A., Raskina O., Nevo E. 2001. Evolutionary dynamics and chromosomal distribution of repetitive sequences on chromosomes of Aegilops speltoides revealed by genomic in situ hybridization. Heredity, 86: 738-742.
20.Belyayev A., Raskina O., Nevo E. 2001. Chromosomal distribution of reverse transcriptase containing retroelements in two Triticeae species. Chromosome Research, 9: 129-136.
21.Belyayev A., Raskina O., Nevo E. 2001. Retrotransposon-mediated sub-genome repetitive arrays directional homogenization in allotetraploid wild emmer wheat Triticum dicoccoides. Chromosome Research, 9, Supplement 1: 86.
22.Raskina O., Belyayev A., Nevo E. 2001. Repetitive DNA of the wild emmer wheat Triticum dicoccoides Korn.: genomic in situ hybridization analysis of the relatedness of the S-genome species to B-genome. Chromosome Research, 9, Supplement 1: 101.
23.Raskina O., Belyayev A., Nevo E. 2001. Interpopulation chromosomal GISH-molecular-banding polymorphism of the wild emmer wheat Triticum dicoccoides Korn. In: Proceedings of 4-th International Triticeae Congress. Cordoba. Spain. P. 42.
24.Belyayev A., Raskina O., Nevo E. 2001. Chromosomal distribution of Ty1-copia retrotransposons in allotetraploid wild emmer wheat Triticum dicoccoides. In: Proceedings of International Workshop “Genome Organization and Evolution”. Haifa. Israel, P. 21.
25.Raskina O., Belyayev A., Nevo E. 2001. On the evolution of wild emmer wheat Triticum dicoccoides Korn.: repetitive DNA distribution sheds light on the past and present-day events in wild populations. In: Proceedings of International Workshop “Genome Organization and Evolution”. Haifa. Israel, P. 24.
26.Raskina O., Belyayev A., Nevo E. 2002 Repetitive DNAs of wild emmer wheat Triticum dicoccoides and their relation to S-genome species: molecular-cytogenetic analysis. Genome 45: 391-401.
27.Belyayev A., Raskina O., Nevo E. 2003. Evolutionary dynamics of repetitive DNA fraction in two wild Triticeae species. In: Plant Genome. Biodiversity and Evolution, Vol. I Pt. A: Phanerogams, Sharma & Sharma eds., Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, USA, Plimouth, UK, P. 37-56.
28.Raskina O., Belyayev A., Nevo E. 2004. Quantum speciation in Aegilops: molecular cytogenetic evidence from rDNA clusters variability in natural populations. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 101: 14818-14823.
29.Raskina O., Belyayev A., Nevo E. 2004. Activity of the En/Spm-like transposons in meiosis as a base for chromosome repatterning in a small, isolated, peripheral population of Aegilops speltoides Tausch. Chromosome Research 12: 153-161.
30.Baum B.R., L. Bailey G., Belyayev A., Raskina O., Nevo E. 2004. The utility of the nontranscribed spacer of the 5S rDNA units grouped into unit classes assigned to haplomes – a test on cultivated wheat and wheat progenitors. Genome 47: 590-599.
31.Belyayev A., Raskina O., Nevo E. 2004. Quantum speciation in wild Aegilops species on the base of chromosomal rearrangements directional selectivity. XXV Chromosome Conference. London. Chromosome Research, 12, supl. 1, P. 70.
32.Raskina O., Belyayev A., Nevo E. 2004. Speciation-related chromosomal repatterning in a small peripheral plant population: assumption from rDNA cluster variability. XXV Chromosome Conference. London. Chromosome Research, 12, supl. 1, P. 68.
33.Altinkut A., Raskina O., Nevo E., Belyayev A. 2004. En/Spm transposons in wild Triticeae species: preference to a certain chromosomal regions. XXV Chromosome Conference. London. Chromosome Research, 12, supl. 1, P. 73.
34.Raskina O., Nevo E., Belyayev A. 2004. Activity of the En/Spm-like transposons in meiosis as a base for chromosome repatterning in a small, isolated, peripheral plant population. Keystone Symposia Conference, C6 Comparative Genomics of Plants. Taos, New Mexico, P. 18.
35.Belyayev A., Raskina O., Nevo E. 2005. Variability of Ty3-gypsy retrotransposons chromosomal distribution in populations of two wild Triticeae species. Cytogenetics and Genome Research 109: 43-50.
36.Ivanitskaya E, Belyayev A., Nevo E. 2005. Heterochromatin differentiation shows the pathways of karyotypic evolution in Israeli mole rat (Spalax, Spalacidae, Rodenria). Cytogenet. Genome Res. 111: 159-165.
37.Raskina O., Nevo E., Belyayev A. 2005. Canalization of chromosomal rearragenments in wheat evolution. 8th Gatersleben Research Conference, Gatersleben, Germany, P. 34.
38.Belyayev A., Nevo E., Raskina O. 2005. Transposable elements and rRNA encoding DNA (rDNA) interception - a perpetual generator of genome instability. 8th Gatersleben Research Conference, Gatersleben, Germany, P. 79.
39.Altinkut A., Raskina O., Nevo E., Belyayev A. 2005. Activator (Ac) transposons in wild diploid Triticeae species: comparative analysis of chromosomal distribution. 8th Gatersleben Research Conference, Gatersleben, Germany, P. 77.
40.Беляев A., Нево E., Раскина O. 2005. Изменения паттерна высокоповторяющейся фракции ДНК как индикатор процесса видообразования. V Международная Конференция по Кариологии и Каиосистематике, Санкт Петербург, Россия, C. 12-13.
41.Раскина O., Нево E., Беляев A. 2005. Канализация хромосомных мутаций у дикой пшеницы. V Международная Конференция по Кариологии и Каиосистематике, Санкт Петербург, Россия, C. 91-92.
42.Altinkut A., Kotseruba V., Kirzhner V.M., Nevo E., Raskina O., Belyayev A. 2006. Ac-like transposons in populations of wild diploid Triticeae species: comparative analysis of chromosomal distribution. Chromosome Res. 14: 307-317.
43.Altinkut A, Raskina O., Nevo E., Belyayev A. 2006. En/Spm-like transposons in Poaceae species: transposase sequences variability and chromosomal distribution. Cell Mol. Biol. Let. 11: 214-229.
44.Belyayev A. (приглашённый лектор), Raskina O. 2007. Cereal genomes and the evolution of diversity. 6th European Cytogenetic Conference 7-10 July, Istanbul, Turkey. Chromosome Res. 15 Supplement 1: 10.
45.Raskina O., Barber J, Nevo E., Belyayev A. (приглашённый автор) 2008. Repetitive DNA and chromosomal rearrangements: speciation-related events in plant genomes. Cytogenetic and Genome Res. 120: 351-357.