- Обоснован и применен в эксперименте новый метод определения независимых выходов осколков деления - выходов коррелированных пар. С применением выхода коррелированных по заряду пар осколков введена методика определения абсолютного значения множественности нейтронов деления. Определены независимые выходы вторичных и первичных коррелированных пар по ядерному заряду осколков. Впервые получено распределение множественности нейтронов зарядовых пар Zr-Ce, Мо-Ва, Ru-Xe и Pd-Te осколков двойного деления. Найдено, что повышенная эмиссия нейтронов (и=6-10), которая наблюдена только у пары Мо-Ва, возможна, когда осколки Ва находятся в гипердеформированном состоянии.
- Определены выходы осколков безнейтронного двойного деления, при котором происходит холодная фрагментация. Из результатов эксперимента оценен диапазон энергий возбуждения отдельных пар осколков. Определена новая область холодной и деформированной фрагментации в районе ядер, близких к магическим ядрам с Z=28 и N=50. Также определены массы ядер, участвующие в холодной и деформированной фрагментации одновременно. Впервые наблюдено холодное симметричное деление.
- Получены новые данные о распределении энергии возбуждения в зависимости от массы и полной кинетической энергии осколков двойного деления 252Cf. Рассмотрен механизм эмиссии гамма-лучей, отвечающий за разрядку энергии и углового момента, в зависимости от полной кинетической энергии и массы осколков. Определены значения угловых моментов осколков деления и рассмотрены связи внутренних и коллективных переменных при формировании углового момента.
- Впервые при исследовании тройного деления получены независимые выходы вторичных и первичных коррелированных пар по заряду осколков. Получено распределение множественности нейтронов зарядовых пар. Найдены зависимости интегральных характеристиках эмиссии гамма-квантов в зависимости от кинетической энергии ядер Не, Ве и С. Определены средние угловые моменты пар осколков тройного деления 252Cf с эмиссией ядер Не. Выявлена зависимость их значений от амплитуды поперечных колебаний, деформационной энергии и моментов инерции осколков на их предразрывной и разрывной стадиях процесса деления.
- Показано, что реакция фотоделения может быть успешно использована для получения интенсивных радиоактивных нейтроноизбыточных пучков ядер средних масс.
2.Kliman J.,Polhorsky V., MorhacM., et.al: Correlated Yields and Emission of Neutrons of Mo/Ba Fragments from 252Cf(s.f.). Ядерная физика, т.57, 1994, 1174. 3.Ter-Akopian G.M.,Hamilton J.H.,..Kliman J., et.al: Zero Neutron Emission in Spontaneous Fission of 252Cf :A Form of Cluster Radioactivity. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, Vol.20, 1994, L85.
4.Ter-Akopian G.M., Hamilton J.H.,.. Kliman J., et.al: Neutron Multiplicities and Yield of Correlated Zr-Ce and Mo-Ba Fragment Pairs in Spontaneous Fission of 252Cf. Physical Review Letters, Vol.73,(1994), 1477.
5.Hamilton J.H.,.. Kliman J., Morhac M., et al.: Structure of neutron-rich nuclei and neutron multiplicities in spontaneous fission. Physics Reports, Vol. 264, Issue1-5,(1995) p.215.
6.Ter-Akopian G.M., Hamilton J.H:,.. Kliman J., Morhac M., et al.: New spontaneous fission mode for 252Cf: Indication of hyperdeformed 144,145,146Ba at scission. Physical Rew. Letters Vol.77, (1996), p.32.
7.Тер-Акопьян Г.М., Гамильтон Дж.,.. Климан Я., и др. Выходы коррелированных пар осколков спонтанного деления ядер 252Cf. Известия АН, Сер. физ. Т.60 (1996) 162.
8.Тер-Акопьян Г.М., Оганесян Ю.Ц.,..Климан Я., и др. Угловые моменты осколков спонтанного деления 252Cf. Известия АН, Сер. физ. Т.61 (1997) 185.
9.Тер-Акопьян Г.М., Оганесян Ю.Ц.,..Климан Я., и др. Выходы пар осколков и характеристики спонтанного деления 252Cf. Известия АН, Сер. физ. Т.61 (1997) 746.
10.Ter-Akopian G.M., Kliman J., Morhac M., et al.: Experimental Methods for Studying Spontaneous and Low-Energy Nuclear Fission . Phys. of Elementary Part. and Nuclei: Particles&Nuclei, Vol 28, (1997) 543.
11.Morhac M., Kliman J., Matousek V., Veselsky M. and Turzo I.: Integrated Multiparameter Nuclear Data Analysis Package. Nuclear Instrument & Methods, Section A 389 (1997), p.89.
12.M.Morhac, J. Kliman, V. Matousek, I. Turzo: Multiparameter nuclear spectroscopic data acquisition and analysis package. Applied Spectroscopy, 51/9, 1997, p.1415.
13.Morhac M., Kliman J., Matousek V., Veselsky M. and Turzo I.: Background Elimination Methods for Gamma-Ray Multidimensional Coincidence Spectra. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Research, A401 (1997), p.113.
14.M.Morhac, J. Kliman, V. Matousek, M. Veselsky, I. Turzo: Efficient one and two dimensional Gold deconvolution and its application to gamma-ray spectra decomposition. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Research, A401 (1997), p.385.
15.M.Morhac, J. Kliman, V. Matousek, I. Turzo, M. Veselsky: Efficient algorithms of multiparameter nuclear spectra processing. Acta Physica Slovaca, Vol.49, (1999),p.59.
16.Butler-Moore K.,Aryaeinejad R.,.. Kliman J., Morhac M., et al.: High spin-states in neutron-rich even-even Pd isotopes. Journ. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. Vol.25 (1999) p.2253.
17.Hamilton J.H.,.. Kliman J., Ramayya A.V., et al.: Cold spontaneous fission processes of 252Cf and the structure of neutron-rich Ba and La nuclei. Acta Physica Slovaca, Vol. 49 (1999) p. 31.
18.Попеко Г.С., Тер-Акопьян Г.М.,.. Климан Я., и др. Угловые моменты осколков и динамика спонтанного деления 252Cf. Извесия АН, Сер. Физ., т.63 (1999) 879.
19.M.Morhac, J. Kliman, V. Matousek, M. Veselsky, I. Turzo:Advanced analysis, processing and visualization algorithms for multiparameter spectroscopic data. Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 54 (4) (2000) pp.630.
20.M. Mori^, J. Kliman, V. Matousek, M. Veselsky, I. Turzo: Identification of peaks in multidimensional coincidence gamma-ray spectra. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Research, A 443 (2000), pp.108.
21.Hwang J.K., Ramayya A.V.,.. Kliman J., Krupa L., et al.: 5He ternary fission yields of 252Cf and 235U(n,f). Physical Review C, Vol.61 (2000) 047601.
22.Ramayya A.V., Hamilton J.H., ..Kliman J., et al.: Binary and Ternary Fission Studies with 252Cf. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 46 (2001) 221.
23.Hamilton J.H., Ramayya A.V., .. Kliman J., et al.: Behavior of Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions in Fission. Acta Phys. Hungarica, Heavy ion Physics ,Vol.14 (2001) 161.
24.Oganessian Yu.Ts., Dmitriev S.N., Kliman J., et al.: RIB production with photofission of uranium. Nuclear Physics A701 (2002) 87c.
25. Gangrski Yu.P., Dmitriev S.N., Kliman J., Szollos O., et al.,:Independent Yields of Xe Isotopes at Photofission of 232Th and 238U. Phys. Particles and Nuclei, Letters No.6 [103] (2000) 5. 26 Morhac M., Kliman J. and Matousek V.: Optimized multidimensional nonoscilating deconvolution. Journ. of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Vol.140 (2002) 639.
27.Hamilton JH, Ramayya AV, ..Kliman J, et al., Cold and hot binary and ternary fission yields in the spontaneous fission of 252Cf, Phys. of Atom. Nucl. Vol.65, (2002) 645.
28.M. Jandel, J. Kliman, L. Krupa, M. Gamma-ray multiplicity distribution in ternary fission of 252Cf, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., Vol.28 (2002) 2893.
29.M. Morhac, V. Matousek, J. Kliman: Efficient algorithm of multidimensional deconvolution and its application to nuclear data processing. Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 13, No. 1, (2003), 144.
30.Morhac M., Matousek V., Kliman J.: Optimized multidimensional nonoscillating deconvolution. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 140, 2002, pp. 639.
31.Jandel M., Morhac M., Kliman J., Krupa L., Matousek V., Hamilton J. H., Ramaya A. V.: Decomposition of continuum gamma-ray spectra using synthesized response matrix. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Research A516, 2004, 172.
32.Morhac M., Kliman J., Jandel M. Krupa L., Matousek V.: Study of fitting algorithms applied to simultaneous analysis of large number of peaks in gamma-ray spectra. Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 57 (2003) 753.
33.Morhac M., Matousek V., Kliman J., Turzo I., Krupa L., Jandel M.: New achievements in Development of Multidimensional Data Acquisition, Processing and Visualization - DAQPROVIS. Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Research A, Vol. 502 (2003) 728.
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38.Kliman J., et al.: Use of multidetector arrays for investigation of 252Cf (s.f.) by gamma-ray spectrometry. Int. Workshop on Research with Fission Fragments, Benediktbeuern (Univ.Munchen) Germany, Oct. 28 -30, 1996.
39.Morhac M., Kliman J., Matousek V.: Package for multidetector fission data analysis.DANF´ 96, Int. Conf. On Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission, Casta- Papiernicka, Aug. 30 - Sept. 4, 1996. Ed.: J.Kliman and B.I.Pustylnik, JINR Dubna 1997, p.377.
40.Ter-Akopian G.M., Kliman J., Morhac M., Popeko G.S., Hamilton J.H., et al.: New results from investigation of 252Cf spontaneous fission. DANF 96, Int. Conf. on Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission, Casta-Papiernicka, Aug. 30 - Sept. 4, 1996. Ed.: J.Kliman and B.I.Pustylnik, JINR Dubna 1997, p.281.
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48.Kliman J., Morhac M., Matousek V., Turzo I., et al.: Multiparameter data acquisition, visualization and processing system MultiDAPS. Int. Workshop Nuclotron for Physics and Technology, Varna, Sept.19-24,1995.
49.Hamilton J.H.,Ter-Akopian G.M.,.. Kliman J., Morhac M.et al.: New insights from neutron- and proton- rich nuclei far from stability. Proc. Int. Nuclear Physics Conf. INPC´95, Beijing, 21-26 August,1995, Nuclear Physics- At the Frontiers of Knowledge, Ed.: Sun Zuxun& and Jincheng, World Scientific 1995,p.511.
50.Morhac M., Matousek V., Kliman J.: Nuclear data visualization using surface and volume rendering techniques. Summer School on Scientific and Mathematical Visualization. Ettenheim, Germany, September 22-27,1996, 247.
51.Hamilton J.H.,.. Kliman J., Morhac M., Ter-Akopian G.M., et al.: A new spontaneous fission mode for 252Cf : hyperdeformation, cluster radioactivity, new levels. Proc.15th Nuclear Physics Divis.Conference, Low Energy Nuclear Dynamics, St. Petersburg, Russia, April 18 - 22, 1995, Eds. Yu. Oganessian and W.von Oertzen, World Scientific 1996, p.187.
52.Ter-Akopian G.M., Hamilton J.H.,.. Kliman J., Morhac M., Daniel A.V., et al.: Yields of correlated fission fragment pairs. Proc. Int. Conf. on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, ENAM 95, Arles, France, June 19 -23, 1995. Ed.: M. de Saint Simon and O. Sorlin, Editions Frontiers, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 1996, p. 383.
53.Morhac M., Kliman J., Matousek V., Turzo I.: Integrated multiparameter data analysis package. AINHENP´ 96 - New Computing Techniques in Physics Research, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2-6,1996. Ed.: M.Verlen and D.Perret-Gallix, North Holland 1997, p.89. Ter-Akopian G.M.,.. Kliman J., Morhac M., Hamilton J.H., et al.:
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55.Popeko G.N., Ter-Akopian G.M., Kliman J., Morhac M., et al.: Neutron multiplicity and primary angular momenta at 252Cf (s.f.).
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56.Ter-Akopian G.M.,.. Kliman J., Morhac M., Hamilton J.H., et al.: New type of experimental data for the spontaneous fission of 252Cf. In: Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission, Proc. Int. Conf. DANF´96, Casta-Papiernicka, Aug.30-Sept.4, 1996. Edit.: J.Kliman and B.I.Pustylnik, JINR Dubna 1977, p.281.
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58.Ter-Akopian G.M., ..Kliman J., Morhac M., Hamilton J.H., et al.: New characteristics of the 252Cf (s.f.) with large gamma ray detector arrays. Int. Conf.on Fission and Properties of Neutron Rich Nuclei, Sanibel Island, Florida, Nov.10-15,1997. Ed.: J.H.Hamilton and A.V.Ramayya, World Scientific Publ. Co. Singapore, New Jersey, London, p.165.
59.Daniel A.V., Ter-Akopian G.M.,.. Kliman J., Morhac M., Hamilton J.H., et al.: Characteristics of the primary fission fragments obtained with modern HPGe detectors. Int. Conf.on Fission and Properties of Neutron Rich Nuclei, Sanibel Island, Florida, Nov.10-15,1997. Ed.: J.H.Hamilton and A.V.Ramayya, World Scientific Publ. Co. Singapore, New Jersey, London, p.624.
60.Popeko G.S., Ter-Akopian G.M.,.. Kliman J., Morhac M., Hamilton J.H., et al.: New data on the fragment angular momenta obtained for the 252Cf (s.f.) with Gammasphere. Int. Conf.on Fission and Properties of Neutron Rich Nuclei, Sanibel Island, Florida, Nov.10-15,1997, Ed.: J.H.Hamilton and A.V.Ramayya, World Scientific Publ. Co. Singapore, New Jersey, London, p.645.
61.Veselsky M., Morhac M., Kliman J., Matousek V. And Turzo I.: Study of detection limit in spectroscopy of coicident gamma rays. AIP Conf. Proc. 447, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. On Nuclear Fission and Fission Product Spectroscopy, Seyssins, France, April 1998, eds. G.Fioni, H.Faust, S.Oberstedt and F.-J.Hambsch, American Inst. of Phys., Woodbury, N.Y., 1998, pp.151.
62.Veselsky M., Kliman J., Morhac M., Hamilton J.H., Ramayya A.V., et al: Yields of correlated fragment pairs and neutron multiplicity in spontaneous fission of 242Pu. AIP Conf. Proc. 447, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. On Nuclear Fission and Fission Product Spectroscopy, Seyssins, France, April 1998, eds. G.Fioni, H.Faust, S.Oberstedt and F.-J.Hambsch, American Inst. Of Phys., Woodbury, N.Y., 1998, 261.
63.Kliman J., Morhac M., Hamilton J.H., Greiner W., Ter Akopian G.M., et al.: Fragment angular momentum and descent dynamics in 252Cf spontaneous fission. CP 455, ENAM 98, Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, eds. B.M.Sherill , D.J.Morrissey and C.N.Davids, pp.708.
64.J.H. Hamilton, W. Greiner, G. Ter-Akopian,.. J._Kliman,et al.,: Cold spontaneous fission processes of 252Cf and the structure of neutron-rich Ba and La nuclei. In: Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission - DANF´98, Oct. 19-23, 1998, Casta-Papiernicka, Slovakia. Eds. Yu.Ts. Oganessian, J. Kliman and S. Gmuca, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999, pp.122.
65.M.Morhac, J. Kliman, V. Matousek, I. Turzo, M. Veselsky: Efficient algorithms of multiparameter y-ray spectra processing. In: Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission - DANF´98, Oct. 19-23, 1998, Casta-Papiernicka, Slovakia. Eds. Yu.Ts. Oganessian, J. Kliman and S. Gmuca, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999, pp. 439.
66.Morhac M.,Kliman J., Matousek V., Turzo I.: Software for analysis, processing and visualization of multiparameter nuclear data. AIHENP99 - New Computing Techniques in Physics Research, Heraklion Crete, Greece, April 12-16, 1999.
67.G.S.Popeko, G.M.Ter-Akopian,.. J.Kliman, M.Morhac, et al.: Fragment angular momentum and descent dynamics in 252Cf spontaneous fission. Int.Conf. on Physics of Atomic Nuclei, Moscow June 1998, St.Peterburg 1999.
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69.A.V. Ramayya, J.K. Hwang, J.H. Hamilton,.. J. Kliman,_et al.: Cold fission studies with large detector arrays. 2nd Int. Conf. on Nuclear Fission and Neutron-rich Nuclei, St. Andrews, Scotland, June 28 - July 2, 1999, World Scientific 2000,246.
70.Yu.Ts. Oganessian, J. Kliman, S. Gmuca (eds.), Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission, Casta-Papiernicka, Oct. 19-24, 1998, World Scientific Publ. Co., Singapore, 1999, 460pp. 71. Oganessian Yu.Ts.,Dmitriev S.N., Kliman J., et al.: RIB production with photofission of Uranium. 5th Int. Conf. On Radioactive Nuclear Beams, April 2-8. 2000, Divonne, France.
72Morhac, J. Kliman, V. Matousek, I. Turzo, M. Veselsky: Software for analysis, processing and visualization of multiparameter data. New Computing Techniques in Physics Research VI. Eds.:G.Athanasiu and D.Perret-Gallix, Proc. 6th Int. Workshop of Software Engineering, Artifical Inteligence and Expert Systems, p.312.
73Hwang J.K., Beyer C.G.,..Kliman.J., Krupa L., Hamilton J.H., et al.: Fission studies with large detector arrays. Proc. Int. Conf. on "Fission Dynamics of Atomic Clusters and Nuclei" 15-19 May 2000, Luso, Portugal. Ed.: J. da Providencia, D.M.Brink F.Karpechine and F.B.Malik, World Scientific 2001, p.21.
74Morhac M., Kliman J., Matousek V., Turzo I., Krupa L., Jandel M.: Advanced analysis of multidimensional experimental nuclear data. Fifth Int. Conf. on Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission, Casta Papiernicka, October 23-27, 2001. Slovakia, Ed.: J.Kliman, M.G.Itkis and S.Gmuca, World Scientific 2002, p.534.
75Jandel M., Kliman J., Krupa L., Morhac M., et al. Gamma-ray emission in He, Be, and C accompanied fission of 252Cf. Fifth International Conference on Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission, Casta-Papiernicka, October 23-27, 2001. Slovakia, Ed.: J.Kliman, M.G.Itkis and S.Gmuca, World Scientific 2002, p.350.
76Szollos O., Kliman J., Krupa L., Jandel M.: DRIBs II: A source of radioactive nuclei. 5th Int. Conf. on Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission, Casta-Papiernicka, October 23-27, 2001. Slovakia, Ed.: J.Kliman, M.G.Itkis and S.Gmuca, World Scientific 2002, p.509.
77Hamilton J.H.,.. Kliman J., Krupa L., Jandel M., et al: He and Be ternary spontaneous fission of 252Cf. 5th Int. Conf. on Dynamical Aspects of Nuclear Fission, Casta-Papiernicka, October 23-27, 2001. Slovakia, Ed.: J.Kliman, M.G.Itkis and S.Gmuca, World Scientific 2002, p.341-349.
78Daniel A.V.,.. Kliman J., Krupa L., Jandel M., et al.: Ternary fission of 252Cf. Identification of 10Be clusters and estimation of corresponding fission fragment yields. 3rd Intern. Conf. on „Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei".Nov. 2002, Sanibel Island, Florida. World Scientific 2003, 581. 79.Fong D., Jandel M., Hamilton J.H., Kliman J., Krupa L., et al.: Hot bimodal ternary fission of 252Cf. 3rd Intern. Conf. on „Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei". Nov. 2002, Sanibel Island, Florida. World Scientific 200, 454.
80Jandel, J.Kliman, L.Krupa, M.Morhac,J.H.Hamilton, et al.: Yields of fragment pairs in ternary fission of 252Cf. 3rd Int. Conf. on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei, Nov. 2002, Sanibel Island, Florida. 3rd Int. Conf. on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei, Nov. 2002, Sanibel Island, Florida. World Scientific 2003, 448.
81J.Kliman, L.Krupa, M.Morhac,M.Jandel,J.H.Hamilton, et al.: Gamma-ray emission from fission of heavy nuclei. 3rd Int. Conf. on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei, Nov. 2002, Sanibel Island, Florida. World Scientific 2003, 20273.8
82Szollos A., Kliman J.: The use of photofission of 238U for a neutron-rich radioactive ion beams generation. 3rd Int. Conf. on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei, Nov. 2002, Sanibel Island, Florida. World Scientific 2003, 650.
83Ter Akopian G.M., Jandel M., Kliman J., Krupa L., et al:Spontaneous fission of 252Cf in the light of prompt gamma rays. 3rd International Conference on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA 3-9 November 2002. World Scientific (2003), 535.
84Kliman J., Krupa L., Jandel M., Itkis M.G., Dorvaux O., Materna T., et al: 239 and Am and spontaneous fission of Cf. in Proc. EXON 2004,Int. Symp. on Exotic Nuclei, Peterhof, Lake Ladoga, Russia, July 5-12, 2004. Ed.: Penionzhkevich Yu.E., Cherepanov E.A., World Scientific 2005, p.343 85 Oganessian Yu.Ts.,Dmitriev S.N., Kliman J., et al.: RIB production with photofission of uranium. JINR Communication, E7-2000-83, Dubna 2000, 10p.