1.Terekhova I.V., Kulikov O.V. Physical-chemical aspects of formation of complexes “host-guest” and molecular selectivity in relation to biologically active compounds // Ch.2 in monograph “Chemistry of polysaccharides” Ed. by By G.E. Zaikov. Brill. Academic Publ. Netherlands. 2005. P.38
2.Terekhova I.V.. Selective interactions of native and modified cyclodextrins with some B-vitamins in aqueous solution // Ch. 4 in monograph “Solution Chemistry Research Progress”. Ed. D.V. Bostrelli. Nova Science Publ. Inc. 2007. P.93.
3.Терехова И.В., Куликов О.В. Физико-химические аспекты образования комплексов «хозяин-гость» и молекулярная избирательность по отношению к биологически активным соединениям // Гл. 2 в моногр. «Научные основы химической технологии углеводов» под ред. А.Г. Захарова, М.: Изд. ЛКИ. 2008. С.39.
4.Terekhova I.V. Inclusion complex formation of cyclodextrins with aminobenzoic acids in aqueous solution. Ch. 8 in Macrocyclic Chemistry: New Research Developments. Eds. D.W. Fitzpatrick and H.J. Ulrich. Nova Sc. Publ. 2010. Р.
1.Terekhova I.V., Obukhova N.A. Thermodynamics of nicotinic acid interaction with some saccharides // Journal of Solution Chemistry. - 2005. - V.34. - №11. - P. 1273-1282.
2.Терехова И.В., Обухова Н.А., Кумеев Р.С, Альпер Г.А. Взаимодействия α- и гидро-ксипропил-α-циклодекстринов с никотиновой кислотой в водном растворе // Журнал физической химии. - 2005. - Т.79. - №12. - С. 1215-1219.
3.Terekhova I.V., Volkova T.V., Perlovich G.L. Experimental analysis of complex formation of niflumic acid with (3-cyclodextrins // Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry. - 2006. - V.55. - №3-4. - P.335-340.
4.Zielenkiewicz W., Terekhova I.V., Kozbial M., Poznanski J., Kumeev R.S. Inclusion of me-nadione by cyclodextrins studied by calorimetry and spectrophotometric methods // Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. - 2007. - V.20. - №9. - P.656-661.
5.Terekhova I.V., Volkova T.V., Perlovich G.L. Interactions of theophylline with cyclodextrins in water // Mendeleev Communications. - 2007. - V. 17. - №4. - P.244-246.
6.Terekhova I.V., Scriba G.K.E. Study on inclusion complex formation of biologically active pyridine derivatives with cyclodextrins by capillary electrophoresis // Journal of Biomedical Pharmaceutical Analysis. - 2007. - V.45. - №4. - P.688-693.
7.Терехова И.В., Кумеев Р.С, Альпер Г.А. Взаимодействие кофеина с замещенными циклодекстринами в воде // Журнал физической химии. - 2007. - Т.81. - №7. - С. 1221-1226.
8.Terekhova I.V., Obukhova N.A. Study on inclusion complex formation of m-aminobenzoic acid with native and substituted (3-cyclodextrins // Journal of Solution Chemistry. - 2007. -V.36. - №9. - P. 1167-1176.
9.Terekhova I.V., Kumeev R.S., Alper G.A. Inclusion complex formation of a- and (3-cyclodextrins with aminobenzoic acids in aqueous solution studied by lH NMR // Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry. - 2007. - V.59. - №3-4. - P.301-306.
10.Terekhova I.V., De Lisi R., Lazzara G., Milioto S., Muratore N. Volume and heat capacity studies to evidence interactions between cyclodextrins and nicotinic acid in water // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. - 2008. - V.92. - №1. - P.285-290.
11.Zielenkiewicz W., Terekhova I.V., Marcinowicz A., Kozbial M., Poznanski J. Interactions of native and modified cyclodextrins with some B-vitamins // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. - 2008. - V.93. - №2. - P.365-372.
12.Terekhova I.V. Interactions of (3- and hydroxypropyl-(3-cyclodextrins with some purine alkaloids: thermodynamic study // Current Drug Discovery Technologies. - 2008. - V.5. - №2. -P. 168-172.
13.Terekhova I.V., Kumeev R.S., Alper G.A. lH NMR and calorimetric study on binding ability of cyclodextrins to isomeric pyridinecarboxylic acids in aqueous solution // Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry. - 2008. - V.62. - №3-4. - P.363-370.
14.Zielenkiewicz W., Terekhova I.V., Koźbiał M., Wszelaka-Rylik M., Kumeev R.S. Com-plexation of niflumic acid with native and hydroxypropylated a- and (3-cyclodextrins in aqueous solution // Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. - 2008. - V.21. - №10. - P.859-866.
15.Terekhova I.V. Volumetric and calorimetric study on complex formation of cyclodextrins with aminobenzoic acids // Mendeleev Communications. - 2009. - V. 19. - №2. - P. 110-112.
16.Терехова И.В., Кумеев Р.С. Термодинамика комплексов включения циклодекстринов с изониазидом // Журнал физической химии. - 2010. - Т.84. - №1. - С. 5-10.
17.Терехова И.В. Взаимодействие циклодекстринов с ксантином и его производными в водном растворе // Известия академии наук. Серия химическая. - 2010. - №3. - С.521-526.
18.Терехова И.В., Кумеев Р.С, Альпер Г.А. Комплексообразование циклодекстринов с никотинамидом и никодином в водном растворе // Журнал общей химии. - 2010. - №2. -С.309-315.
19.Zielenkiewicz W., Terekhova I.V., Wszelaka-Rylik M., Kumeev R.S. Thermodynamics of inclusion complex formation of hydroxypropylated a- and P-cyclodextrins with aminobenzoic acids in water // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. - 2010. - V. 101. - №1. - P. 15-23.
20.Zielenkiewicz W., Terekhova I.V., Koźbiał M., Kumeev R.S. Thermodynamic study on complex formation of riboflavin with hydroxypropyl-(3-cyclodextrin in water // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. - 2010. - V. 101. - №2. - P.595-600.
21.Terekhova I.V., Hammitzsch-Wiedemann M., Shi Y., Sungthong В., Scriba G.K.E. Investigation of the pH-dependent complex formation between (3-cyclodextrin and peptide enanti-omers by capillary electrophoresis and calorimetry // Journal of Separation Science. - 2010. -V.33. - №16. - P.2499-2505.
22.Terekhova I.V., Romanova A.O., Kumeev R.S., Fedorov M.V. Selective Na /K eiiects on the formation of a-cyclodextrin complexes with aromatic carboxylic acids: competition for the guest // Journal of Physical Chemistry B. - 2010. - V. 114. - №39. - P. 12607-12613.
23.Terekhova I.V., Tikhova M.N., Volkova T.V., Kumeev R.S., Perlovich G.L. Inclusion complex formation of a- and (3-cyclodextrins with riboflavin and alloxazine in aqueous solution: thermodynamic study // Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry. — 2011. — V.69. - №1-2. - P. 167-172.
24.Terekhova I.V., Koźbiał M., Kumeev R.S., Alper G.A. Inclusion complex formation between modified cyclodextrins and riboflavin and alloxazine in aqueous solution // Journal of Solution Chemistry. - 2011. - V.40. -№ 8. - P. 1435-1446.
25.Терехова И.В., Кумеев Р.С, Альпер Г.А., Агафонов А.В. Термодинамические характеристики реакций образования комплексов а- и (3-циклодекстринов с люмихромом, люмазином и урацилом в водном растворе // Журнал физической химии. - 2011. - Т.85. -№10. - С. 1977-1982.
26.Terekhova I.V., Koźbiał M., Kumeev R.S., Gierycz P. Complex formation of native and hydroxypropylated cyclodextrins with benzoic acid in aqueous solution: volumetric and lH NMR study // Chemical Physics Letters. - 2011. - V.514. - №4-6. - P.341-346.
27.Terekhova I.V. Comparative thermodynamic study on complex formation of native and hydroxypropylated cyclodextrins with benzoic acid // Thermochimica Acta. - 2011. - V.526. -№1-2. - P.118-121.
28.Terekhova I.V., Chibunova E.S., Kumeev R.S., Alper G.A. Role of biologically active inorganic anions СГ and Br" in inclusion complex formation of a-cyclodextrin with some aromatic carboxylic acids // Chemical Physics Letters. - 2013. - V.557(February). - P. 134-139.
29. Romanova A.O., Chibunova E.S., Kumeev R.S., Fedorov M.V., Terekhova I.V. a-Cyclodextrin/aminobenzoic acid binding in salt solutions at different pH: dependence on gueststructure // International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. - 2013. - V.57(June). - P.255-258.