Специальность: 25.00.30
Год: 2012
Основные научные положения, сформулированные автором на основании проведенных исследований:
  1. Новые варианты гидродинамических моделей атмосферы ММ5 и Eta-Dust, обеспечившие повышение точности оперативного прогнозирования погоды в Метеорологической Службе Израиля и, в частности, возможность прогнозирования пылевых бурь при проведении Израильского Эксперимента по Исследованию Распространения Пыли в Средиземноморском Регионе (MEIDEX).
  2. Система регионального климатического моделирования в регионе ВС, основанная на модели RegCM3 и обеспечивающая успешное описание основных климатических особенностей изучаемого региона.
  3.  Результаты ансамблевого эксперимента по региональному климатическому моделированию изменений климата ВС вследствие повышения концентрации парниковых газов в атмосфере, обеспечивающие построение физически обоснованной количественной картины ожидаемого изменения климата региона ВС в первой половине XXI века.
  4. Количественные оценки изменений количества выпадающих осадков и приземной температуры воздуха в регионе, включая определение тенденций к изменению  частоты и интенсивности экстремальных событий (частоты дней с экстремальными значениями приземной температуры воздуха и частоты дней с экстремальным количеством осадков) вследствие процесса глобального потепления.
Список опубликованных работ
1. Анцыпович В.А., Кричак С.О.,1979, Автоматизированная система оперативного численного анализа и прогноза метеоэлементов в Национальном Метеорологическом Центре США – Метеорология и Гидрология, ном. 6, c. 113-119 .

2. Беди Х.С. Датта Р.К., Кричак С.О., 1976: Численный прогноз метеорологических элементов в условиях летнего муссона. Метеорология и Гидрология, 5, c. 39-45.

3. Годболе Р.В., Кричак С.О., Колесников Ю.В., 1975, К вопросу об энергетическом балансе атмосферы над юго-восточной частью Аравийского моря. Труды, вып. 49, с. 47-54, ДВНИГМИ.

4. Кадышников В.М., Кричак С.О., Лосев В.М., 1989, Пятнадцатиуровенная региональная модель атмосферы. Метеорология и Гидрология, ном. 10, с. 23-31

5. Кричак С.О, Лисогурский Н.И., Петричев А.З., 1975, Расчет и анализ вертикальных скоростей над Аравийским морем в период летнего муссона в 1973 г. Труды ДВНИГМИ, вып. 49, с. 41-46.

6. Кричак С.О., 1981, Неадиабатическая модель атмосферы по полным уравнениям для прогноза метеорологических элементов над Европой, Метеорология и Гидрология, ном. 7, с. 18 – 26.

7. Кричак С.О., 2008, Региональное моделирование современного климата Европейской территории России с помощью модели RegCM3. Метеорология и Гидрология, 2008, ном. 1, с. 31-41.

8. Alpert, P, S.O. Krichak, T.N. Krishnamurti, U. Stein and M. Tsidulko, 1996a, The relative roles of lateral boundaries, initial conditions and topography in mesoscale simulation of lee cyclogenesis, J. Appl. Meteor., 35, pp. 1091-1099.

9. Alpert, P, M. Tsidulko, S. Krichak & U. Stein, 1996b, A multi-stage evolution of an ALPEX cyclone, Tellus, 48A, pp. 209-220.

10. Alpert P., S.O. Krichak, M. Tsidulko, H. Shafir and J.H. Joseph, 2002a, A dust prediction system with TOMS initialization, Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, No.9, pp. 2335-2345.

11. Alpert, P., P. Kishcha, M. Dayan, S.O. Krichak, 2002b, Verification of an operational mesoscale model at Tel-Aviv University, 4-th Plinius Conference, Mallorca, Spain, (abstracts).

12. Alpert, P., P. Kishcha, A. Shtivelman, S. O. Krichak and J. H. Joseph, 2004a, Vertical distribution of Saharan dust based on 2.5- year model predictions, Atmos. Res., 70(2), pp. 109-130.

13. Alpert, P., C. Price, SO Krichak, B. Ziv, H. Saaroni, I. Osetinski, J. Barkan, P. Kishcha, 2005, Tropical teleconnections to the Mediterranean climate and weather, Advances in Geosciences, 2, pp. 157– 160, SRef-ID: 1680-7359/adgeo/2005-2-157.

14. Alpert, P., Price, C., S.O. Krichak, B. Ziv, H. Saaroni, I. Osetinsky. 2006a, Mediterranean climate and some tropical teleconnections, Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica C-Geophysics and Space Physics 29 (1), pp. 89-97.

15. Alpert, P., M. Baldi, R. Ilani, S.O. Krichak, C. Price, X. Rodo , H. Saaroni, B. Ziv, P. Kishcha, J. Barkan, A. Mariotti, and E. Xoplaki, 2006b, Relations between Climate Variability in the Mediterranean Region and the Tropics: ENSO, South Asian and African Monsoons, Hurricanes and Saharan Dust, pp. 149-177. Mediterranean Climate Variability, 4, Amsterdam, Elsevier, Edited By P. Lionello, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli and R. Boscolo.

16. Alpert, P, Krichak S.O., C. Price, B. Ziv, H. Saaroni, I. Osetinsky, 2006c, Mediterranean climate and some tropical teleconnections, Nuovo Cimento Della Societa Italiana Di Fisica C-Geophysics and Space Physics, 2006, 29 (1), pp. 89 – 97.

17. Alpert, P, Krichak SO, Shafir H, Haim D, Osetinsky I, 2008a, Climatic trends to extremes employing regional modeling and statistical interpretation over the E. Mediterranean, Global and Planetary Change 63, pp. 163–170.

18. Alpert, P., A. Kitoh, A. Yatagai, Krichak S.O., P. Kunin, and Jin Fengjun., 2008b, First super-high-resolution modeling study that the ancient "Fertile Crescent" will disappear in this century and comparison to regional climate models, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2008, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-02811, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-02811, (abstracts).

19. Alpert, P, A. Kitoh, A. Yatagai, S. Krichak, P. Kunin, F.J. Jin, 2008c, Future change of precipitation and river stream flow based on super-high-resolution modeling in Middle East and comparison to regional climate models, 2nd International HyMeX Workshop, Paris, France, (abstracts).

20. Berkovich, L.V., K.G. Rubinstein, R.Ju. Ignatov, G.M. Kalugina, S.O. Krichak, M.V. Tsidulko, I.E. Zacharov, 2005, Adaptation of the PSU/NCAR ММ5 for high-resolution weather prediction over Russia. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, J. Cote, Editor, Report No. 35, WMO/TD-No.1276, pp. 5.1 - 5.2.

21. Gualdi, S., and co-authors (including S.O. Krichak), 2012, Future Climate Projections. In Regional Assessment of the Climate Change in the Mediterranean. Eds A. Navarra and L. Tubiana. Springer Verlag (in press).

22. Kishcha, P., Barnaba, G.P. Gobbi, P. Alpert, A. Shtivelman, S.O. Krichak, and J.H. Joseph., 2005, Vertical distribution of Saharan dust over Rome (Italy): Comparison between 3-year model predictions and lidar soundings. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmosph. 110 (D6): p. D06208 (DOI 10. 1029/2004JD005480).

23. Kishcha, P., P. Alpert, A. Shtivelman, S.O. Krichak, J.H. Joseph, G. Kallos, P. Katsafados, C., Spyrou, G.P. Gobbi, F. Barnaba, S. Nickovic, C. Perez, and J.M. Baldasano , 2007a, Forecast errors in dust vertical distributions over Rome (Italy): multiple size representation and cloud contributions. J. Geoph. Res., 112, D15205б doi:10.1029/2006JD007427, 2007.

24 . Kishcha, P., P. Alpert, A. Shtivelman, S. Krichak, J. Joseph, G. Kallos, P. Katsafados, C. Spyrou, G.P. Gobbi, F. Barnaba, S Nickovic, C. Perez and J.M. Baldasano, 2007b, Assessment of dust forecast errors by using lidar measurements over Rome. Air pollution modelling and its applications XVIII. Chapter 1.5, Elsevier, ISSN:1474-8177/DOI:10.1016/S1474-8177(07)06015-9, pp. 44-54.

25. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, 1994, Experiments in weather prediction over the Mediterranean with the Penn State/NCAR Limited Area (ММ4) Model. WMO/TD-No.592, Reseach Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling, Rep. 19 pp. 5.10-5.11.

26. Krichak, S.O., M. Tsidulko, P. Alpert,1997a, Application of Parallel Computers in Analysis and Prediction of Hazardous Weather Conditions in the Eastern Mediterranean. Symposium on Regional Weather Prediction on Parallel Computer Environments, Abstracts, Athens, Greece. p. 28.

27. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, T.N. Krishnamurti, 1997b, Interaction of Topography and Tropospheric Flow - A Possible Generator for the Red Sea Trough? Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, v.63, No. 3-4, pp. 149-158.

28. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, T.N. Krishnamurti, 1997c, Red Sea Trough/Cyclone Development - Numerical Investigation. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, v.63, 3-4, pp. 159-170.

29. Krichak, S.O., Z. Levin, P. Alpert, 1997d, Numerical Simulation of Hazardous Conditions During the Nov, 2, 1994 Eastern Mediterranean Cyclone Development. INM/WMO Intern. Symp. on Cyclones and Hazardous Weather in the Mediterranean. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, pp. 675-681.

30. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, 1998a, Role of Large Scale Moist Dynamics in November 1-5, 1994 Hazardous Mediterranean Weather. J. Geoph. Res, v. 103, pp. 19,453-19,458.

31. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, 1998b, A Global/Regional modeling system for simulating the operational weather forecasts in Israel, Res. Activities In Atmos. And Oceanic Modeling, WMO WPRP, MO/TD-No 865, pp. 5.29-5.30.

32. Krichak, S.O., M. Tsidulko, 1998, Application of parallel processors in prediction of weather conditions for objective analysis data downscalling in the Mediterranean., Notize Dal Cineca, n. 31-32, pp. ii-iv.

33. Krichak, S.O., M. Tsidulko, P. Alpert, A. Papadopoulos, O. Kakaliagou, G. Kallos, 1998, Application of the Eta weather prediction system with the aerosol production/transport/deposition at the Tel Aviv University, 12 Annual Meeting of the Israeli association for aerosol research, p. 26.

34. Krichak, S.O., M. Tsidulko, P. Alpert, 1999a, Application of Eta model at Tel Aviv University for weather prediction over the Eastern Mediterranean, Res. Activities In Atmos. And Oceanic Modelling, WMO WPRP, MO/TD-No 942, pp. 5.27-5.28.

35. Krichak, S.O., M. Tsidulko, P. Alpert, A. Papadopoulos, O. Kakaliagou and G. Kallos, 1999b, Eta weather prediction system with the aerosol production/transport/deposition at ТАУ. Res. Activities in Atmosph and Oceanic Modelling, WMO WPRP, MO/TD- No 942, p. 5.29.

36. Krichak, S.O., Z. Levin, 2000, Mesoscale Simulation of Life Cycle of Cloud Microphysics During Hazardous Weather Conditions in the Southeastern Mediterranean Atmospheric Research, 53, pp. 63-89.

37. Krichak, S.O., Tsidulko, M, P. Alpert, 2000a, November 2, 1994 Severe Storms in the Southeastern Mediterranean, Atmospheric Research,53,45-62.

38. Krichak, S.O., M. Tsidulko, P. Alpert, 2000b, Monthly Synoptic Patterns Associated with Wet/Dry Eastern Mediterranean Conditions. Theor. and Appl. Climatol., 65, pp. 215-229.

39. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, 2002, A Fractional Approach to the Factor Separation Method. J. Atmosph. Sci., 59, pp. 2243-2252.

40. Krichak S.O., P. Kishcha, P. Alpert, 2002a, Decadal Trends of Main Eurasian Oscillations and the Mediterranean Precipitation, Teor. Appl. Climatol., 72, pp. 209-220.

41. Krichak, S. O., M. Tsidulko, P. Alpert, 2002b, A study of an INDOEX period with aerosol transport to the eastern Mediterranean area, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D21), 4582, doi:10.1029/2001JD001169.

42. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, K., G.A. Grell, 2002c: Impact of ММ5 model resolution and domain-size in regional climate simulations over E. Mediterranean, Conference on Detection and Modeling of Regional Climate Change, Trieste, Italy, (abstracts).

43. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, A. Shtivelman, 2003, First results of investigation of radiative effects of mineral dust in an atmospheric model with optimized dust source determination, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 10329, (abstracts).

44. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, M. Dayan, 2004, Role of atmospheric processes associated with hurricane Olga in December 2001 flash floods in Israel. J. Hydrometeorol., vol. 5, no. 6. pp. 1259-1270.

45. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, 2005a, Decadal trends in the East Atlantic/West Russia pattern and the Mediterranean precipitation, Int. J. Climatol, 25, pp. 183–192.

46. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, 2005b, Signatures of the NAO in the atmospheric circulation during wet winter months over the Mediterranean region, Teor. Appl. Climatol. 82(1-2), pp. 27-39.

47. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, M. Dayan, 2005, Tel Aviv University, Israel, Adaptation of the ММ5 and RegCM3 for regional climate modeling over the eastern Mediterranean region, EGU Assembly, Vienna, Austria, (abstracts).

48. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, M. Dayan, 2006, An evaluation of the role of hurricane Olga (2001) in an extreme rainy event in Israel using dynamic tropopause maps, Meteorol. Atmosph. Phys. DOI 10.1007/s00703-006-0230-7.

49. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, M. Dayan, 2007a, A southeastern Mediterranean PV streamer and its role in December 2001 case with torrential rains in Israel Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 7, pp. 1–12. www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/7/1/2007/

50. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, K. Bassat, P. Kunin, 2007b, The surface climatology of the eastern Mediterranean region obtained in a three-member ensemble climate change simulation experiment, Advances in Geosciences Adv. Geosci., 12, pp. 67–80, 2007, www.adv-geosci.net/12/67/2007/

51. Krichak, S.O., 2008, Towards optimized weather prediction over the south-eastern Europe-eastern Mediterranean region, Fall Colloquium on the Physics of Weather and Climate: Regional Weather Predictability and Modelling, International Centre for theoretical Physics, ICTP, 29 September - 10 October, 60 p.

52. Krichak, S.O. P. Alpert, P. Kunin, 2008, Transferability evaluation of the ICTP RegCM3 in simulations of European climate, EGU2008-A-04693, EGU, Vienna, Austria, (abstracts).

53. Krichak, SO, P. Alpert, P. Kunin, 2009, Projections of Climate Change over Non-boreal East Europe During First Half of Twenty-First Century According to Results of a Transient RCM Experiment, pp. 55-62, in Regional Aspects of Climate-Terrestrial-Hydrologic Interactions in Non-boreal Eastern Europe, Springer, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Series C: Environmental Security, 276 p., (Edited by P. Ya. Groisman and S.V. Ivanov), http://www.springerlink.com/content/ru7360p77q43062w/

54. Krichak, S.O., P. Alpert, P Kunin, 2010, Numerical Simulation of Seasonal Distribution of precipitation over the Eastern Mediterranean with a RCM. Climate Dynamics, 34, pp. 47-59, DOI 10.1007/s00382-009-0649-x

55. Krichak, S.O., J.S. Breitgand, R. Samuels, P. Alpert, 2011, A double-resolution transient RCM climate change simulation experiment for the Eastern Mediterranean region Theor. and Appl. Climatol., V. 103, Issue 1, pp. 167- 205. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-010-0279-6.

56. Krichak, S.O., Breitgand J.S., Feldstein S.B., 2012, A Conceptual Model for Identification of the Active Red Sea Trough Synoptic Events over Southeastern Mediterranean, J. Appl. Meteorol and Climatol. Climatol 5, pp. 962-971, (doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-11-0223.1).

57. Levin, Z., S.O. Krichak, T. Reisin, 1997, Numerical Simulations of dispersal of inert seeding material in Israel Using a Three Dimensional Mesoscale Model (RAMS). J. of Appl Meteorol., v.36, No.5, pp. 474-484.

58. Lionello, P, J. Bhend, A. Buzzi, P.M. Della-Marta, S.O. Krichak, A. Jansa, P. Maheras, A. Sanna, I.F. Trigo, R. Trigo, 2006, Cyclones in the Mediterranean Region: Climatology and Effects on the Environment, pp. 325-372. Mediterranean Climate Variability, 4, Amsterdam, Elsevier, Edited By P. Lionello, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli and R. Boscolo.

59. Samuels, R., A. Rimmer, S. Krichak, P. Alpert, 2009, Climate Change impacts on the Jordan River, Israel: Downscaling application from a Regional Climate Model, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-913-1, EGU General Assembly.

60. Samuels R., A. Rimmer, A. Hartmann, S. Krichak, P. Alpert, 2010, Climate Change impacts on Jordan River flow: Downscaling application from a Regional Climate Model, Journ. of Hydrometeorol., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 860-879.

61. Samuels R., G. Smiatek, S. Krichak, H. Kunstmann, P. Alpert, 2011, Extreme Value Indicators in highly resolved Climate Change Simulations for the Jordan River Area, J. Geoph. Res., 116, D24123, 9 PP., doi:10.1029/2011JD016322.

62. Trigo, R. E. Xoplaki, E. Zorita, J. Luterbacher, S. O. Krichak, P. Alpert, J. Jacobeit, J. Saenz, J. Fernandez, F. Gonzalez-Rouco, R. Garcia-Herrera, X. Rodo, M. Brunetti, T. Nanni, M. Maugeri, M. Turkes , L. Gimeno, P. Ribera, M. Brunet, I. F. Trigo, M. Crepon, and A. Mariotti, 2006, Relations between Variability in the Mediterranean Region and Mid-latitude Variability, pp. 179-226 Mediterranean Climate Variability, 4 , Amsterdam, Elsevier, Edited By P. Lionello, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli and R. Boscolo.

63. Tsidulko, M., S. O. Krichak, P. Alpert, O. Kakaliagou, G. Kallos, A. Papadopoulos, 2002, Numerical study of a very intensive eastern Mediterranean dust storm, 13–16 March 1998, J. Geophys. Res., 107(D21), 4581, doi:10.1029/2001JD001168.