- Формирование Tyr-содержащих хромофоров красных FP, PAFP и FT происходит через стадию образования синего интермедиата, хромофор которого состоит из имидазольного кольца и N-ацилиминовой группы, не объединенных в систему сопряженных π-связей с фенольным кольцом тирозина 64.
- Автокаталитическая трансформация синего интермедиата в красный хромофор может быть замедлена, полностью остановлена или преобразована в фотоиндуцированный процесс методом сайт-направленного мутагенеза. Тем самым был показан путь целенаправленного превращения мономерных FP в PAFP и FT.
- Предложен рациональный молекулярный подход, направленный на получение вариантов FP с большим стоксовым сдвигом флуоресценции посредством формирования в них цепей водородных связей для переноса протона в возбуждённом состоянии хромофора.
- Созданные в работе FP, PAFP и FT являются оптимизированными маркерами для стандартных методов флуоресцентной микроскопии, микроскопии сверхвысокого разрешения и для флуоресцентной визуализации процессов в тканях животных.
- Полученные в работе FP, PAFP и FT с улучшенными спектральными, биохимическими и фотохимическими свойствами позволяют решать ряд новых биологических задач на живых клетках и тканях млекопитающих.
1.Петкевич К.Д., Ефременко Е.Н., Верхуша В.В. и Варфоломеев С.Д. Красные флуоресцентные белки и их свойства. Успехи химии 2010, 79: 273-290.
2.Piatkevich K.D. and Verkhusha V.V. Advances in engineering of fluorescent proteins and photoactivatable proteins with red emission. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 2010, 14: 23-29.
3.Stepanenko O.V., Verkhusha V.V., Kuznetsova I.M., Uversky V.N. and Turoverov К.К. Fluorescent proteins as biomarkers and biosensors: throwing color lights on molecular and cellular processes. Curr. Protein Pept. Sci. 2008, 9: 338-369.
4.Степаненко О.В., Верхуша В.В., Кузнецова И.М. и Туроверов К.К. Флуоресцентные белки: физико-химические свойства и использование в клеточной биологии. Цитология 2007, 49: 395-420.
5.Lukyanov K.A., Chudakov D.M., Lukyanov S. and Verkhusha V.V. Photoactivatable fluorescent proteins. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 2005, 6: 885-891.
6.Verkhusha V.V. and Lukyanov K.A. The molecular properties and applications of Anthozoa fluorescent proteins and chromoproteins. Nat. Biotechnol. 2004, 22: 289-296.
Главы в книгах:
7.Lyagin I., Gudkov D., Verkhusha V. and Efremenko E. Genetic construct encoding the biosynthesis of N-His6-e-pHluorins-OPH in E.coli cells. In book: Chemical and Biochemical Physics, Kinetics and Thermodynamics: New Perspectives. (Scott P.E., Zaikov G.E., and Kablov V.F., Eds.), 2008, 83-90. Nova Science Publishers, NY, ISBN 1-60456-024-X.
8.Verkhusha V.V., Matz M.V., Sakurai T. and Lukyanov K.A. GFP-like fluorescent proteins and chromoproteins of the class Anthozoa. In book: Protein Structures: Kaleidoscope of Structural Properties and Functions. (Uversky V.N., Ed.). 2003, 405-439. Research Signpost Publishers, ISBN 81-7736-1775.
9.Piatkevich K.D., Malashkevich V.N., Almo S.C. and Verkhusha V.V. Engineering ESPT pathways based on structural analysis of LSSmKate red fluorescent proteins with large Stokes shift. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132: 10762-10770.
10.Morozova K.S., Piatkevich K.D., Gould T.G., Zhang J., Bewersdorf J. and Verkhusha V.V. Far-red fluorescent protein excitable with red lasers for flow cytometry and super-resolution STED nanoscopy. Biophys. J. 2010, 99: L13-L15.
11.Subach F.V., Zhang L., Gadella T.W.J., Gurskaya N.G., Lukyanov K.A. and Verkhusha V.V. Red fluorescent protein with reversibly photoswitchable absorbance for photochromic FRET. Chem. Biol. 2010, 17: 745-755.
12.Subach F.M., Patterson G.H., Renz M., Lippincott-Schwartz J. and Verkhusha V.V. Bright monomeric photoactivatable red fluorescent protein for two-color super-resolution sptPALM of live cells. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132: 6481-6491.
13.Subach O.M., Malashkevich V.N., Zencheck W.D., Morozova K.S., Piatkevich K.D., Almo S.C. and Verkhusha V.V. Structural characterization of acylimine-containing blue and red chromophores in mTagBFP and TagRFP fluorescent proteins. Chem. Biol. 2010, 17: 333-341.
14.Pletnev S., Subach F.V., Dauter Z., Wlodawer A. and Verkhusha V.V. Understanding blue-to-red conversion in monomeric fluorescent timers and hydrolytic degradation of their chromophores. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132: 2243-2253.
15.Piatkevich K.D., Hulit J., Subach O.M., Wu B., Abdulla A., Segall J.E. and Verkhusha V.V. Monomeric red fluorescent proteins with a large Stokes shift. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2010, 107: 5369-5374.
16.Subach F.V., Malashkevich V.N., Zencheck W.D., Xiao H., Filonov G.S., Almo S.C. and Verkhusha V.V. Photoactivation mechanism of PAmCherry based on crystal structures of the protein in the dark and fluorescent states. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2009, 106: 21097-21102.
17.Pletnev S., Morozova K.S., Verkhusha V.V. and Dauter Z. Rotational order-disorder structure of fluorescent protein FP480. Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 2009, 65: 906-912.
18.He J., Vora M., Haney R.M., Filonov G.S., Musselman C.A., Burd C.G., Kutateladze A.G., Verkhusha V.V., Stahelin R.V. and Kutateladze T.G. Membrane insertion of the FYVE domain is modulated by pH. Proteins 2009, 76: 852-860.
19.Bogdanov A., Mishin A., Yampolsky I., Belousov V., Chudakov D., Subach F., Verkhusha V.V., Lukyanov S. and Lukyanov K.A. Green fluorescent proteins are light-induced electron donors. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2009, 5: 459-461.
20.Shcherbo D., Murphy C.S., Chepurnykh T.V., Shcheglov A.S., Verkhusha V.V., Pletnev V.Z., Hazelwood K.L., Lukyanov S., Davidson M.W. and Chudakov D.M. Far-red fluorescent tags for protein imaging in living tissues. Biochem. J. 2009, 418: 567-574.
21.Telford W.G., Subach F.V. and Verkhusha V.V. Super-continuum white light lasers for flow cytometry. Cytometry 2009, 75A: 450-459.
22.Gould T.J., Verkhusha V.V. and Hess S.T. Imaging biological structures with fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy. Nat. Protocols 2009, 4: 291-308.
23.Subach F.V., Patterson G.H., Manley S., Gillette J.M., Lippincott-Schwartz J. and Verkhusha V.V. Photoactivatable mCherry for high-resolution two-color fluorescence microscopy. Nat. Methods 2009, 6: 153-159.
24.Subach F.V., Subach O.M., Gundorov I.S., Morozova K.S., Piatkevich K.D., Cuervo A.M. and Verkhusha V.V. Monomeric fluorescent timers that change color from blue to red report on cellular trafficking. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2009, 5: 118-126.
25.Gould T.J., Gunewardene M.S., Gudheti M.V., Verkhusha V.V., Yin S.R., Gosse J.A. and Hess S.T. Nanoscale imaging of molecular positions and anisotropies. Nat. Methods 2008, 5: 1027-1030.
26.Kedrin D., Gligorijevic B., Wyckoff J., Verkhusha V.V., Condeelis J., Segall J.E. and van Rheenen J. Intravital imaging of metastatic behavior through a mammary imaging window. Nat. Methods 2008, 5: 1019-1021.
27.Subach O.M., Gundorov I.S., Yoshimura M., Subach F.V., Zhang J., Grьenwald G., Souslova E.A., Chudakov D.M. and Verkhusha V.V. Conversion of red fluorescent protein into a bright blue probe. Chem. Biol. 2008, 15: 1116-1124.
28.Stepanenko O.V., Verkhusha V.V., Shavlovsky M.M., Kuznetsova I.M., Uversky V.N. and Turoverov K.K. Understanding the role of Arg96 in structure and stability of green fluorescent protein. Proteins 2008, 73: 539-551.
29.Pena P.V., Hom R.A., Hung T., Lin H., Kuo A.J., Wong R.P.C., Subach O.M., Champagne K.S., Zhao R., Verkhusha V.V., Li G., Gozani O. and Kutateladze T.G. Histone H3K4me3 binding is required for the DNA repair and apoptotic activities of ING1 tumor suppressor. J. Mol. Biol. 2008, 380: 303-312.
30.Kapoor V., Karpov V., Linton C., Subach F.V., Verkhusha V.V. and Telford W.G. Solid state yellow and orange lasers for flow cytometry. Cytometry 2008, 73A: 570-577.
31.Mishin A.S., Subach F.V., Yampolsky I.V., King W., Lukyanov K.A. and Verkhusha V.V. The first mutant of the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein that forms a red chromophore. Biochemistry 2008; 47: 4666-4673.
32.Hom R.A, Vora M., Regner M., Subach O.M., Cho W., Verkhusha V.V., Stahelin R.V. and Kutateladze T.G. pH-dependent binding of the epsin ENTH domain and the AP180 ANTH domain to PI(4,5)P2-containing bilayers. J. Mol. Biol. 2007, 373: 412-423.
33.Kapoor V., Subach F.V., Kozlov V.G., Grudinin A., Verkhusha V.V. and Telford W.G. New lasers for flow cytometry: filling the gaps. Nat. Methods 2007, 4: 678-679.
34.Невзглядова О.В., Артемов А.В., Зенин В.В., Верхуша В.В., Шавловский М.М., Поварова О.И., Степаненко О.В., Кузнецова И.М. и Туроверов К.К. Экспрессия рекомбинантного актина 5С из дрозофилы в метилотрофных дрожжах Pichia pastoris. Цитология 2007, 49: 300-310.
35.Gurskaya N.G., Verkhusha V.V., Shcheglov A.S., Staroverov D.B., Chepurnykh T.V., Fradkov A.F., Lukyanov S. and Lukyanov K.A. Engineering of a monomeric green-to-red photoactivatable fluorescent protein induced by blue light. Nat. Biotechnol. 2006, 24: 461-465.
36.Lee S.A., Eyeson R., Cheever M.L., Geng J., Verkhusha V.V., Burd C., Overduin M. and Kutateladze T.G. Targeting of the FYVE domain to endosomal membranes is regulated by a histidine switch. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2005, 102: 13052-13057.
37.Verkhusha V.V. and Sorkin A. Conversion of the monomeric red fluorescent protein into a photoactivatable probe. Chem. Biol. 2005, 12: 279-285.
38.Stepanenko O.V., Verkhusha V.V., Kazakov V.I., Shavlovsky M.M., Kuznetsova I.M., Uversky V.N. and Turoverov K.K. Comparative studies on the structure and stability of fluorescent proteins EGFP, zFP506, mRFP1, dimer2 and DsRed. Biochemistry 2004, 43: 14913-14923.
39.Galperin E., Verkhusha V.V. and Sorkin A. Three-chromophore FRET microscopy to analyze multiprotein interactions in living cells. Nat. Methods 2004, 1: 209-217.
40.Chudakov D.M., Verkhusha V.V., Staroverov D.B., Lukyanov S. and Lukyanov K.A. Photoswitchable fluorescent label for protein tracking. Nat. Biotechnol. 2004, 22: 1435-1439.
41.Verkhusha V.V., Chudakov D.M., Gurskaya N.G., Lukyanov S. and Lukyanov K.A. Common pathway for the red chromophore formation in the fluorescent proteins and chromoproteins. Chem. Biol. 2004, 11: 845-854.
42.Verkhusha V.V., Pozhitkov A.E., Smirnov S.A., Borst J.W., van Hoek A., Klyachko N.L., Levashov A.V. and Visser A.J. Effect of high pressure and reversed micelles on the fluorescent proteins. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2003, 1622: 192-195.
43.Verkhusha V.V., Kuznetsova I.M., Stepanenko O.V., Zaraisky A.G., Shavlovsky M.M., Turoverov K.K. and Uversky V.N. High stability of Discosoma DsRed as compared to Aequorea EGFP. Biochemistry 2003, 42: 7879-7884.
44.Bulina M.E., Verkhusha V.V., Staroverov D.B., Chudakov D.M. and Lukyanov K.A. Heterooligomeric tagging diminishes non-specific aggregation of target proteins fused with Anthozoa fluorescent proteins. Biochem. J. 2003, 371: 109-114.
45.Verkhusha V.V., Shavlovsky M.M., Nevzglyadova O.V., Gaivoronsky A.A., Artemov A.V., Stepanenko O.V., Kuznetsova I.M. and Turoverov K.K. Expression of recombinant GFP-actin fusion protein in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. FEMS Yeast Res. 2003, 3: 105-111.
46.Fradkov A.F., Verkhusha V.V., Staroverov D.B., Bulina M.E., Yanushevich Y.G., Martynov V.I., Lukyanov S. and Lukyanov K.A. Far-red fluorescent tag for protein labelling. Biochem. J. 2002, 368: 17-21.
47.Верхуша В.В., Аковбян Н.А., Ефременко Е.Н., Варфоломеев С.Д. и Вржещ П.В. Кинетический анализ созревания и денатурации красного флуоресцентного белка DsRed. Биохимия 2001, 66: 1659-1670.
48.Verkhusha V.V., Otsuna H., Awasaki T., Oda H., Tsukita S. and Ito K. An enhanced mutant of red fluorescent protein DsRed for double labeling and developmental timer of neural fiber bundle formation. J. Biol. Chem. 2001, 276: 29621-29624.
49.Vrzheshch P.V., Abovikyan N.A., Varfolomeyev S.D. and Verkhusha V.V. Denaturation and partial renaturation of a tightly tetramerized DsRed protein under mildly acidic conditions. FEBS Letters 2000, 487: 203-208.
50.Варфоломеев С.Д., Ефременко Е.Н., Верхуша В.В. и Вржещ П.В. Синтетические аналоги аминокислот в клетках и белках. Вестн. Моск. Ун-та 2000, 41: 352-354.
51.Verkhusha V.V., Tsukita S. and Oda H. Analysis of cytoskeleton dynamics and cell migration in Drosophila ovaries using GFP-actin and E-cadherin-GFP fusion molecules. Proc. SPIE 1999, 3604: 130-139.
52.Verkhusha V.V., Tsukita S. and Oda H. Actin dynamics in lamellipodia of migrating border cells in the Drosophila ovaries revealed by a GFP-actin fusion protein. FEBS Letters 1999, 445: 395-401.