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Научное направлениеЭкономические науки
РегионРоссия / Ростовская область
Dr. Andrey Yukhanaev works at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University. His current role is a senior lecturer in Strategic Management, International Business and Economics. He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Northumbria university and PhD from Russian Academy of State Service. Dr. Yukhanaev is an active researcher and his main academic interests are in the areas of international business strategies in emerging economies, institutional economics, corporate governance, transnational corporations and international development.
Научные публикации
Refereed Journal Articles:
Shebalkov, M., Sharma, S. and Yukhanaev, A. (2014) “Evaluating Banks Performance Using Key Financial Indicators – A Quantitative Modelling of Russian Banks”, The Journal of Developing Areas (ABS 2*)
Yukhanaev, A., Sharma, S. Nevidimova, A. (2014) “SUBNATIONAL DETERMINANTS OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION”, Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, Vol. 1, No 2, pp. 1-9
Demirbas, D. and Yukhanaev, A. (2011) ‘Independence board of directors, employee relation and harmonization of corporate governance, empirical evidence from Russian listed companies’, Employee Relations (ABS 2*), 33 (4), pp. 444-471
Yukhanaev, A. (2007) “The influence of MNCs on dynamics and quality of economic development of the state in the globalisation process”, Terra Economicus, 5(2) part 3, 354-357
Refereed Books/Chapters in Books (include publishing house):
Demirbas, D., Yukhanaev, A. and Stepanov, R. (2012) Modernisation Reforms In Russian Corporate Governance and The Strategic Importance of Russian Board of Directors, in "Handbook on International Business: Comparative Perspectives", Demirbag, M. & Wood, G. T. (Eds), Edward Elgar: UK
Yukhanaev, A., Sharma, S., Borodin, A. (2014) Role of institutions in the Russian attractiveness for business and investments, in “Global Business Transcendence: International Perspectives Across Developed and Emerging Economies”, Arora, A. & McIntyre, J. (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan: USA.
Yukhanaev, A. and Sharma, S. (2013) ‘Uncertainty’ Wiley Encyclopaedia of Management 3rd edition.
Yukhanaev, A., Nguyen, T., Demirbas, D., Galvin, P. (2014) International Integration and Corporate Governance in Russia, in "Handbook of Research on Global Business Opportunities", Christiansen, B. (Eds), IGI Global: USA
Le, N., Li, X., Yukhanaev, A. (2014) Locational Determinants of Foreign Direct Investments in the Vietnamese Economy, in "Handbook of Research on Global Business Opportunities", Christiansen, B. (Eds), IGI Global: USA
Refereed Conference Papers:
Yukhanaev A., Baranchenko Y. and Anisimova, A. (2014) Russia for business – invest or not invest? Proceedings of the 41st Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland) Conference. The York Management School, University of York, 10-12 April 2014.
Baranchenko Y., Yukhanaev A. and Patoilo, P (2014) A Case Study of Inward Erasmus Student Mobility in Ukraine, Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Cass Business School at the City University London, UK, 16-17 June 2014.
Baranchenko Y., Yukhanaev A. (July 2013) Barriers to Using Qualitative Methods in Business and Management Research in Ukraine, 12th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies University of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal, 4-5 July 2013
Fallon G., Yukhanaev A., Roberts J. (September 2012) "Exploring the impact of institutional and regulatory conditions on the inward investment climate and inbound FDI in Putin´s Russia", 12th European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES) Conference, University of the West of Scotland, 6-8 September.
A. Yukhanaev, J. Roberts & G. Fallon (2012) ‘Russian institutional development and investment climate: constraints and opportunities’ 2012 Academy of International Business Conference, Southeast USA. 31st October 2012.
A. Yukhanaev, D. Demirbas, T. Nguyen, P. Galvin “International Integration and Corporate Governance in Russia: Attitudinal Trends towards Congruence or Decoupling?” 4th Cambridge International Regulation and Governance Conference: MORE REGULATION OR BETTER STEWARDSHIP? OPTIMISING THE MEANS AND ENDS OF GOOD GOVERNANCE, to be held at Queens College, University of Cambridge, 06 September 2012.
Shebalkov, M., Sharma, S. & Yukhanaev, A. (2012) Evaluating Banks Performance Using Key Financial Indicators- Mathematical Modelling of Russian Banks, Electronic Business Innovations- The Management of Internet Projects Conference, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, March 20th-22nd 2012.
Yukhanaev, A., and Roberts, J. (2011, April 14-16) “Russian Outbound Investments – Towards a New Perspective?” Proceedings of the 38th Academy of International Business AIB-UKI (UK & Ireland Chapter) Conference, University of Edinburgh Business School, ISBN 978-0-9568765-0-8
Demirbas, D. and Yukhanaev, A. 2010. ‘The Role and the Function of Board of Directors in Corporate Governance in Russia: Empirical Evidence from Russian Listed Companies’. This paper was prepared by Demirbas, D. and Yukhanaev, A. and presented at 2010 Oxford Business and Economics Conference 26-28 June 2010, Oxford, UK
Contributions to Press Articles:
Business Money magazine “Questions raised on implementation of corporate governance in Russia” (2010)
Critical Analysis and Assessment of the Role and Business Activities of Foreign MNCs in the Russian Economy, Rostov-on-Don: SKAGS University Press (2007)
Transnationalisation of Economy as an Instrument of Increasing Competitiveness of the Russian Federation in the Globalisation Process, Author´s abstract of the PhD thesis. Rostov-on-Don: SKAGS University Press (2007)