Ученая степеньDoctor of Economic Sciences
Ученое званиеAssistant professor
Научное направлениеЭкономические науки
РегионРоссия / Республика Мордовия
•Main research areas: Finance, money circulation and credit
•Academic title, academic degree and official position: Member of the "European Academy of Natural History", Member-correspondent of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Finance and credit
•Current place of work and occupation: Ogarev Mordovia State University; finance, financial resources, value relationships and innovation of economic actors
•Other public, academic activities: reviewer for "American Journal of Economics", member of the editorial Board of the journal "Regional economy and management: electronic scientific journal", the lead author of a column on the website Financig: http://www.finansy.ru/eco/levchaev/.
In 2007, the scientist explained categoriality the concept of "financial resources", formulated a systemic approach to symbolic interpretations of the value of nature of financial resources, laid the foundations of responsive design financial activity of economic entities, and developed a number of methods financial "Management of financial resources". His research anticipated the emergence of a number of research fields of Finance of managing subjects of the passport of the specialty 08.00.10 – "Finance, money circulation and credit" of the Higher Attestation Commission (2010), namely: regularities of functioning of the financial resources of business entities; providing a valuation gain of financial resources; financial resources of economic entities, etc. Is a member of the dissertation Council for defending candidate and doctoral dissertations on the specialty "Finance, monetary circulation and credit", and General Assembly mission of the Department of social Sciences at the Mordovian state University.
Levchaev P. is the author and co-author and editor of more than 250 papers, including 16 monographs published in Russia and abroad, numerous articles in the leading Russian scientific journals, 3 books, 10 study guides. The results of the national competition of the Foundation for the development of national education among the teachers of higher educational institutions of his book has been repeatedly recognized as the best.
Presented at the Paris International book fair (20-23 March 2015, Paris, France) Handbook edited by Levchaev P. "Management of financial resources of business entities" was awarded the Gold medal of the Salon, and annotate this publication was included in the catalogue "PARIS BOOK FAIR (2015)".
The H-index of a scientist 6.
Научные публикации
Scientific publications:
1. Levchaev P.A. Particular qualities of the financial information structure of the presentday economy. // International journal of applied and fundamental research – 2013 - № 1
2. Levchaev P.A. The problem of energy efficiency in the innovation economy in Russia. // «European Journal Of Natural History», 2015. - №2.
3. Levchaev P.A. Ensuring value growth of financial resources of economic actors in the innovation economy: theory and research methodology. - Moscow: Publishing house "FINANCE and CREDIT" 2008
4. Levchaev P.A. The Economics of a new technological order. Financial aspects of the innovative vector of development of economy of the region. - Germany, "Palmarium Academic Publishing", 2015.
5. Levchaev P.A. Innovative and energy-efficient development of the Russian economy: problems and prospects. // P. A. Levchaev, I. N. Krutova // - Germany, "Palmarium Academic Publishing", 2012.
6. Levchaev P.A. Finance.- Saransk, 2010
7. Levchaev P.A. Financial resources and monetary relations of the enterprises of the national economy. - Saransk, 2004
8. Levchaev P.A. Actual problems of the Russian economy to innovative development period. - Saransk, 2009
9. Levchaev P.A. Optimization of the system of financial support for the implementation of energy efficiency programs economic actors. // Finance and credit - 4(532), 2013
10. Levchaev P.A. Financial support targeted programs of energy saving and the formation of an energy-efficient economy of regions of Russia. // Finance and credit - 29(557), 2013
11. Levchaev P.A. Methodology of management of financial resources as a science about how to manage them effectively. // Finance and credit - 13(493), 2012
12. Levchaev P.A. The prospects for the innovation and modernization model of development of economy of Russia. // Finance and credit - 23(455), 2011
13. Levchaev P.A. To the question of modern considering the category of Finance. // Finance and credit - 26(458), 2011
14. Levchaev P.A. The experience of regional innovation cluster. // Regional economy and management: electronic scientific journal - №1(37), 2014
15. Levchaev P.A. The development of the information structure of the regional economy as a relevant requirement for the effective development of economic systems in modern conditions. // Regional economy and management: electronic scientific journal - №4(40), 2014.