Ученая степеньPh.D.
Ученое званиеHead of Scientific Laboratory
Научное направлениеСельскохозяйственные науки
РегионРоссия / Ростовская область
Dr. Keswani is a currently serving as a Group Leader in the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology, Southern Federal University, Rostov, Russia (https://sfedu.ru/person/kesvani) and was recently awarded the prestigious grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation project for the development of the Young Scientist Laboratory (no. LabNOTs-21-01AB, FENW-2021-0014). He supervises a huge group of 20 researchers (https://sfedu.ru/www/stat_pages22.show?p=ELs/sotr/D&x=ELS/10990)
For his research contributions Dr. Keswani received following accolades:
i.Best Ph.D. Thesis Award (2015) by Uttar Pradesh Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lucknow, India
ii.Elected as Fellow of The Linnean Society, London, UK (2016)
iii.Honorary Life Member of The Asian PGPR Society, USA (2016)
iv.Publons’ Top Peer Review Award in Agricultural Sciences (2018), Clarivate Analytics
v.Outstanding Editor-2019: Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, Taylor and Francis.
vi.Springer-Society Award (2020) for Excellent contribution to the journal “Environmental Sustainability”.
vii.Recognition Award by the Plant Protection Research Institute, VietNam (2021)
Bibliometric score of Dr. Keswani reached 2281 citations, h-index = 25 and i10 index = 44
Edited 10 volumes for leading publishing houses including Springer-Nature, Singapore, CRC Press, USA, Elsevier, USA and CABI, UK.
Editorial Board Member of 12 highly reputed agricultural microbiology journals and peer reviewer of 55 journals (https://publons.com/researcher/1300476/chetan-keswani/peer-review/)
Научные публикации
1.Tripathi, R., Tewari, R., Singh, K.P., Keswani, C., Minkina, T., Srivastava, A.K., De Corato, U., Sansinenea, E. (2022). Plant Mineral Nutrition and Disease Resistance: A Significant Linkage for Sustainable Crop Protection, Frontiers in Plant Science DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.883970
2.Salazar, B., Ortiz, A., Keswani, C., Minkina, T., Mandzhieva, S., Pratap Singh, S., Rekadwad, B., Borriss, R., Jain, A., Singh, H.B. and Sansinenea, E. (2022). Bacillus spp. as Bio-factories for Antifungal Secondary Metabolites: Innovation Beyond Whole Organism Formulations. Microbial Ecology 1-24. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-022-02044-2
3.Dehghanian, Z., Habibi, K., Dehghanian, M., Aliyar, S., Lajayer, B.A., Astatkie, T., Minkina, T. and Keswani, C.* (2022). Reinforcing the bulwark: unravelling the efficient applications of plant phenolics and tannins against environmental stresses. Heliyon, 8(3): e09094. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e09094
4.Keswani, C., Dilnashin, H., Birla, H., Roy, P., Tyagi, R.K., Singh, D., Rajput, V.D., Minkina, T. and Singh, S.P. (2022). Global footprints of organochlorine pesticides: a pan-global survey. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 44(1):149-177. DOI: 10.1007/s10653-021-00946-7
5.Kumar, S., Chandra, R., Keswani, C.*, Minkina, T., Mandzhieva, S., Voloshina, M. and Meena, M. (2022). Trichoderma viride—Mediated Modulation of Oxidative Stress Network in Potato Challenged with Alternaria solani. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. DOI: 10.1007/s00344-022-10669-3
6.Kumar, S., Chandra, R., Behera, L., Keswani, C.* and Sansinenea, E., (2022). Dual Trichoderma consortium mediated elevation of systemic defense response against early blight in potato. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 162(3): 681-696. DOI: 10.1007/s10658-021-02431-4
7.Minnikova, T., Mokrikov, G., Kazeev, K., Medvedeva, A., Biryukova, O., Keswani, C., Minkina, T., Sushkova, S., Elgendy, H., Kolesnikov, S. (2022) Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Response to Tillage Practices in the Steppe Zone of Southern Russia. Processes, 10, 244. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr10020244
8.Liem, N.V., Hoat, T.X., Man, L.Q., Hung, N.M., Huy, N.Q., Hang, L.T., Quan, M.V., Linh, D.T.P., Nguyen, D.T., Oanh, L.T.K. Xuyen, L.T., Hung, N.V., Uke, A., Hien, P.H., Ha, T.D., Keswani, C. and Phan, T.T.H. (2022). Molecular identification of Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus causing mosaic disease of cassava in Nghe An province, Vietnam. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. DOI: 10.1080/03235408.2022.2091355
9.Ganguly, R., Sarkar, A., Acharya, K., Keswani, C., Minkina, T., Mandzhieva, S., Sushkova, S. and Chakraborty, N. (2022). The Role of NO in the Amelioration of Heavy Metal Stress in Plants by Individual Application or in Combination with Phytohormones, Especially Auxin. Sustainability, 14(14): 8400. DOI: 10.3390/su14148400
10.Keswani, C., Singh, S.P., García‐Estrada, C., Mezaache‐Aichour, S., Glare, T.R., Borriss, R., Rajput, V.D., Minkina, T.M., Ortiz, A. and Sansinenea, E. (2021) Biosynthesis and beneficial effects of microbial gibberellins on crops for sustainable agriculture. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 1–19. DOI: 10.1111/jam.15348.
11.Tripathi, R., Keswani, C*., and Tewari, R. (2021). Trichoderma koningii enhances tolerance against thermal stress by regulating ROS metabolism in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants. Journal of Plant Interactions, 16(1): 116-125. DOI: 10.1080/17429145.2021.1908634
12.Singh, S.P., Keswani, C.*, Singh, S.P., Sansinenea, E. and Hoat, T.X. (2021). Trichoderma spp. mediated induction of systemic defense response in brinjal against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Current Research in Microbial Sciences, 2: 100051. DOI: 10.1016/j.crmicr.2021.100051
13.Rajput, V.D., Minkina, T., Kumari, A., Singh, V.K., Verma, K.K., Mandzhieva, S., Sushkova, S., Srivastava, S. and Keswani, C. (2021). Coping with the challenges of abiotic stress in plants: New dimensions in the field application of nanoparticles. Plants, 10(6), p.1221. DOI: 10.3390/plants10061221
14.Mazarji, M., Bayero, M.T., Minkina, T., Sushkova, S., Mandzhieva, S., Tereshchenko, A., Timofeeva, A., Bauer, T., Burachevskaya, M., Kızılkaya, R. and Gülser, C. and Keswani, C.* (2021). Realizing united nations sustainable development goals for greener remediation of heavy metals-contaminated soils by biochar: Emerging trends and future directions. Sustainability, 13(24), p.13825. DOI: 10.3390/su132413825
15.Dilnashin, H., Birla, H., Rajput, V.D., Keswani, C.*, Singh, S.P., Minkina, T.M. and Mandzhieva, S.S. (2021). Economic Shock and Agri-Sector: Post-COVID-19 Scenario in India. Circular Economy and Sustainability, 1: 1479–1490. DOI: 10.1007/s43615-021-00134-w
16.Keswani, C., Singh, S.P., Cueto, L., García-Estrada, C., Mezaache-Aichour, S., Glare, T.R., Borriss, R., Singh, S.P., Blázquez, M.A. and Sansinenea, E. (2020). Auxins of microbial origin and their use in agriculture. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 104: 8549–8565 . DOI: 10.1007/s00253-020-10890-8
17.Keswani, C., Singh, H.B., García-Estrada, C., Caradus, J., He, Y.W., Mezaache-Aichour, S., Glare, T.R., Borriss, R. and Sansinenea, E. (2020) Antimicrobial secondary metabolites from agriculturally important bacteria as next-generation pesticides. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 104:1013–1034. DOI:10.1007/s00253-019-10300-8
18.Chitara MK, Keswani C*, Varnava KG, Birla H, Dilnashin H, Singh SP, Sarojini V, Sperry J and Singh HB (2020). Impact of the Alkaloid Colletotrichumine A on the Pathogenicity of Colletotrichum capsici in Capsicum annum L. Rhizosphere, 16: 100247. DOI: 10.1016/j.rhisph.2020.100247
19.Quan MV, Liem NV, Man LQ, Huy NQ, Vi LQ, Cuong HV, Nguyen DT, Thao HTB, Hung NV, Huy ND, Weintraub PG, Keswani C, Hang LT, Hung NM and Hoat TX (2020). A new phytoplasma strain associated with the sugarcane white leaf disease in Vietnam. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 10(1), 60-68 doi:10.5958/2249-4677.2020.00007.9
20.Keswani, C., Birla, H. and Dilnashin, H. (2020). The place beyond the pines: bioeconomy delivering sustainable green growth A Book Review on The Bioeconomy: Delivering Sustainable Green Growth by Davide Viaggi, CABI, UK, 2018, 224 pp., ISBN: 9781786392756. Environment, Development and Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-020-00643-y
21.Keswani, C., Prakash, O., Bharti, N., Vílchez, J.I., Sansinenea, E., Lally, R.D., Borriss, R., Singh, S.P., Gupta, V.K., Fraceto, L.F. and de Lima, R. (2019) Re-addressing the biosafety issues of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. Science of the Total Environment 690:841-852. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.046
22.Keswani, C., Singh, H.B., Vinale, F., Hermosa, R., García-Estrada, C., Caradus, J., He, Y-W, Mezaache-Aichour, S., Glare, T.R., Borriss, R., Sansinenea, E., (2019) Antimicrobial Secondary Metabolites from Agriculturally Important Fungi as Next Biocontrol Agents. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 103: 9287–9303. DOI: 10.1007/s00253-019-10209-2
23.Keswani C., Dilnashin H., Birla H., Singh S.P. (2019). Regulatory barriers to Agricultural Research commercialization: A case study of biopesticides in India. Rhizosphere 11: 100155
24.Nguyen DT, Hieu NC, Hung NV, Thao HTB, Keswani C, Toan PV, Hoat TX (2019). Biological control of fusarium root rot of Indian mulberry (Morinda officinalis How.) with consortia of agriculturally important microorganisms in Viet Nam. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 6, 27 doi:10.1186/s40538-019-0168-x
25.Singh V, Keswani C, Ray S, Upadhyaya RS, Singh DP, Prabha R, Sarma BK, Singh HB (2019) Isolation and screening of high salinity tolerant Trichoderma spp. with plant growth property and antagonistic activity against various soilborne phytopathogens. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 52(7–8): 667–680.
26.Ram RM, Tripathi R, Birla H, Dilnashin H, Singh SP, Keswani C* (2019) Mixed PGPR consortium: an effective modulator of antioxidant network for management of collar rot in cauliflower. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 52(7–8): 844–862.
27.Keswani, C., Dilnashin, H., Birla, H., Singh, S.P. (2019) Unravelling efficient applications of agriculturally important microorganisms for alleviation of induced inter-cellular oxidative stress in crops. Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, 114(1), 121–130 doi:10.14720/aas.2019.114.1.14
28.Fraceto L.F., Maruyama, C.R., Guilger, M., Mishra, S., Keswani, C., Singh, H.B., deLima, R. (2018) Trichoderma harzianum based novel formulations: Potential Applications for Management of Next-Gen agricultural challenges. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 93: 2056–2063. DOI: 10.1002/jctb.5613
29.Mishra, S., Keswani, C., Abhilash, P.C., Fraceto L.F., Singh, H.B. (2017). Integrated Approach of Agri-nanotechnology: Challenges and Future Trends. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. Doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00471
30.Bosco MJ, Bisen K, Keswani C, Singh HB (2017). Biological management of Fusarium wilt of tomato using biofortified vermicompost. Mycosphere 8(3):1-16.
31.Keswani, C., Bisen, K., Singh, S.P., Singh, H.B. (2017). Traditional Knowledge and Medicinal Plants of India in Intellectual Property Landscape. Medicinal Plants 9(1), 1-11.
32.Keswani, C., Mishra, S., Sarma, B.K., Singh, S.P. and H.B. Singh. (2014). Unraveling the efficient applications of secondary metabolites of various Trichoderma spp. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98: 533–544.
33.Mishra, S., Singh, A., Keswani, C., Singh, H.B. (2014) Nanotechnology: Exploring potential application in agriculture and its opportunities and Constraints. Biotech Today, 4(1), 9-14.
34.Mishra, S., Singh, B. R., Singh, A., Keswani, C., Naqvi, A. H., Singh, H. B. (2014). Biofabricated Silver Nanoparticles Act as a Strong Fungicide against Bipolaris sorokiniana Causing Spot Blotch Disease in Wheat. PloS One, 9(5), e97881.
1.Sustainable Development Goals: Reintegrating Agriculture, Nanotechnology, Intellectual Property and Bioeconomy (2022). Fraceto, L.F., Jogaiah, S., Keswani, C., (Ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA (In Press).
2.Agricultural Bioeconomy: Innovation and Foresight in Post-Covid Era (2022). Keswani, C., Possas, C., Koukios, E.G., Viaggi, D., (Eds.). Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, USA (In Press).
3.Agri-Based Bioeconomy: Reintegrating Trans-disciplinary Research and Sustainable Development Goals (2021). Keswani, C., (Ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA 330 pages, ISBN- 9780367471002.
4.Intellectual Property Issues in Nanotechnology (2020). Keswani, C., (Ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA 394 pages, ISBN-9780367482305.
5.Bioeconomy for Sustainable Development (2019). Keswani, C., (Ed.). Springer-Nature, Singapore. 388 pages, ISBN- 978-981-13-9430-0.
6.Intellectual Property Issues in Microbiology (2019) Singh, H.B., Keswani, C., Singh, S.P. (Eds.). Springer-Nature, Singapore. 402 pages, ISBN- 978-981-13-7465-4.
7.Secondary Metabolites of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizomicroorganisms: Discovery and Applications (2019) Singh, H.B, Keswani, C., Reddy, M.S., Royano, E.S., García-Estrada, C. (Eds.). Springer-Nature, Singapore. 404 pages, ISBN- 978-981-13-5861-6.
8.Advances in PGPR Research (2017) Singh, H.B, Sarma, B.K., Keswani, C. (Eds.). CABI- UK. 408 pages, ISBN-9781786390325.
9.Agriculturally Important Microorganisms: Commercialization and Regulatory Requirements in Asia. (2016). Singh, H.B, Sarma, B.K., Keswani, C. (Eds.). Springer, Singapore. 305 pages, ISBN-13: 978-9811025754.
10.Intellectual Property Issues in Biotechnology (2016). Singh, HB, Jha, A., Keswani, C. (Eds.). CABI- London, UK. 304 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1780646534.