Ученая степеньдоктор медицинских наук
Ученое званиепрофессор
Научное направлениеМедицинские науки
БАТЫРАЛИЕВ Т.А. с отличием окончил в 1984 году лечебный факультет медицинского института (ныне Кыргызская государственная медицинская академия) и был рекомендован в целевую ординатуру во Всесоюзный Кардиологический Научный Центр АМН СССР (ныне Российский кардиологический научно-производственный комплекс г.Москва., Дир. – академик РАМН, РАН Е. И. Чазов) и после окончания которого в 1986 году поступил в целевую аспирантуру по специальности “кардиология”. В 1988 году досрочно защитил кандидатскую диссертацию по специальности “Кардиология-14.00.06” и “Лучевая диагностика и лучевая терапия – 14.00.19”.
С 1989 по 1993 гг. Работал в НИИ кардиологии Кыргызской Республики младшим, старшим и ведущим научным сотрудником.
С 1993 года работает по приглашению Госкомнауки (TUBITAK) Турецкой Республики профессором на кафедре кардиологии Чукуровского Университета совмещая научную работу с пропедавательской деятельностью. В 1994-97 гг по совместительству заведовал кардиологическим отделом ORTA-DOGU Hospital (ADANA). C 1997 по настоящее время является создателем и одновременно руководителем (директором) Медицинского центра им. Сани Конукоглы, который является крупным научно-практическим кардиологическим центром на юго-востоке Турции. В 1999 году под руководством акалемика Ю.Н.Беленкова защитил докторскую диссертацию в Российском Кардиологическом Научно-производственном Комплексе Минздрава РФ (г.Москва) Читает лeкциoнныe курсы, проводит практическиеи лабоpaторные занятия пo инвазивной и интервентционной кардиологии. Руководит нaучной работой 5 соискателей, 6 докторантов.
Медицинский центр, который создан им, является одним из крупнейших научно-методических и прикладных центров в Европе и на ближнем востоке, где проводится более 15000 инвазивных методов лечения и 4000 открытых операций на сердце, что определяет лидирующее место в мировой инвазивной кардиологии его центра.
Имеет ученую степень доктора медицинский наук, более 350 публикаций (8 монографий: 1 на англ. Языке, 7 на русском), в том числе 3 монoграфия готовится к печати, более 80 нaучных статей, опубликованных в ведущих журналах мира по своей специальноти. Является главным редактором русского варианта руководств в кардиологии, выпушенных головными учреждениями мировой кардиологии как Американский колледж кардиологии.
Проф. Батыралиев Т.А. является членом редакционной совета ведущих, научно-практических рецензируемых журналов: European Journal of General Medicine (engl), Journal of Interventional Cardiology, Journal of International Cardiology, The Turkish Journal of Invasive Cardiology: The Turkish Journal of Cardiology, Кардиология, Терапевтический архив, Патогенез и кардиоваскулярная терапия и профилактика.
Батыралиев Т.А. пользуется большим авторитетом и уважением среди ученых, кардиологов США, Европы и Турции. В 1994 году научными коллегиями (Board Trustees) American College of Angiology (FACA) и Cardiac Angiograhpy and Interventions (FSCAI), 1995 – International College of Angiology (FICA) был избран действительным членом корреспондентом. А 25 августа 1999 года за заслуги и научный вклад в развитии кардиологической науки научной коллегией American College of Cardiology (FACC) избран действительным его членом, Европейского общества кардиологов (c 2001-F.E.S.C.) и с 2004 года является действительным членом Academy of TCT (Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics), дипломированный кардиолог Европейского Сообщества (European Cardiologist-2002 European board for spesiality of Cardiology). В 2004 году награжден премией Universal Award of Accomplishment (ABI USA), а с 2006 году награжден золотой медалью академика Сперанского (АМН РФ).
Батыралиев Т.А. является активным организатором кардиологической службы в Турции и ближном востоке, особенно в облатси инвазивной, интервенционной кардиологии и сердечно-сосудистой хирургии, и несомненный представитель Кыргызской науки за рубежом. Книги и монографии выпушенные им бесплатно раздается в странах СНГ, занимается меценатством-на собственные средства спонсирует стажировку молодых специалистов из Кыргызстана в ведущих центрах мира.
Научные публикации
01. Batyraliev TA. Grudsin GV, Enutina GV. Tazabekova GK,:Electrocardiographic changes in patients with chronic alcoholism. Proc. of the all Union actual problems of diagnostis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Conference of Yong Scientists, Moscow, 1986 (Abst.)
02. Grudcin G.V., Batyraliev T.A.. Ostroumov E.N. Thallium-201 scintigraphy in chronic alcoholism patients with interventricular conduction disturbances. Proceedings of 47th Conference of Turkmen Medical Institute, Ashgabad, 1987, (Abstract).
03. Zinkin A.V., Gorgaslidze A., Batyraliev T.A. Functional capacity of sinus node in patients with alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of II Conference of Belorussian cardiologists, Minsk, 1987. (Abstract).
04. Smetnev A.V., Grudcin G.V., Batyraliev T.A. Mechanism of atrial flutter in patients with alcohol cardiomyopathy. (Ibid, Abstract).
05. Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin G.V. Initial stage of alcohol cardiomyopathy (clinics and hemodynamics). Proceedings of the I Conferences of cardiologists of Kyrgyzstan, Frunze, 1987. (Abstract).
06. Sobol Y.S., Gorshkov A.Sh., Batyraliev T.A. Transesophageal atrial pacing in the assessment of the left ventricular function in alcohol cardiomyopathy according to the 2DECHO data. (Ibid, Abstract).
07. Grudcyn G.V., Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev TA, Gorgaslidze AG, Samko AN. Clinical course of the intial stage of alcohol cardiomyopathy in patients with episodic and systematic form of drinking. Kardiologia, 1987; 27 (12); 39-42.
08. Smetnev A.S., Gorgaslidze A., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Diagnostic value of 24-hour ECG monitoring, bicycle test and inter ventricular electrophysilogic intestigation in the assessment of arrhythmiasin patients with alcohol cardiomyopathy. Ter. Arkhiv 1988, 60(10):1, 49-51.
09. Batyraliev T.A., Samko A.N., Grudcin G.V. et al. Volume test in diagnostic of early right heart failure in alcohol cardiomyopathy. J. of Cardiology 1988, 3, 83-86.
10. Gorgaslidze A., Zinkin A., Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin G.V. Cardiac rhythm disturbances in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of 17th Conference of Young Scientists of Georgia, Bakuriani, 1988. (Abstract).
11. Grudcyn G.V., Batyraliev T.A.. Drozdov E.S. Alcohol cardiomyopathy. Kardiologia 1988, 28(4):10-110.
12. Gorgaslidze A., Zinkin A.V., Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin A.V. Cardiac arrhytmias and conduction disturbances in patients with chronic alcoholizm. J. Problems of Narcology 1988, 2, 49-53.
13. Batyraliev T.A. Contractile function of myocardium in patients with chronic alcoholizm. Moscov, 1988, p.26.
14. Rukosuev V.S., Moiseev V.S., Shetepin A.A., Ogurcov P.P., Nanaev A.K., Batyraliev T.A. Immunologic disturbances in noncoronary diseases. J of Clinical Medicine 1988, 8, 71-75.
15. Smetnev A.V., Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin G.V., Samko A.N. Functional state of right ventricular contractility in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of Conference of Russian Cardilogic Society, Penza, 1988. (Extanded Abstract).
16. Nanaev A.K., Rukosuev V.S., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Immunologic investigation of myocardial byopsy in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of Conference of Russian Cardilogic Society, Penza, 1988. (Extanded Abstract).
17. Savchenko A.P., Samko A.N., Batyratiev T.A. et al. Left ventricular contractyiity in alcohol cardiomyopatgy during volume test. Proceedings of Conference of Russian Cardjiogic Society, Penza, 1988. (Extanded Abstract).
18. Smetnev A.S., Samko A.N., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Right ventricular contractyiity in alcohol cardiomyopathy during volume test. Ter. Arkhiv 1988, 60(10):113-115.
19. Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A.. Grudcin G.V. et al. Volume test in diagnostics of latent heart failure in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of II Conference of Cardiologists of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 1988. (Abstract).
20. Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A., Samko A.N. et al. Status of coronary artery bed and left ventricular contractilyti in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Proceedings of II Conference of Physishians of Kyrgyzstan, Frunze, 1988. (Abstract).
21. Savchenko A.P., Samko A.N., Batyraliev T.A. et ai. The Volume test in the assessment of the left ventricular functional state in patients with chronic alcoholizm during contrast ventriculography. Kardiologia 1988, 28(11): 119-120.
22. Smetnev A.S., Savchenko A.P.. Batyraliev T.A.. Samko A.N. Left and Right ventricular Contractility Function in Chronic alcoholics without cardiomegaly. Proceedings of 10th European Conference of Internal Medicine, Brussels, 1989. (Abstract)
23. Savchenko A.P., Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Myocardial contractility in chronic alcoholizm. J. Sovetskaya Medicina 1988, 11, 3-5.
24. Zinkin A.V., Gorgaslidze A., Batyraliev T.A.. Grudcin G.V. Functional state of cardiac conduction system in patients with alcohol cardiomyopathy. Bulletin of Cardilogic Research Centre 1989, 1, 16-20.
25. Gorgaslidze AG, Smetnev A.S., Zinkin A.V., Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin G.V. Atrial flutter in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Kardiologia 1989, 29(5), 36-39.
26. Smetnev A.S., Savchenko A.P., Batyraliev T.A., Samko A.N. Digital ventriculography in the assessment of ventricular confractility and their compensatoric reserves in chronic alcoholizm patients. Proceedings of the ALL-Union Conference of Physicians, Frunze, 1989. (Abstract).
27. Sergakova L.M., Ali SadekAli, Batyraliev T.A., Grudcin G.V. Diastolic function of ventricules in alcohol cardimyopathy according to the Doppler ECHOCG and catheterization datas. Proceedings of the ALL-Union Conference of Physicians, Frunze, 1989. (Abstract).
28. Gorgaslidze A., Zinkin A.V., Batyraliev T.A. et al. ECG changes in chronic alcoholizm patients. J. of Public Health, Kishinev, 1989, 4, 40-42.
29. Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A., Belogubec V.I. et al. Changes of central hemodynamics and left ventricular contractility during volume test in patients with chronic alcoholizm according to the duration of alcoholizm. Ter Arkhiv. 1989, 61(9):69-71.
30. Batyraliev T.A.. Samko A.N., Gorgaslidze A. Complex arrhythimias and left ventricular contractility in patients with chronic alcoholizm. Proceedings of 6th Conference of Rissian Physicians, Gorky, 1989. (Abstract).
31. Rukosuev V.S., Nanaev A.K., Batyraliev T.A.. Samko A.N. Localization of some extracellular matrix components in myocardial byopsy in alcohol cardiomyopathy. Bulletin of Cardiologic Research Centre 1989, 2, 88-94.
32. Smetnev A.S., Grudcin G.V., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Alcohol cardiomyopathy and principals if its treatment, Moscow, 1989.
33. Sobol S.Yu, Gorshkov A.Sh., Batyraliyev T.A. Left and right ventricular function in chronic alcoholig damage to the heart: Two-Dimensional echocardiographic findings. Kardiobgya (Moscow), 1989. 29:V-11, p.107-111.
34. Smetnev A.S., Batyraliev T.A., Belogubec V.I., Koltunova M.I. Functional state of heart in patients with chronic alcoholizm with interventricular conduction disturbances. J. Vrachebnoe Delo 1990, 1, 69-72.
35. Savchenko A.P., Samko A.N., Batyraliev T.A.. Smetnev A.S. Evaluation of right ventricular function in chronic alcoholics using volume-load test. Proceedings of 11th Congress of Cardiology, Philuppine, 1990. (Abstract).
36. Moldotashev I.K., Batyraliev T.A., Niazova Z.A., Tashpolotov A.E. Nonivasive assessment of pulmonary circulation. Proceedings 4th All-Union Conference: State of circulation in conditions of high altitude and experimental hypoxy, Dushanbe, 1990. (Abstract).
37. Soodanbekova G.K., Moldotashev I.K., Batyraliev T.A. et al. Afrial natriiuretic peptide levels in health high-landers and patients with high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceedings of 1st Conference of Physiologists of Middle Asia and Kasachskan, Dushanbe, 1991. (Abstract).
38 Batyraliev T.A.. Ermatov G.A., Kadyraliev K.K. Invasive assessment of pulmonary arterial pressure reactivity in highlanders using acute hypoxic test. Proceedings of 1st Conference of Physiologists of Middle Asia and Kasachskan, Dushanbe, 1991. (Abstract).
39. Moldotashev I.K., Aldashev A.A., Batyraliev T.A. et al. The reactivity of pulmonary arteries and activity of neurotransmitter receptors in permanent residents of high altitude. Proceedings of Congress of International Society for Patophysiology, Moscow, 1991. (Abstract)
40. Mirrakhimov M.M., Moldotashev I.K., Batyraliev T.A., Tashpolotov A.E. Pulmonary arteries hyperreactivity and its clinical significance. Proceedings of All-Union Congress on respiratory disesases, Chelyabinsk, 1991. (Abstract)
41. Moldotashev I.K., Batyraliev T.A., Masenko V.P., Soodanbekova G.K. Atrial natriiuretic peptide and renine levels in patients with high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceedings of All-Union Congress on respiratory disesases, Chelyabinsk, 1991. (Abstract)
42. Kuruchbekova N.Sh., Nyazova Z.A., Batyraliev T.A. Corinfar in the treatment of high altitude pulmonary hypertension patients. Proceedings of All-Union Congress on respiratory disesases, Chelyabinsk, 1991. (Abstract)
43. Moldotashev I.K., Masenko V.P., Soodanbekova O.K., Batyraliev T.A Renine and Aldosterone levels in high Altitude residents. Proceedings of 1st Congress of Cardiologists of Kazachstan, Alma-Ata, 1991. (Abstract).
44. Batyraliev T.A.. Ermatov G.A., Kadyraliev K.K., Tashpolotov A.E. Left ventricular contractility in health highlanders during acute hypoxic test. Proceedings of 1st Congress of Cardiologists of Kazachstan, Alma-Ata, 1991. (Abstract).
45. Mirrakhimov M.M., Batyraliev T.A., Ermatov G.A. Right heart functional state in highlanders. Proceedings of 1st Congress of Cardiologists of Kazachstan, Alma-Ata, 1991. (Abstract).
46. Almerekova A.A., Batyraliev T.A., Karagulova G.O., Emilbekova D. Functonal state of platelets in high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceedings of 1st Congress of Cardiologists of Kazachstan, Alma-Ata, 1991. (Abstract).
47. Moldotashev I.K., Kuruchbekova N.Sh., Nyazova Z.A., Batyraliev T.A. Hemodynamic effects of corinfar course treatment in high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceedings of the 1st Congress of ultrasound diagnostics, Moscow, 1991. (Abstract).
48. Aldashev, A.A., I. Moldotashev, V. Titov, T. Batyraliev T and M.Mirrakhimov; "Increased platelet Ca channel activity in highlanders with hyperactivity of pulmonary vessels." Int.J.Sports Med. (1992) 13:81
49. Soodanbekova G.K., Kuaiberdiev G.Z., Masenko V.P., Batyraliev T.A., Nyazova Z.A. Pulmonary circulation of atrial nafri-uretic factor and plasma aldosterone in highlanders. Proceedings of the 2nd Intern. Symposium of pulmonary arterial hypertension. 1992, Bishkek. (Abstract).
50. Kuruchbekova N.Sh., Kudaiberdiev Z.M., Masenko V.P., Batyraliev T.A., Nyazova Z.A. Effects of nifedipine on the pulmonary circulation and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in patients with primary high - attitude arterial hypertension. Symposium of pulmonary arterial hypertension. 1992, Bishkek. (Abstract).
51. Aldashev A.A., Borbogulov U.M., Batyraliev T.A.. Moldotashev I.K., Mirrakhimov M.M. Decreased Ca cannel activity for Ca-antogonists in high-landaers with hypoxic pulmonary vascular hyperreactivity. Symposium of pulmonary arterial hypertension. 1992, Bishkek. (Abstract).
52. Nyazova Z.A., Batyraliev T.A.. Soodanbecova G.K., Kudaiberdiev Z.M. Noninvasive assessment of pulmonary arterial hypertension in highlanders. Proceeding 10th Europen Conference of the Intern. Society of Noninvasive Cardiology. October 15-17, 1992, Roterdam (Abstract).
53. Batyraliev T.A.. Soodanbecova G.K, Niyazova Z.A., Masenko V.P. Right Heart and Pulmonary Vascular Hyperreactivity in. Highlanders. J. of Heart Failure. Vol.1. Abs. Suppl. May. 1993. Geneva P.485
54. Mirrakhimov MM, Kudayberdiev ZM, Niyazova ZA, Batyraliev TA, Sodanbekova ZK. Current approaches to instrumental diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension: qualitative methods of diagnosis (part l). Kardiologia. 1993; 33(12) : 70-4.
55. Soodanbecova G.K.., Batyraliev T.A., Niyazova Z.A. Aldosterone and Atrial natriuretic factory in healthy highlanders and those with high altitude pulmonary hypertension. J. 1 Heart Failure. Vol.1. Abs. Suppl. May. 1993. Geneva P.485 J. of Heart Failure. Vol.1. Abs. Suppl. May. 1993. Geneva P.514.
56. Kudaiberdier Z.M., Soodanbecova G.K., Niyazova Z.A., Batyraliev T.A., Masenko V.P. Renin plasma activity in healthy highlanders during experimental hypoxia. J. of Heart Failure. Vol.1. Abs. Suppl. May. 1993. Geneva p. 515
57. Kuruchbekova N.Sh., Kudaiberdiev Z.M., Niyazova Z.A., Masenko V.P., Batyraliev T.A. Effects of capoten on high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. J. of Heart Failure. Vol.1. Abs. Suppl. May. 1993. Geneva P. 1008.
58. Batyraliev TA. Muratov AA. Effect of Corinfar to Adults, Suffering from Altitude Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. J Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy. 1993; 7, Suppl. 2. -p. 422.
59. Soodanbecova G.K., Batyraliev T.A.. Demirtas M., Niyazova Z.A., Birand A. Yuksek rakimda yasiyan saglikli ve pulmonar hipertansiyonlu olgularda aldastoren ve atrial natriuletik faktor duzeyleri. 1X. Ulusal Kardiyoloji Kongresi. Ozet Kitabi. 28 Eylul-1 Ekim 1993. Bursa/TURKEY P. 174 .
60. Niyazova Z.A., Batyraliev T.A.. Demirtas M., Usal A., Masenko V.P., Birand A. Yuksek rakimda ikincil pulmoner hiper tansiyonda kaptoprilin etkisi. 1X. Ulusal Kardivoloji Kongresi. Ozet Kitabi. 28 Evlul-1 Ekim 1993. Bursa/ TURKEY P. 24
61. Titov V.O., Batyraliev T.A.. Tashbolotov A.E., Aldashev A.A., Moldotashev I.K. Pulmonary arterial reactivity and reacton of lymphocite b-adrenoreceptors to hypoxia. Proceeding of 1st Congres of Cardiologists of Centra! Asia, Bishkek, 16-18 of September, 1993, P-138.
62. Kudayberdiev Z.M., Soodanbekova G.K., Batyraliev T.A.. Niazova Z.A. Atrial natriiuretic peptide - early numeral marker of high altitude pulmonary arterial hypertension. Proceeding of 1st Congress of Cardiologists of Central Asia, Bishkek, 16-18 of September, 1993, P-139
63. Soodanbekova G.K., Kudayberdiev Z.M.. Batyraliev T.A.. Niazova Z.A. Pulmonary circulution, Natrii-uretic peptide and exzogenic hypoxia in Tian Shan native highlanders.Proceeding of 1st Congres of Cardiologists of Central Asia, Bishkek, 16-18 of September, 1993, P-140.
64. Sodanbekova GK, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova ZA, Birand A. Atrial Nalnuretic Factor at High-Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension. Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 6:4, 286-288; 1993.
65. Niyazova Z., BatyralievTA., Soodanbekova G., Birand A., Demirtas M. Total pulmoner direnc ve sag venlrikul diyastol sonu basmcta hipoksik teste bagli degisiklikler. Proceeding of Congress of chronic lung deases and tuberculosis. 1994, April 7-9. p.47. Antalya/TURKEY.
66. Batiraliev T., Birand A., Demirtas M., Niazova Z., Soodanbekova G. Kronik Bronsitte hipoksik teste sag ventrikulun cevabi. Proceeding of Congress of chronic lung deases and tuberculosis. 1994, April 7-9. p.48. Antalya/TURKEY
67. Demirtas M., Batiraliev T ., Niazova Z., Birand A., Soodanbekova G. Kronik bronsitte hipoksik teste sol ventrikulun cevabi. Proceeding of Congress of chronic lung deases and tuberculosis. 1994, April 7-9. p.49. Antalya/TURKEY
68. Birand A.. Batiraliev T., Demirtas M., Niazova Z., Soodanbekova G., Usal A. Hipoksik teste sag ventrikulun cevabi. Proceeding of Congress of chronic lung deases and tuberculosis. 1994, April 7-9. p. 50. Antalya/TURKEY.
69. Demirtas M, Niazova Z, Usal A, Ozbek S, Batyraliev T, Birand A, Kudaiberdieva G, Soodanbekova Y, Erken E. Romatoid artritte ekokardiografik olarak kardiak tutulum. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994, 10-12 May, P. 30. Antalya/TURKEY.
70. Niazova Z, Demirtas M, Batyraliev T. Ozbek S, Kudaiberdieva G, Usal A, San M, Birand A, Erken E. Sistemik lupus eritematozuslu olguiarda sag ventrikul ejeksiyon fraksiyonu ve sistolik pulmoner alter basincinin ekokardiyografik tayini. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994, 10-12 May, P. 31. Antalya/TURKEY.
71. Demirtas M, Usal A, Birand A, Baltyraliiev T, San M. Kardiyak kist hidatikli olgularimizda ekokardiyografi bulgulari. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994, 10-12 May, P.34 Antalya/TURKEY.
72. Niazova Z, Demirtas M, Ozbek S, Batyraliev T. Usal A, Birand A, Erken E. Romatoid arfritii olguiarda sol ve sag venfrikul diyastolik fonksiyonlarmin ekokardiyografik degeriendirmesi. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994, 10-12 May, P. 100. Antaiya/TURKEY.
73. Niazova Z, Demirtas M, Ozbek S, Birand A, Batyraliev T, Kudaiberdieva G, Usal A Sistemik Lupus Eritematozuslu oIgularda venfrikul diyastolik fonksiyonlari. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 101. Antalya/TURKEY.
74. Demirtas M, Ozbarlas N, Birand A, Niazova Z, Batyraliev T, San M. Ekokardryografik olarak sol atriyumda kist gorunumu veren persistan sol superior vena cava-koroner sinus bagiantssi (vaka takdimi). Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994, 10-12 May, P. 108. Antalya/TURKEY.
75. Aikimbaev K, Batyraliev T. Akut miyokard infarktuslu hastalarda sol ventrikul diyastolik fonksiyonunun egzersiz Doppler ekokardiyografi Hie degerlendirilmesi. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 143. Antalya TURKEY.
76. Demirtas M, Niazova Z, Usal A, Batyraliev T, Aksoy A, Birand A. Bir sag venlrikuler kardiyomiyopatii olgusu. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 145. Antalya/TURKEY.
77. Aykimbaev K, Batyraliev T, Birand A, Demirtas M. Akut miyokard infarktuslu hastalarda sol ventrikul diyastolik fonksiyonlannin Doppler ekokardiyografi ile degerlendirilerek kalp yetmezligi gelisme olasiliginin onceden kestirilmesi. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 152. Antalya/TURKEY.
78. Birand A, Niyazova Z, Batyraliev T, Demirtas M, Soodanbekova G, Usal A. Kronik bronsitii olgularda sag ventrikul diastolik fonksiyonu. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 165. Antalya/TURKEY.
79. Niyazova Z, Batyraliev T, Birand A, Demirtas M, Soodanbekova G, Usal A. Kronik bronsitii olgularda sol ventrikul diyastolik fonksiyonu. Proceeding of Congress of Echocardiography. 1994,10-12 May, P. 166. Antalya/TURKEY.
80. Kudayberdiev ZM, Soodanbekova G, Batyraliev TA . The influence of hypoxya on pulmonary circulation and concentration of atrium nafriuretic factor in highlanders of Tyan-Shan. (Joint of XVIth World Congress of Cardiology and XVIth Congress of the European Society of Cardiology. Berlin, September 10-14,1994). European Heart Journal, 15, Abs. Suppl., August, P. -407. 1994.
81. Batyraliev TA , Demirtas M, Birand A, Niyazova ZA, Soodanbekova G, Usal A. Pulmonary arterial vascular reactivity in permanent high-altitude residents. (Joint of Xllth World Congress of Cardiology and XVIth Congress of European Society of Cardiology. Berlin, September 10-14,1994). European Heart Journal, 15, Abs. Suppl., August, P. -438. 1994.
82. Birand A, Batyraliev TA. San M, Niyazova ZA, Sodanbekova GK. Sag kalp yetmezligmin erken tanisinda hipoksik testin yeri. Proceeding of Congress of Cardiology. 1994, 1-4 Ekim, P. 243. Izmir/TURKEY.
83. Birand A, Kudayberdieva GK, San M, Demirtas M, Niyazova ZA, Batyraliev TA, Proceed. 41st Annual World Assembly of Am. Coil. Angiol. San Antonio, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994. Kalp Atim Hizi Degipkenfiginin Power Speklral Analizi ve Yineienen Tilting Deneyine Yaniti. Proceedirrg of Congress of Cardiology. 1994.1-4 Ekim, P. 168. izmir/TURKEY.
84. Birand A, Kudayberdieva GK, San M, Demirtas M, Niyazova ZA, BatyralievTA. Milral Vatv Prolapsusunda Kardiyak Otonom Sinir Sistemi Dengesi. Proceeding of Congress of Cardiology. 1994, 1-4 Ekim, P. 169. izmir/TURKEY.
85. Demirtas M, Usal A, San M, Acarturk E, Brand A, Batyraliev T. Yetiskinlerde Saptadigimiz Koroner Arter Anomalileri. Proceeding of Congress of Cardiology. 1994, 1-4 Ekim, P. 278. izmir/TURKEY.
86. Demirtas M, Ozeren A, Ozbek S, Usal A, Birand A, Niazova Z, Batyraliev T, Kayirgeldi C Anti Pospolipid Antikor Sendromuna Yuksek Doz Kortizon Etkili Midir? Proceeding of Congress of Cardiology. 1994, 1-4 Ekim, P. 195. izmir/ TURKEY.
87. Demirtas M, Usal A, San M, Acarturk E, Birand A, Batyraiiev T . Yetiskinlerde Saptadigimiz Koroner Arter Anomaliieri. Proceeding of Congress of Cardiology. 1994, 1-4 Ekim, P. 278. izmir/TURKEY.
88. Usal A, Demirtas A, Birand A, Tuncer I, Batyraliev T. Endomyocardial Biopsy in progressive systemic sclerosis. Proceed. 41st Annual World Assembly of Am. Coil. Angiol. San Antorao, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994.
89. Demirtas M, Usal A, Birand A, San M, Batyraliev T , Niyazova Z. A Serious complication of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty: Systemic embolism how can we decrease it? Proceed. 41st Annual World Assembly of Am. Coil Angiol. San Antonio, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994.
90. Birand A, Bafyraliev T, Niyazova Z, Kudayberdieva G, Soodanbekova G. Hypoxic test in estimation of early signs of right heart failure. Proceed. 41st Annual World Assembly of Am. Coil. Angiol. San Antonio, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994.
91. Soodanbekova GK, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova ZA. Afrial nalriuretic factor at high altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceed. 41st Annual World Assembly of Am. Coil. Angiol. San Antonio, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994.
92. Batyraliev T, Birand A, Niyazova Z, Kutayberdieva G, Demirtas M. Arterial vascular reactivity and pulmonary hemodynamics in healthy highlanders. Proceed. 41st Annual WorldAssemblyofAm. Coil. Angiol. San Antonio, Texas, 2-7 October, 1994.
93. Batyraliev T, Niyazova Z, Kudayberdieva G, Aykimbaev K, Akgul F. Capoten in High-Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension With Concurrent Systemic Hypertension. Proceed. 3rd of Hypertension and Aterosklerosis. 22-24 October. 1994, Antalya/Turkey.
94. Sodanbekova GK, Batyraliev TA. Niyazova ZA, Aykimbaev KS. Alrial nafriuretic factor in high altitude pulmonary hypertension. Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30, 1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -97.
95. Niyazova ZA, Batyraliev T, Aykimbaev K. Right ventricular diastolic function in patients with chronic bronchitis. Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30,1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -292.
96. Niyazova Z, Batyraliev TA, Birand A, Aykimbaev K, Sodanbekova G. Arterial vascular reactivity and pulmonary hemodinamics in progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS). Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30,1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -293.
97. Demirtas M, Niyazova Z, Birand A, Batyraliev T. Kudayberdieva G. Left venlricular diastolic function in patients with right ventricular pressure overloading due to chronic bronchitis. Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30,1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -294.
98. Sodanbekova G, San M, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova ZA. Some mechanisms of pulmonary artery pressure regulation in patients with high altitude arterial hypertension. Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30, 1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -391.
99. Demirtas M, Birand A, Usal A, San M. Batyraliev TA . A multi staged diagnostic and therapeutic aproach in the management of effussive pericarditis. Proceed, of 10th ASEAN Congress of Cardiology. November 26-30,1994, Bangkok, Tailand. P. -409.
100. Niyazova Z. Batyraliev T , Aykimbaev K, Kudayberdieva G, Akgul F, Sodanbekova G. Effects of Capoten and Lipoprotein metabolizm in High-Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension. Proceed, of 5th International symposium on Hypertension in the Community. Tel-Aviv, Israel, December 11-14, 1994. -P. 45.
101. G. Sodanbekova, A. Birand, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova ZA, F Akgul. Pulmonary Circulation at Highlanders. Journal of Islamic Acaremy of Sciences. 7:1, 69-73,1994.
102. Batyraliev T. Niyazova ZA, Kudayberdieva G, Sadonbekova GK, Akgul F, Aykimbaev K. The effects of captopril on pulmonary and systemic arterial pressures and lipoprotein metabolizm in high-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Journal of Islamic academy of sciences. 7:2,111-114; 1994.
103. Birand A, Kudayberdieva G, Usal A, Akgul F. Batyraliev T. Erenler 0. States of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity in heart failure complicating myocardial infarction. The Abs. of the 3rd Intern, Congress on Heart Failure - Mechanisms and Management, Geneva, Switzerland. May 21-25. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1, 1995. P. 501.
104. Batyraliev TA, Birand A. Niyazova Z, Kudayberdieva G, Akgul F, Aykimbaev K. Right ventncular contractility and arterial vascular reactivity m progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Abs. of the 3rd Intern, Congress on Heart Failure - Mechanisms and Management, Geneva, Switzerland. May 21-25. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1, 1995. P, 104.
105. Birand A, Batyraliev TA, Sodanbecova GK, Niyazova ZA, Aykimbaev KS, Usal A, Akgul F. Effects of acute hypoxia on pulmonary circulation and prostoglandin metabolizm. Abs. of the 3rd Intern, Congress on Heart Failure -Mechanisms and Management, Geneva, Switzerland. May 21-25. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1, 1995. P, 1081.
106. Kudayberdieva GZ, Demirtas M, Birand A, San M, Niyazova ZA, Batyraliev TA. The effects of upright tilting on sympathetic and parasympathetic components of heart rate variability parametrs in mitral valve prolapse. J. Pacing And Clinical electrophysiology. May 1995.18:5, Part II, P. 1113.
107. Kudayberdieva GZ, Demirtas M, Birand A, San M, Niyazova ZA, Batyraliev TA. The effects of upright tilting on sympathetic and parasympathetic components of heart rate variability paramefrs in mitral valve prolapse. 7th European symposium on Cardiac Pacing. Istanbul (Turkey), June 4-7,1995. Free Papers (editor Ali OTO). -P. 153-156.
108. Birand A, Demirtas M, Kudayberdieva GZ, San M, Kanadasi M, AkguI F, Batyraliev TA. Effects of PTCA on Heart rate variability in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). Or. abstr. 1st International Meeting Interventronat Cardiology. Jerusalem, Israel, June 18-23, 1995. The Journal of Invasive Cardiology. Vol-7/suppl. C. -P. 30C., 1995.
109. Birand A, Kudayberdieva GZ, Niyazova ZA, Akgul F, Batyraliev TA. Left venlricular diastolic and systolic function in patients after myocardial infarction:
relation to the extent of coronary artery lesions and angiographic score. Abstracts of the llth Symposium on Echcardiology. Rotterdam, June 21-23,1995. -P. 61.
110. Birand A, Kudaiberdieva G, Niyazova ZA, Akgul F, Batiraliev TA. Miokard infarktusu sonrasi sol ventrikul sistolik ve diastolik fonksiyonlarimn koroner arter lezyonu derecesi ve anciografik skdr ile iliskisi. XI UlUsal Kardioloji Kongresi. 23-26 Eylul, 1995. Ozet Kitabi. - p. 69.
111. Birand A, Kudaiberdieva G, Akgul F, Usal A, Erenler, Batiraliev TA. Saglikli kisilerde PR ve RR degiskenligi power spektral bandlarinin tilting testi ne yaniti. XI UlUsal Kardioloji Kongresi. 23-26 Eyiul, 1995. Ozet Kitabi. - p. 139.
112. Birand A, Kudaiberdieva G, Usal A, Akgul F, Batiraliev TA , Erenler 0. Miyokard infarktusu sonrasi gelisen kalp yetmezliginde sempatik ve parasempatik aktivite. XI UlUsal Kardioloji Kongresi. 23-26 Eyiul, 1995. Ozet Kitabi. -p. 231.
113. San M, Kanadasi M, Batiraliev TA. Acarturk E. Elektrokardiogramlarinda anteriyor (R) progressiyonu iyi olmayan hastalarm koroner anjiografi bulgulannin incelenmesi. XI UlUsal Kardioloji Kongresi. 23-26 Eyiul, 1995. Ozet Kitabi. - p. 277.
114. Soodanbekova GK, Batyraliev TA , Niyazova ZA, Kudaiberdieva GZ, Birand A. Atrial Natriuretic Factor in High-Altitude Pulmonary hypertension: The influence of acute hypoxia on plazma atrial nafriuretic factor, renin, and aldosterone concentrations in highlanders with initialy normal or elevated pulmonary artery pressure and without evidence of right ventricular hypertrophy. Angiology: the journal of Vascular riseases. 46:833-37,1995.
115. Batyraliev TA, Demirtas M, Niyazova ZA, Soodanbekova G, Birand A. Effects of captopril on hemodinamics and lipoprotein metabolizm in essential systemic hypertension associated with high altitude pulrno nary hypertension. Abstr. of 42nd ANNUAL WORLD ASSEMBLY of American College of Angiology. Maui, Hawaii. October 15-20, 1995. -p. 67.
116. Demirtas M, San M, Kudayberdieva G, Aksungur E, Niyazova Z, Batyraliev TA. Oguz M, Birand A. Non-invasive evaluation of innoniate uein and vena cava thrombosis in the patients with permanent pacemakers. Abstr. of 42nd ANNUAL WORLD ASSEMBLY of American College of Angiology. Maui, Hawaii. October 15-20, 1995. -p. 105.
117. Aikimbaev K, Oguz M, Ozbek S, Demirtas M, Birand A, Batyraliev T. Comparative Assessment of the Effects of Vasodilators on Peripheral Vascular Reactivity in Patients with Systemic Scleroderma and Raynads Phenomen on Color Doppler Flow Imaging Study. Angiology, 1996 May; 47(5): 475-480.
118. Demirtas M, Usal A, Birand A, San M, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova Z. A serious complication of percutaneous mitral valvuloplasty: systemic embolism. How can we decrease it? Angiology: The Journal of vascular Diseases. 47:285-289,1996.
119. Batyraliev TA, Aikimbaev KS, Kudayberdieva GZ, Akgul F, Sodanbekova GK. The effects of captopril on pulmonary and systemic arterial pressures in High Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension. Med Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 10:3, 179-181, 1996.
120. Birand A, Kudaiberdieva GZ, Batyratiev TA. Niyazova ZA, Akgul F. Relationship of heart rate variability indices and doppler Echocardiographic parametrs of left ventricular systolic performance in coronary artery disease. Abs. of ihe 4th Intern, Congress on Heart Failure - Mechanisms and Management, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, May 26-29. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1, 1996. P, 1081.
121. Birand A, Batyraliev TA , Acarturk E, Kudaiberdiev ZM, Niyazova ZA, Kadiraliev K. Right and left ventricular responses to hypoxia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), accompanied by pulmonary arterial hypertension. Abs. of the 4th Intern, Congress on Heart Failure - Mechanisms and Management, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, May 26-29. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1, 1996. P,1081.
122. Birand A, Kudaiberdieva GZ, Satiu S, Batyraliev TA . Time-frequency analysis of heart rate variability in the assessment of penndopril effcacy in myocardial infarction complicated with signs of heart failure. Abs. of the 4th Intern, Congress on Heart Failure - Mechanisms and Management, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, May 26-29. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1, 1996. P, 1081.
123. Batyraliev TA, Kudaiberdiev ZM, Birand A, Soodanbekova YK, Aikimbaev KS, Acarturk E. Atrial natriuretic peptide, renin-aldosterone system and right venlricular contractility in mitral stenosis. Abs. of the 4th Intern, Congress on Heart Failure - Mechanisms and Management, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, May 26-29. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1,1996. P, 1081.
124. Batyraliev TA. Acarturk E, Soodanbekova YK, Niyazova ZA, Kudaiberdieva GZ, Aikimbaev KS, Birand A. Relationship between afrial natdiuretic peptide level and pulmonary vascular resistance in patients with high altitude pulmonary arterial hypertension. Abs. of the 4th Intern, Congress on Heart Failure - Mechanisms and Management, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, May 26-29. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1,1996. P, 1081.
125. Niazova ZA, Batyraliev TA, Aikimbaev KS, Kudaiberdieva GZ, Akgul F, Sodanbekova GK, Birand A. High - Altitude Pulmonary Hypertension: effects of captopril on Pulmonary and systemic arterial pressures. J Human Hipertens. 1996 Sep; 10 Suppl 3: S141-142.
126. Birand A, Kudaiberdieva GZ, Batyraliev TA, Akgul F, Usal A. Effects of Trimetazidine on Heart Rate Variability and Left Ventricular Systolic Performance in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease after Percutaneus Transluminal Angioplasty. ANGIOLOGY-The Journal of Vascular Diseases. 48:5, 413-421,1997.
127. Birand A, Kudaiberdieva Z, Batyraliev T, Sertkaya D. Heart Rate Variability and Left Ventricular Systolic Performance in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease after Percutaneus Transluminal Angioplasty. September 15-17 1997. 20 years of PTCA. Kongresshaus Zurich, Switzerland. P56.
128. Batyraliev T. Niyazova ZA, Akgul F, Kudaiberdieva GZ, Kadiraliev KK, Birand A. Effects of Hypoxic Test on Left and Right Ventricular Contractility in Progressive Systemic Sclerosis With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. International Journal of Angiology. 7:1, 25-27, 1998.
129. Birand A, Kudaiberdieva GZ, Batyraliev TA, Akgul F, Saliu S. Relationship between components of heart rate variability and doppler echocardiographic indices of left ventricular systolic performans in patients with coronary artery disease. International Journal of Angiology. 7:3, 244-248, 1998.
130. Batyraliev TA, Kudaiberdieva GZ, Sodanbekova JK, Aikimbaev KS, Gunal Z, Birand A. Correlation of atrial Natriuretic Factor and Renin-aldosterone System With Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension Among Residents in a High Altitude. International Journal of Angiology. 7:271-274, 1998.
131. Batyraliev TA, Akgul F, Erenler O, Birand A. Measurement of right ventrikular volumes and ejection fraction by biplane angiography. Abstr. of 46nd ANNUAL WORLD ASSEMBLY of American College of Angiology. Kamuela, Hawaii, U.S.A., October 3-8, 1999. -p. 4.
132. Batyraliev T, Kudayberdieva G, Birand A, Niyazova ZA, Kadiraliev K, Sodanbekova GK, Akgul F. Effects of acute Hypoxia on right ventricular contractility and pulmonary hemodinamics with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in high altitudes, in press.
133. Samko AN, Ozgul S, Batyraliev T, Preobrajensky DV, Sidorenko BA. Modern Metods of miocardium revascularization in acute coronary (ischemic) syndromes.International Medical journal. 1:36-39, 1999.
134.Sidorenko BA, Preobrajensky DV, Ozgul S, Batyraliev TA, Peresypko MK. Modern
Approaches to treatment of unstable angina. International Medical journal. 2:107-112, 1999.
135. Ozgul S, Batyraliev TA, Samko AN. Comparative Evaluatin of Efficacy of Antitrombotic Drugs After Implantation Of Coronary Stents. Kardiologiya. 7: 38-39, 1999.
136. Батыралиев ТА. Комплексная инвазивная оценка сократимости правого желудочка и легочного кровообращения при различных формах вторичной легочной гипертензиию. Автореф. Дисс. Доктора мед. Наук.с. 37. Москва – 1999.
137. Batyraliev TA, Karben Z, Besnili F, Duran Y, Ozgul S. Direct coronary stenting Without Baloon Predilatation in Selected Lesions, Using the Magic Wall Stent. The American Journal of Cardiology. September 22, 1999 TCT/abstr. 108P.
138. Ozgul S, Batyraliev T. Primer stent implantation in acute miocardial infarction. Turkish Journal of interventional Cardiology. 1: 14-17, 2000
139. Akgul F, Batyraliev TA, Erenler G, Karben Z. AMI’ e bagli; gelisen kardiojenik sokta intraaortik balon pompasi; destegi ile PTCA. Proceed, of XVl th Congress of Cardiology of Turkey (XVl ulusal Kardioloji Kongresi. 11-14 ekim, 00. Ozet Kitabi). October 11-14,2000, Antalya, Turkey. P. -12.
140. Batyraliev TA, Akgul F, Karben Z, Sercelik A, Ozgul S, Ayalp MR, Preobrajenski DV, Besnili F, Dinler G, Vural A. Clinical and Angyographic evaluation on the SeaquenceTM stent: a New Coronary Metallic Stent with Rapld Exchange Delivery System. 24th Annual Scientific Sessions, Houston, Texas, May 16-19, 2001. Catheteriation and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2001;53:121.
141. Batyraliev TA, Pershukov I, Karben Z, Ayalp MR. Roles of coronary artery tone in the results of coronary angioplasty. 24th Annual Scientific Sessions, Houston, Texas, May 16-19, 2001. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2001;53:118.
142. Pershukov, A.Samko, T.Batyraliev, S.Kovalev, Z.Karben, A.Afanasiev, I.Levitsky, Yu.Belenkov. Role of coronary artery tone in results of endovascular treatment of coronary artery disease. // Proceeding of the Interregional scientific and practical conference with the international participation "Therapy-2000", Voronezh, Russia, November 15-16 2000, p.59-61.
143. Batyraliev T, Karben Z, Pershukov I. Using stents in acute myocardial infarction, complication cardiogenic schock. // Proceeding of the 5th Scientific session of Bakulev’s Cardiovascular Surgery Center of Russian Academy of Medical Science, Moscow, Russia, May 13-15 2001, p.86.
144. Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Karben Z. Prognosis of the results of stenting in acute myocardial infarction, complication cardiogenic schock. // Proceeding of the 5th Scientific session of Bakulev’s Cardiovascular Surgery Center of Russian Academy of Medical Science, Moscow, Russia, May 13-15 2001, p.86.
145. Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Samko A, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A, Pya Yu, Besnili F, Ayalp MR, Ozgul S. Primary coronary stenting. // Proceeding of the 4th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology, London, June 24-27 2001, International Journal of Cardiovascular Interventions, 2001, Vol.4, Suppl.1, p.24.
146. Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Samko A, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A, Pya Yu, Besnili F, Ayalp MR, Ozgul S. Clinical and angiographic outcome after coronary arterial stenting with the Ephesos-stent. // Proceeding of the 4th International Meeting on Interventional Cardiology, London, June 24-27 2001, International Journal of Cardiovascular Interventions, 2001, Vol.4, Suppl.1, p.7.
147. Niyazova-Karben Z, Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Ozgul S, .Sercelik A, Minakov E, Afanasiev A, Besnili F, Pya Yu, Ayalp MR, Dinler G. Late stenting in acute myocardial infarction. // Proceeding of the Russian national cardiology congress, Moscow, Russia, October 11-13 2001, p.278.
148. Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Pershukov I, Ozgul S, Sercelik A, Ayalp M, Besnili F, Dinler G, Lazutkina V. Analysis of correlations of risk factors of atherosclerosis with restenosis after coronary artery stenting. // Proceeding of the Russian national cardiology congress, Moscow, Russia, October 11-13 2001, p.38.
149. Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A and Ozgul S. Direct coronary stenting in acute coronary syndrome. // Proceeding of the 4th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease “Advances in Coronary Artery Disease”, Prague, Czech Republic, October 21-24, 2001. p.677-682.
150. Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sidorenko B, Preobrazhensky D, Pershukov I, Ozgul S, Besnili F, Aksoy I, Pya Yu. Immediate coronary angioplasty in acute myocardial infarction: data of prospective follow-up for 6 month. // Kardiologiya, Moscow, Russia, Vol.41, 2001, N.11, p.35-39.
151. Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Samko A, Afanasiev A, Niyazova-Karben Z, Levitsky I, Pya Yu, Daniyarov B. How we can achieve optimal results of PTCA? // Proceeding of the Conference, dedicated of 25th Anniversary of the Voronezh regional hospital, Modern medical technologies, Voronezh, November, 2001, p.241-246.
152. Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A, Ozgul S, Besnili F, Ayalp MR, Dinler G, Aksoy I. 6 month follow-up of in-stent restenosis with or without repeat stenting. // Proceeding of the 7th All-Russian Congress of the cardiovascular surgeons, Moscow, Russia, November 27-30 2001, p.147.
153. Pya Yu, Demiray E, Ogutmen C, Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Ozgul S, Besnili F, Aksoy I, Ayalp MR. Short-term and long-term results of coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with diffuse lesion of left anterior descending artery. // Proceeding of the 7th All-Russian Congress of the cardiovascular surgeons, Moscow, Russia, November 27-30 2001, p.48.
154. Pya Yu, Demiray E, Ogutmen C, Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Ozgul S, Besnili F, Aksoy I, Dinler G. Cold blood cardioplegy (experience of using in 961 patients). // Proceeding of the 7th All-Russian Congress of the cardiovascular surgeons, Moscow, Russia, November 27-30 2001, p.175.
155. Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A, Pya Yu, Besnili F, Ayalp MR, Ozgul S. Clinical and angiographic outcome after coronary arterial stenting with tne Ephesos stent. International J of Cardiovascular Interventions. 2001; 4, suppl 1:7.
156. Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Samko A, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A, Pya Yu, Besnili F, Ayalp MR, Ozgul S. Primary Coronary Stenting. International J of Cardiovascular Interventions. 2001; 4, suppl 1:24.
157. Batyraliev T, Ayalp MR, Sercelik A, Karben Z, Dinler G, Besnili F. Eximer Lazer Coronary Angioplasty (ELCA). Anatolian Journal of Medicine. 2001; 3(2): 132-136.
158. Ternovoy S, Sinitsyn V, Batyraliev T. Electron Beam and Spiral Computed Tomography of Heart and great Vessels. Coronary Angigraphy. Olusur Grafik, Istanbul, 2001, 111pp.
159. Batyraliev TA, Belenkov YuN. Invasive Cardiology- Possibilities and Perspectives. Kardiologiya, 2001; 9: 4-11.
160. Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A and Ozgul S. Direct coronary stenting in acute coronary syndrome. Proceeding of the 4th Int. Congress on Coronary Artery Disease “Advances in Coronary Artery Diease”, Praque, October 21-24, 2001. P. 677-682.
161. Batyraliev T, Samko AN,Pershukov IV, Niyazova-Karben Z, Ozgul S, Sercelik A, Besnili F, Ayalp R, Pya Yu, Dinler G. Clinical and angiographic outcome after coronary arterial stenting with the Ephesos stent in patients with Coronary artery atherosclerosis. Kardiologiya, 2002; 2: 4-8.
162. Batyraliev T, Samko AN,Pershukov IV, Niyazova-Karben Z, Levitsky IV, Ozgul S, Sercelik A, Pya Yu, Besnili F, Dinler G, Ayalp R. Immediate and long term effects of Coronary stent BioDiomond implantation. Ter arkhiv. 2002, 2 (74): 57-60.
163. Ayalp R, Mavi A, Sercelik A, Batyraliev T, Gumusburun M. Frequency in the anomalous origin of the right coronary artery with angiography in a Turkish population.Int J Cardiol. 2002 Mar;82(3):253-7.
164. Preobrazhensky DV, Sidorenko BA, Batyraliev TA. ACE Inhibitors and AT1 receptor blockers in clinical practice (Part I). Moscow, 2002, 224 pp.
165. Z.Niyazova-Karben, T.Batyraliev, B.Sidorenko, D.Preobrazhensky, I.Pershukov, S.Ozgul, A.Sercelik, F.Besnili, M.Ayalp, G.Dinler. Coronary stenting in acute myocardial infarction complicated with cardiogenic shock. // Kardiologiia, Moscow, Russia, Vol.42, 2002, N.3, p.16-19.
166. Preobrazhensky DV, Sidorenko BA, Batyraliev TA. ACE Inhibitors and AT1 receptor blockers in clinical practice (Part II). Moscow, 2002, 224 pp.
167. Persukov I, Batyraliev T, Samko A, Niyazova-Karben Z, Pya Yu, Belenkov Yu. Evaluation of the TAIS Stent in Short De Novo Coronary Lesions. // European Radiology, February 2002, Suppl. 1 to vol. 12, p.296, // Proceeding of the 14th European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, March 1-5, 2002, B-0854.
168. Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A, Pya Yu, Daniyarov B. Quality of life after balloon angioplasty or direct stenting in patients with single short lesions. // Proceeding of the First Russian Congress on Interventional Cardioangiology, Moscow, Russia, March 4-6, 2002, p.58.
169. Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A, Pya Yu, Daniyarov B. Immediate and long-term outcome of coronary stenting for patients with in-stent restenosis. // Proceeding of the First Russian Congress on Interventional Cardioangiology, Moscow, Russia, March 4-6, 2002, p.75.
170. Sercelik A, Samko A, Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Levitsky I, Besnili F, Sozykin A, Tiryaki B, Arful F. In-stent restenosis after placement of various coronary stent types. // Proceeding of the First Russian Congress on Interventional Cardioangiology, Moscow, Russia, March 4-6, 2002, p.83-84.
171. Batyraliev T, Samko A, Pershukov I, Levitsky I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Ozgul S, Sercelik A, Pya Yu, Besnili F. Two centers experience of using BIODIAMOND coronary stent. // Proceeding of the First Russian Congress on Interventional Cardioangiology, Moscow, Russia, March 4-6, 2002, p.127.
172. Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A, Pya Yu, Ozgul S, Afanasiev A, Kazansky D. Coronary angioplasty and stenting in patients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. // Proceeding of the First Russian Congress on Interventional Cardioangiology, Moscow, Russia, March 4-6, 2002, p.49-50.
173. Niyazova-Karben Z, Sidorenko B, Batyraliev T, Preobrazhensky D, I.Pershukov, Pya Yu, Daniyarov BS. Prospective Analysis of Conservative Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome. // Kardiologiia, Vol.42, 2002, N.5, p.34-38.
174. Batyraliev T, Pershukov I. Review of Clinical studies of ischemic Heart Disease and Its Invasive Treatment (proceeding of the XXIII Congress of European Cardiology Society). // Kardiologiia, Moscow, Russia, Vol.42, 2002, N.5, p. 71-74.
175. Preobrazhensky D, Sidorenko B, Batyraliev T, Marenitch AV, Romanova NE. Contemporary Approaches to Diagnosis and management of Chronic Heart Failure (Summary of the American College of Cardiology/ american Heart Association Guidelines). // Kardiologiia, Russia, Vol.42, 2002, N.6, p.65-79.
176. Preobrazhensky D, Sidorenko B, Batyraliev T, Malysheva NV, Trusko VV. Interaction of Angiotenzin Converting Enzime Inhibitors With nonsteroidal Antiinflamatory Drugs.// Kardiologiia, Vol.42, 2002, N.7, p.68-76.
177. Belenkov Yu, Batyraliev T, Pershukov I. Invasive Cardiology-focus on Restenosis. Part I. // Kardiologiia, Vol.42, 2002, N.8, p.50-57.
178. Belenkov Yu, Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Samko A. Invasive Cardiology-focus on Restenosis. Part II. // Kardiologiia, Vol.42, 2002, N.11, p.68-73.
179. Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A, Ozgul S, Besnili F, Ayalp MR, Dinler G, Aksoy I, Pya Yu. The efficiency of use of the coronary stent “Seaquence TM “: 8 month prospective follow – up. //Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgery. 2002, N. 2, 21-24.
180. Bockeria LA, Pya Yu, Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Demiray E, Ogutmen C, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A, Ozgul S, Aksoy I. Surgicai miocardial revascularization in diffuze anterior interventricular branch lesion. //Thoracic and Cardiovascular surgery. 2002, N. 3, 43-47.
181. Mavi A, Sercelik A, Ayalp R, Gumusburun E, Batyraliev T. Single coronary artery arising from the left sinus of valsalva. Saudi Med J. 2002, Dec; 23 (12) :1537-40.
182. Mavi A, Sercelik A, Ayalp R, Pestemalci T, Batyraliev T, Gumusburun E. Variants in origin of the left circumflex coronary artery with angiography. Saudi Med J. 2002, Nov; 23 (11) : 1390-3.
183. Mavi A, Sercelik A, Ayalp R, Gulhal Bozkir, Batyraliev T and Gumusburun E,. Single coronary artery arising from the Right sinus of valsalva. Okajimas Folia Anat. Jpn. 79 (5):163-68, December, 2002.
184. PREOBRAZHENSKY D. V. ; SIDORENKO B. A. ; BATYRALIEV T. A. ; NOSENKO N. S. ; PATARAYA S. A. Primary prevention of cerebral stroke. Part I. journal nevrologii i psihiatrii imeni S.S. 2002, 6, pp. 19-23, SUP.
185. 105. Batyraliev TA, Pershukov I, Samko A, Niyazova-Karben Z, Daniyarov B, Sercelik A, Pya Yu, Belenkov Yu. Multivessel Coronary Stenting in Patients With low ejection fraction: predictors of early and late Outcome. Congress on Heart Failure -Mechanisms and Management, Geneva, Switzerland. May 21-25. Journal of Heart Failure, 2:1, 2002. P, 360.
186. Batyraliev T, Pershukov IV, , Samko AN, Niyazova-Karben Z, Birand A, Erenler O. Quantitative Assessment of right ventricular Contractility by contrast Angiography in healhtly Persons and patients with ishemic Heart Disease. Kardiologiya, 2003; 5: 21-25.
187. Pershukov I, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova-Karben Z, Samko A, Kadayifci S, Ozgul S, Belenkov Yu. Efficacy and Safety of Direct stenting in Patients With Acute Miocardial Infarction. 26th Annual Scientific Sessions, Boston, MA, May 7-10, 2003. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2003; 59: 125-126.
188. Samko AN, Pershukov IV, Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Calenici O, Karaus A, Guler N, Eryonucu B, Kadayifci S, Temamogullari A, Ozgul S, Akgul F, Levitsky IV, Sozykin AV, Besnili F, Arful F, Jamgyrchiev Sh, Sercelik A,Sengul H, Daniyarov BS, Demirbas O, Belenkov Yu.. Immediate and Long term Outcoms After “Ephesos” Coronary Stent Implantation in Patients With Stable or unstable Angina. Ter arkhiv. 2003, 4 (75): 47-51.
189. Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Preobrazhenskii D, Sercelik A, Calenici O, Karaus A, Guler N, Eryonucu B, Kadayifci S, Temamogullari A, Ozgul S, Akgul F, Demirbas O, Sengul H, Dogru O, Petrakova L, Sidorenko B. Rheolytic Tromboectomy With Angiojet Catheter During Tranluminal Coronary Revascularization in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction. Kardiologiya, 2003, 8 (43): 9-16.
190. Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sidorenko B. Current Methods in the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction. Bishkek, 2003, 154 pp.
191. Demirbas O, Akbulut E, Batyraliev T, Sercelik A, Karben Z, Pershukov I. Primary Stent Implantation for Aortic Coarctation: a Case Report. Anatol J Cardiol, 2003, 3 (3): 266-69.
192. Pershukov I, Niyazova Karben Z, Batyraliev T et al for the group of Investigators. Effectiveness of Eximer Lazer Angioplasty in Treatment of Patients With in Stant Restenosis. Kardiologiya, 2003, 10 (43): 35-45
193. Preobrazhenskii D, Sidorenko B, Alekhin MN, Batyraliev T. Left Ventrikular Hipertrophy in Hipertension. Part 1. Criteriaof Diagnisis and Prevelance. Kardiologiya, 2003, 10 (43): 99-105.
194. Samko AN, Pershukov IV, Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sercelik A,Calenici O, Karaus A, Guler N, Eryonucu B, Kadayifci S, Temamogullari A, Ozgul S, Akgul F, Levitsky IV, Sozykin AV, Besnili F, Arful F, Jamgyrchiev Sh, Daniyarov BS, Demirbas O, Sengul H. Efficacy and safety of the TAIS coronary stent Implantation nine month multicenter study. Ter arkhiv. 2003, 8 (75): 12-17.
195. Sercelik A, Mavi A, Ayalp R, Pestamalci T, Gumusburun E, Batyraliev T. Congenital Coronary Artery Fistulas in Turkish Patients Undergoing Diagnostic Cardiac Angiography. Int J Clin Pract 2003, 4 (57): 280-3.
196. Pershukov IV, Niyazova-Karben ZA, Batyraliev TA, Preobrazhenskii DV , Guler N, Eryonucu B, Kadayifci S, Sercelik A, Ozgul S, Akgul F, Temamogullari; A, Demirbas O, Sengul H, Dogru O, Petrakova L, Sidorenko B. Predictors of early in-stent restenosis. TCT 2003 (TCT-500). Am J Cardiol 2003;92;6;Suppl.1:207-208L.
197. Pershukov IV, Niyazova-Karben ZA, Batyraliev TA, Preobrazhenskii DV, Sercelik A, Guler N, Eryonucu B, Kadayifci S, Ozgul S, Akgul F, Temamogullari; A, Demirbas O, Sengul H, Karaus A, Calenici O, Dogru O, Petrakova L, Persypko MK, Sidorenko B. Eximer Lazer Coronary Angioplasty in Treatment of Patients with in stent Restenosis. TCT 2003 (TCT-419). Am J Cardiol 2003;92;6;Suppl.1:207-208L.
198. Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Samko A, Studenikin V, Afanasiev A, Niyazova-Karben Z, Kadayifci S, Ozgul S, Sengul H, Dogru O, Levitsky I, Belenkov. In – hospital Outcome of Multivessel Stenting In Patients With Severe Chronic Left Ventricular Dysfunction. Proceeding of the Interamerican Congress of Cardiology, Toronto, Ontario, October 24-29, 2003, Canada. p.135.
199. Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Kadayifci S, Ozgul S, Sengul H, Akgul F, Petrakova L, Peresypko M, Preobrazhenskii D, Sidorenko B. Direct Coronary Stenting of Unprotected and Protected Left Main Stenoses. Proceeding of the Interamerican Congress of Cardiology, Toronto, Ontario, October 24-29, 2003, Canada. p.136
200. Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Eryonucu B, Guler N, Temamogullari A, Petrakova L, Peresypko M, Preobrazhenskii D, Sidorenko B. Efficacy and Safety of Direct small Coronary Stenting: nine Month follow –up. Proceeding of the Interamerican Congress of Cardiology, Toronto, Ontario, October 24-29, 2003, Canada. p.138
201. Niyazova-Karben Z Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Serceloik A, Sidorenko B. Long –term Outcome of direct Coronary Stenting of Left Main Stenoses. Proceeding of XIII th International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, September 28- October 2, 2003, Kyoto, Japan. J Atherosclarosis,4/2 (2003) suppl, p. 29
202. Pershukov I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Batyraliev T, Serceloik A, Sidorenko B, Dogru O. Clinical, angiographic, and procedural predictors of early versus late in-stent restenosis: Implication after after Subsequent intervention. Proceeding of XIII th International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, September 28- October 2, 2003, Kyoto, Japan. J Atherosclarosis,4/2 (2003) suppl, p. 324.
203. Preobrazhenskii D, Sidorenko B, Alekhin MN, Batyraliev T. Left Ventrikular Hipertrophy in Hipertension. Part II. Value for prognosis. Kardiologiya, 2003, 11 (43): 98-102.
204. Preobrazhenskii D, Sidorenko B, Marenich AV, Stetsenko TM, Attokurov RA, Batyraliev T. Current Therapy of Artetial Hypertension (2003 European Society of Hypertension – ESC Guidelines for the Mangement of Arterial Hypertension). Kardiologiya, 2003, 12 (43): 91-103.
205. Pershukov IV, Batyraliev T, Samko AN, Niyazova-Karben Z, Belenkov Yu, Calenici O. In Hospital, six- and eighteen months rezults of “Ephesos” Coronary Stent Implantation in Patients With Unstable or unstable Angina. Eur J Gen Med;. 2003, 4 (1): 19-25.
206. Sercelik A, Mavi A, Karben Z, Ozgul, Batyraliev T, Gumusburun E. The Angiographic Aspects on Atypic myocardial Bridge Case (case report). Anadolu Tip Dergisi, 2003; 5(1): 43-45.
207. Mavi A, Ayalp R, Sercelik A, Pestemalci T, Batyraliev T and Gumusburun. Frequency in the Anomalous of the Left Main Coronary Artery with Angiography in a Turkish Population. J. Acta med. Okayama, 2004, v. 58, 1, 17-22.
208. Preobrazhensky DV, Sidorenko BA, Kiktev VG, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV. Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Complications in Atrial Fibrilation. Part. I. Prevalence and Risk Factors. Kardiologiya, 2004, 3 (44): 83-86.
209. Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Niyazova-Karben Z, Dogru O, Olshansky MS, Guler N, Eryonucu B, Demirbas O, Gaydukov AV, Persypko MK, Petrakova LN, Preobrazhenskii DV, Sidorenko BA. Clinical, Angiographical and Procedural Causes of Abrubt Vessel Closure During Transluminal Coronary Intervention. Kardiologiya, 2004, 4 (44): 43-50.
210. Preobrazhenskii D, Sidorenko B, Alekhin MN, Batyraliev T, Stetsenko TM. Left Ventrikular Hipertrophy in Hipertension. Part III. Reversibility of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy During Treatment With Antihypertensive Drugs. Kardiologiya, 2004, 4 (44): 89-95.
211. Peresypko MK, Niyazova-Karben Z, Petrakova LN, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IN, Guler N, Eryonucu B, Dogru O, Demirbas O, Gaydukov AV, Preobrazhenskii DV, Sidorenko BA. Prognostication of Unstable Angina Due to Restenosis After Percutaneus Angioplasty of Venous Grafts. Kardiologiya, 2004, 5 (44): 12-18.
212. Preobrazhensky DV, Sidorenko BA, Kiktev VG, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV. Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Complications in Atrial Fibrilation. Part. II. Prevention With Warfarin. Kardiologiya, 2004, 5 (44): 88-100.
213. Preobrazhensky DV, Sidorenko BA, Kiktev VG, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV. Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Complications in Atrial Fibrilation. Part. III. Prevention With Aspirin. Kardiologiya, 2004, 6 (44): 87-94.
214. Batyraliev T, Eryonucu B, Karben Z, Sengul H, Guler N, Digru O, Sercelik A. Pulmonary Edema Associated With Ascaris Lumbricoides in a Patient With Mild Mitral Stenosis: a case report. Eur J Gen Med;. 2004, 1 (2): 43-45.
215. Preobrazhensky DV, Sidorenko BA, Kiktev VG, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV. Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Complications in Atrial Fibrilation. Part. IV. Prevention With Other Antitrombotic Agents. Kardiologiya, 2004, 9 (44): 78-88.
216. Calenici O, Caraus; A, Batyraliev T, Popovici I. Mamografia Нn optimizarea tacticei revascularizi miocardului. Curierul medical. 2004. N 4. p. 24-27.
217. Pershukov IV, Batyraliev TA, Samko AN, Niyazova-Karben ZA, Moreva E, Preobrazhenskii DV. Achiements of Invasive Cardiology. 2003. Part I. Kardiologiya, 2004, 11 (44): 80-88.
218. Pershukov IV, Batyraliev TA, Samko AN, Niyazova-Karben ZA, Moreva E, Preobrazhenskii DV. Achiements of Invasive Cardiology. 2003. Part I I. Kardiologiya, 2004, 12 (44): 66-74.
219. Vural A, Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Guven A. The reasons of the restenosis after coronary stenting. Konsilium, 2004, 6: 35-38.
220. Persukov I, Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Vural A. No-Reflow is an independent predictor of death and myocardial infarction after percutaneus coronary intervention. European Heart J., 25: 342-343 Suppl. S aug-sep 2004.
221. Persukov I, Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Goksen , Mahuthotjaev S, Besnili F, Belenkov Yu. The unprotected left main coronary intervention in patients with acute myocardial infaction. European Heart J., 25: 418-418 Suppl. S aug-sep 2004.
222. Preobrazhensky DV, Sidorenko BA, Kiktev VG, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV. Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Complications in Atrial Fibrilation. Part. V. The Use of Drugs Without Antitrombotic or Antiarrhythmic Properties. Kardiologiya, 2004, 12 (44): 80-88.
223. Preobrazhensky DV, Sidorenko BA, Batyraliev TA. ACE Inhibitors and AT1 receptor blockers in clinical practice (Part III of four Parts). Moscow, 2004, 300 pp.
224. Preobrazhensky DV, Sidorenko BA, Batyraliev TA. Medical Management of Chronic Heart Failure. Moscow, 2004, 336 pp.
225. Preobrazhensky DV, Sidorenko BA, Kiktev VG, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV. Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Complications in Atrial Fibrilation. Part. VI. Choice of Optimal Approach and Drugs for Prevention of Stroke. Kardiologiya, 2005, 1 (45): 84-93.
226. Batyraliev T, Ayalp MR, Karben Z, Dinler G, Besnili F, Ozgul S, Pershukov I. Complications of cardiac Catheterization: a single – center study. Angiology, 2005; 56(1): 75-80.
227. Vural A, Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Karben Z, Karaus A, Calenici O, Petrakova L, Persypko M, Preobrazhenskii DV, Sidorenko B. Clinical and angiographic results of percutaneus eximer Laser versus balloon for coronary intrastent restenosis. Eur J Gen Med;. 2004, 1 (4): 53-64.
228. Batyraliev T, Pershukov IV, Birand A, Erenler O. Quantitative Angiographic analysis of Right Ventricular global function in normal incidences and in patients with Coronary artery Disease. Angiology. 2005 mar-Apr; 56 (2): 137-42.
229. Sidorenko BA, Preobrazhenskii DV,Sharoshina IA, Makhmutkhodzhaev SA, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV. The place of Cardiac Glycosides in the treatment of Chronic Heart Failure. Part I. Clinical Pharmacology. Kardiologiia, 2005, 4 (45): 85-91.
230. Levitsky IV, Pershukov IV, Batyraliev T, Tiriaki B, Niyazova-Karben Z, Zhamgyrchiev Sh, Samko AN. Sirolimus and Paclitaxel – Hospital Outcome of the Implantation of Stents With Anti-proliferative Covering. International Journal of Interventional Cardioangiology. 2005, 7. // Proceeding of the Second Russian Congress on Interventional Cardioangiology, Moscow, Russia, March 28-30, 2005, p. 2.
231. Pershukov IV, Samko AN, Batyraliev T, Niyazova-Karben Z, Petrakova LN, Peresypko MK. Is There any Differens in the Re-Stenosis Morphology after Implantation of Drug Eluting and Bare Stents. International Journal of Interventional Cardioangiology. 2005, 7. // Proceeding of the Second Russian Congress on Interventional Cardioangiology, Moscow, Russia, March 28-30, 2005, p. 3.
232. Besnili F, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov I, Samko AN, Niyazova-Karben Z, Belenkov Yu. Is early Treatment of Unstable Angina Equally Effective for Both Women and Men. International Journal of Interventional Cardioangiology. 2005, 7. // Proceeding of the Second Russian Congress on Interventional Cardioangiology, Moscow, Russia, March 28-30, 2005, p.56.
233. Pershukov I, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova-Karben Z, Samko A, Levitsky I, Besnili F. One-Year Outcome of Primary Coronary Stenting fr Left-Main Shok Fyndrome. 28th Annual Scientific Sessions, Florida, May 4-7, 2005. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2005; 65: 91.
234. Pershukov I, Batyral&iev TA, Niyazova-Karben Z, Petrakova LN, Persypko MK, Preobrazhensky D, Sidorenko B. Morfological Predictors of Clinical Outcome after Unprotected Left Main Coronary Artery Stenting. 28th Annual Scientific Sessions, Florida, May 4-7, 2005. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2005; 65: 141.
235. Demirbas O, Guven A, Batyraliev T. Management of 28 Consececutive iatrojenic femoral Pseudoaneurysms with ultrasound-guided compression. Heart Vessels. 2005 May; 20 (3): 91-4.
236. Preobrazhensky DV, Batyraliev TA, Sharoshina IA. Chronic Heart Failure in the Elderly. Moscow, 2005, 155 pp.
237. Sidorenko BA, Preobrazhensky DV,Sharoshina IA, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV, Makhmukhodzhaev SA. The place of Cardiac Glycosides in the treatment of Chronic Heart Failure. Part II. Results of Small Studies. Kardiologiia, 2005, 5 (45): 78-86.
238. Sidorenko BA, Preobrazhensky DV,Sharoshina IA, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV, Makhmukhodzhaev SA. The place of Cardiac Glycosides in the treatment of Chronic Heart Failure. Part III. The DIG Trial. Kardiologiia, 2005, 6 (45): 61-71.
239. Samko AN, Levitsky IV, Batyraliev T, Pershukov IV, Niyazova-Karben Z, Calenici O, Besnili F, Vural A, Seydalieva T, Zhamgyrchiev Sh, Belenkov Yu. Long term Results of the Use of TAIS coronary stent. Data of Prospective Follow Up for 18 Months. Kardiologiia, 2005, 7 (45): 15-21.
240. Preobrazhensky DV, Sidorenko BA, Kiktev VG, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV. Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Complications in Atrial Fibrilation. Part. VII. Prevention of Cardioversion Related Tromboembolizm. Kardiologiya, 2005, 7 (45): 78-83.
241. Guler N, Batyraliev T, Dulger H, Tuncer M, Aslan S, Okut H, Agirbasli M. The effects of short term (3 weeks) testosterone treatment on serum inflammatory markers in men undergoing coronary artery stenting. Int J Cardiol. 2005 Jul 22;
242. Pershukov I, Pataraia SA, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova-Karben Z, Sidorenko BA,
Preobrazhenskii DV. Recommendations of Working Group of European Society of Cardiology on Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. . Kardiologiya, 2005, 8 (45): 84-91.
243. Sidorenko BA, Preobrazhenskii DV, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV, Makhmutkhodzhaev SA. The Place of Diuretics in the Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure. Part I. . Kardiologiya, 2005, 8 (45): 76-83.
244. Vural A, Pershukov IV, Batyraliev TA, Niyazova-Karben Z, Petrakova LN, Peresypko MK, Moreva EI, Preobrazhenskii DV, Sidorenko BA. Predictive role of exercise Tests in development of Restenosis in Patients After Coronary Stent implantation. Kardiologiya, 2005, 8 (45): 14-16.
245. Sidorenko BA, Preobrazhenskii DV, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV, Makhmutkhodzhaev SA. Changing Views On The Place of Loop and Thiazide Diuretics in the Treatment of Chrpnic Heart Failure. Part II. influence on Outcoms and Clinical Application. Kardiologiya, 2005, 9 (45): 99-104.
246. Demirbas O, Batyraliev T, Eksi Z, Pershukov I. Femoral Pseudoaneuryzm due to Diagnostic or interventional Angiographic Prıcedures.Angiology. 2005 Sep-Oct; 56 (5); 553-6.
247. Sidorenko BA, Preobrazhensky DV,Sharoshina IA, Batyraliev TA, Pershukov IV. The place of Aldosterone Receptor Blockers in the Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure. Kardiologiia, 2005, 10 (45): 76-81.
248. Batyraliev T, Pershukov I, Lazarev I, Dogru O, Niyazova Karben Z, Pya Yu, Sidorenko B. Role of Distal vs Nondistal Left Main Coronary Artery Lesion for Clinical Outcome after Unprotected Stenting. Am J Cardiol. 2005; 96 (Suppl 7A) : 204H/
249. Pershukov I, Batyraliev T, Pya Yu, , Lazarev I,Niyazova Karben Z, Petrakova L, Dogru O, Sidorenko B. Role of Distal vs Nondistal Left Main Coronary Artery Lesion for Clinical Outcome after Unprotected Stenting. Am J Cardiol. 2005; 96 (Suppl 7A) : 96H.
250. Ozgul S, Batyraliev T, Sercelik A, Duzkale M, Besnili F. The Use of Drug Eluting Stents in Single and Multivessel Disease: Results from our Center Experience. Turkish Journal of Interventional Cardiology. 2005. 9 (1); 1-4.
251. Akgul F, Batyraliev T. The Use of the Distal Protection systems in Percutaneus Coronary Interventions. . Turkish Journal of Interventional Cardiology. 2005. 9 (1); 17-23.
252. Calenici O, Caraus A, Batyraliev T. Cardiopatia ischemica in figuri si tabele. Chisinau, 2005. 128 pp.
253. Belenkov Yu, Samko AN, Batyraliev T, Pershukov IV, Niyazova-Karben Z, Besnili F, Levitskii IV, Zhamgyrchiev Sh, Vural A, Kalenici O. Two-yer results after implantation of a metallic stent Ephesos in patients with coronary heart Diseases. Ter Arkh. 2005; 77 (9); 49-52.
254. IV. Pershukov, T.A. Batyraliev, F. Besnili, Z.A. Niyazova-Karben, T. Seyidalieva, Y.V. Pya, M.K. Peresypko, L.N. Petrakova, D.V. Preobrazhenskii, B.A. Sidorenko. Acute coronary syndrome is a most often clinical presentation of in-stent restenosis. // Proceeding of the 6th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease. Istanbul, Turkey, Oct.29-Nov.1, 2005, No.58.
255. T.A. Batyraliev, I.V. Pershukov, A.N. Samko, F. Besnili, I.V. Levitskii, Z.A. Niyazova-Karben, E.Y. Moreva, S.T. Jamgyrchiev, A. Guven, Y.N. Belenkov. Long-term clinical outcomes of unprotected stenting for distal vs nondistal left main coronary artery lesions. // Proceeding of the 6th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease. Istanbul, Turkey, Oct.29-Nov.1,
2005, No.59.
256. I.V. P