Ученая степеньДоктор технических наук
Научное направлениеТехнические науки
РегионРоссия / Санкт-Петербург
Алексеев Александр Борисович - Доктор технических наук, Заместитель Генерального директора Международной Организации ИТЭР
Франция, Сан Поль ле Дюранс.
Алексеев Александр Борисович родился 04.06.1963 г в Ленинграде.
В 1986 году с отличием окончил Физико-механический факультет Ленинградского ордена Ленина политехнического института им. М.И. Калинина (теперь Санкт-Петербургский государственный политехнический университет) по специальности «Динамика и прочность машин». С 1986 по 2011г. Работал в НИИЭФА им. Д.В. Ефремова.
29.04.2003 г. защитил диссертацию кандидата физико-математических наук по теме: « Анализ магнитоупругой устойчивости и термомеханических процессов в магнитной системе термоядерного реактора».
22.12.2010 г. защитил диссертацию доктора технических наук по теме: «Постановка и решение задач механики при создании электромагнитной системы токамака».
В настоящее время работает в Международной Организации ИТЭР в должности заместителя генерального директора, директора директората Токамак.
Алексеев Александр Борисович имеет награды:
Участник Интернет-энциклопедии "Ученые России"
Научные публикации
1.Alekseev A., Gavrilov S., Malkov A., et al. Structural steels for superconducting magnet systems of fusion reactors. - Report at conference on “Radiation impact on materials for fusion reactors”, 1990 (in Russian).
2.Alekseev A., Andrianov O., Rogov E. Stress Analysis of T10-C TFC. – Proceedings of the 5th All-Union Conference on Engineering Problems of Fusion Reactors, 1990, p. 85-86. (In Russian)
3.Аlekseev А., Mitchell N., Gallix R. et al. Magnet Safety Assessment for ITER. - Journal of Fusion Energy. Vol. 16, N 1-2, 1997. P. 25-35
4.Alekseev A., Gallix R., Mitchell N., et al. Mechanical Structures for ITER Magnet System. - Proceedings of 19th SOFT (1996), vol. 2, p. 1075 -1078
5.Alekseev A., Borque R. and Wykes M. The ITER Thermal Shield. - Proceedings of 19th SOFT (1996), vol. 2, p. 1079 -1082.
6.Alekseev A.B., Arneman A.F., Belyakov V.A., et al. GLOBUS-M Tokamak Magnets. - Proceedings of 19th SOFT (1996), vol. 1, p. 829 - 832.
7.Alekseev A., Bykov V., Grigoriev S., et al. RF proposals on design of the ITER VV thermal shield. - Proceedings of the 6th All-Union Conference on Engineering Problems of Fusion Reactors, 1997, p. 48. (In Russian)
8.Alekseev A., Eliseev V. Analysis of residual stresses caused by winding in the superconducting coils. - Proceedings of the 6th All-Union Conference on Engineering Problems of Fusion Reactors, 1997, p. 102. (In Russian).
9.Alekseev A., Malkov A., Korolkov M. and Spirchenko Yu. Fatigue analysis of the ITER load-bearing structures. - Proceedings of 6th All-Union Conference on Engineering Problems of Fusion Reactors, 1997, p. 114. (In Russian).
10.Alekseev A. and Malkov A. RF Manufacturing method of uniform-strength superconducting solenoid. - Proceedings of the 3rd technical seminar “Actual strength problems of materials and structures at low and cryogenic temperatures, 1997, p. 31-35. (In Russian).
11.Alekseev A., Arneman A., Egorov K., et al Structural problems of the ITER superconducting magnet system - Proceedings of the 6th All-Union Conference on Engineering Problems of Fusion Reactors, 1997, p. 48. (In Russian).
12.Alekseev A., R. Gallix, C.T. Jong et al. Experimental Reactor (ITER) Magnet System Design. - Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Magnet Technology, 1997, Part 1, p. 343-346.
13.Alekseev A., Arneman A., Huguet M., et al. Structural Assessment of the ITER Magnet System. - Proceedings of 20th SOFT (1998), vol. 1, p. 899-902.
14.Alekseev A., Doinikov N., Gribov Y., et al. Analysis of Tolerances and Error Field for the ITER Magnet System. - Proceedings of 20th SOFT (1998), vol. 1, p. 555-558.
15.Alekseev A. B., Sorin V.M. Analysis of Magneto-mechanical Stability of ITER Magnet. - Plasma Devices and Operations, 1998, Vol. 5, p. 335-344.
16.Alekseev A., Bykov V., Grigoriev S. et al. The thermal shields for the ITER magnet system: thermal, structural and assembly aspects. - Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 58-59, 2001, p. 177 - 182.
17.Alekseev A., Egorov K., Malkov A. and Panin A. Structural Analysis of the GLOBUS-M Magnet System. – Plasma Devices and Operations, 2001, Vol. 9, p. 57 – 81.
18.Аlekseev А., Korotkov V., Gorkusha D. et al. Adiabatical Spherical Tokamak (TSP-AST) Magnets // IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. Vol. 12, N 1, 2002. P. 579-581
19.Аlekseev А., Amoskov V., Belov A., et al. Cool-Down Simulations for the ITER. // 5 International congress of mathematical modeling. 2002, Book of abstracts, V. 1, M.: “JANUS-K”, p.130.
20.Аlekseev А., Arneman A., Belov A., et al. On the Calculation of Concentrated Loads at Finite-Element Mesh Nodes as Equivalents of a Given Spatial Distribution of Volume Force Density. - Plasma Devices and Operations, 2002, Vol. 10 (4), p. 269-284.
21.Alekseev A., Arneman A. and Malkov A. Stress analysis of the ITER TFC with help of global FE models. - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Engineering Problems of Fusion Reactors, 2002, p. 86-87. (In Russian).
22.Alekseev A., Alkhimovich V., Andereev V., et al. Design of T15M tokamak. - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Engineering Problems of Fusion Reactors, 2002, p. 15-16. (In Russian).
23.Alekseev A., Alkhimovich V., Arneman A., et al. Electromagnetic system of T15M tokamak. - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Engineering Problems of Fusion Reactors, 2002, p. 119-120. (In Russian)
24.Alekseev A., Malkov A. and Skornyakov F. 2D and 3D structural analysis of the pin-bolt joints of the ITER magnet intercoil structures. - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Engineering Problems of Fusion Reactors, 2002, p. 124-125. (In Russian)
25. Alekseev A., Belyakov V., Sytchevskiy, et al. Effect of Deformations Caused by the Ponderomotive Force on Magnet System Quality in Cyclotron DC60. – Proceedings of XI International Meeting on Application of Charged Particle Accelerators to Industry and Medicine. 2005, p.219-223.
26.Alekseev A., Sborchia C., Duglue D., et al. Design and manufacture of the Poloidal Field Conductor Insert coil. – Fusion Engineering and Design, Volumes 66-68, September 2003, Pages 1081-1086.
27.Alekseev A., Utin Yu., Ioki K., Bachman Ch., et al. Design progress of the ITER vacuum vessel sectors and port structures. – Fusion Engineering and Design, 82 (2007), p.p. 2040–2046.
28.Alekseev A. Electromagnetic Loads and Magnetoelastic Stability of the In-vessel Poloidal Field Coils of the T15 Upgrade. – Plasma Devices and Operations. Vol. 17 (3), 2009. P. 201-206.
29.Alekseev A., Malkov A. and Spirchenko Yu. Mechanics of tokamak magnet systems. – VANT, “Electrophysics and electrophysical apparatus”. Issue 5 (31), 2010, p. 203-212. (In Russian).
30.Alekseev A. Application of superposition method to analysis of allowable current combinations in the ITER magnet system based on structural criteria. – VANT, “Electrophysics and electrophysical apparatus”. Issue 5 (31), 2010, p. 219-224. (In Russian).
31.A.Alekseev Alekseev A., Jong C., Mitchell N. Structural Design Criteria for ITER Magnet System– Reliability and Life of Machines and Structures. Issue 33, 2010. P.37 – 45.
32.Alekseev A., Eliseev V., Gervash A., et al. Fracture mechanics approach to Be/bronze joint structural assessment. - PFMC-13 / FEMaS-1, 2010, Book of Abstracts, p.236.
33. Основы проектирования магнитных термоядерных реакторов/ А.Б.Алексеев [и др.]: под ред. В.А.Глухих, Г.Л. Саксаганского. - СПб.:Изд-во Политехн.ун-та, 2016. - 613 с.