Специальность: 01.04.11
Год: 2010
Основные научные положения, сформулированные автором на основании проведенных исследований:
  1. Описания лабораторных методик, предназначенных для измерения кривых намагничивания магнитно-мягкого микропровода, профиля намагниченности, магнитострикции, локальных полей зарождения доменов, магнитоимпеданса, скорости движения доменных границ.
  2. Результаты исследования влияния магнитоупругой анизотропии на магнитные свойства аморфного микропровода и описания методов изменения эффективной анизотропии и магнитных свойств микропроводов путём их отжига в присутствии механического напряжения и/или магнитного поля.
  3. Экспериментальное доказательство существования критической длины возникновения магнитно-бистабильного состояния в микропроводе и её корреляции с глубиной проникновения краевых замыкающих доменов, механическими напряжениями, намагниченностью насыщения и диаметром ферромагнитного провода.
  4. Результаты исследований флуктуаций полей старта и их интерпретация в рамках термоактивационной модели.
  5. Результаты исследований влияния магнитоупругой анизотропии и взаимодействия доменных границ с внутренними дефектами на скорость движения доменных границ в аморфных микропроводах.
  6. Результаты исследования магнитно-мягких свойств и недиагонального ГМИ в ультратонких (менее 10 мкм) микропроводах Co67,1Fe3,8Ni1,4Si14,5B11,5Mo1,7, с околонулевой константой магнитострикции, и Co74B13Si11C2, с отрицательной константой магнитострикции.
  7. 8. Метод управления магнитным откликом, параметрами результирующей петли гистерезиса и эффектом ГМИ в искусственных структурах из микропроводов за счёт
  8. магнитостатического   взаимодействия   нескольких   микропроводов   с   идентичным   или различным характером перемагничивания.
  9. Результаты исследований магнитной анизотропии в многослойных микропроводах, изготовленных с использованием методов быстрой закалки, напыления и электроосаждения.
  10. Экспериментальные данные по гигантскому магнитосопротивлению в гранулированных микропроводах Co10Cu90, Cu63Fe37 и Co29Ni25Mn1Cu45.
  11. Экспериментальные данные по температурной, частотной и амплитудной зависимостям коэрцитивной силы в аморфных и нанокристаллических микропроводах и их интерпретация.
  12. Результаты исследований в магнитно-мягком микропроводе зависимостей магнитных свойств и магнитоимпеданса от приложенных механических напряжений.
Список опубликованных работ
Статьи в журналах

1.Zhukov A., Ipatov M., Zhukova V., García C., Gonzalez J., and Blanco J. M. Development of ultra-thin glass-coated amorphous microwires for HF magnetic sensor applications // Phys. Stat. Sol. (a). – 2008. – Vol. 205 No 6. – P. 1367-1372.

2.Zhukov A., Gonzalez J. and Zhukova V. Magnetoresistance in thin wires with granular structure // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2005. – Vol.294. - P. 165-173.

3.Varga R., Zhukov A., Zhukova V., Blanco J. M. and Gonzalez J. Supersonic domain wall in magnetic microwires // Phys. Rev. B. – 2007. – Vol. 76. – P. 132406.

4.Zhukov A. P., Vázquez M., Velázquez J., Chiriac H. and Larin V. The remagnetization process of thin and ultrathin Fe-rich amorphous wires // J. Magn.Magn.Mater. –1995. –Vol.151.– P.132.

5.Zhukov A. Domain Wall propagation in a Fe-rich glass-coated amorphous microwire // Appl. Phys. Let. – 2001. – Vol.78. – P. 3106.

6.Varga R., Zhukov A., Blanco J. M., Ipatov M., Zhukova V. and Gonzalez J., Vojtaník P. Fast Magnetic Domain Wall in Magnetic Microwires // Phys. Rev. B. – 2006. – Vol.74. – P. 212405.

7.Zhukova V., Blanco J.M., Ipatov M., Varga R., Gonzalez J., Zhukov A. Domain wall propagation in Fe-rich microwires // Physica B. – 2008. – Vol.403. – P. 282–285.

8.Zhukova V., Cobeño A.F., Zhukov A., Blanco J.M., Puerta S., Gonzalez J. and Vázquez M. Tailoring of magnetic properties of glass coated microwires by current annealing // Non-crystalline solids. – 2001. – 287. – P. 31-36.

9.Arcas J., Gómez-Polo C., Zhukov A., Vázquez M., Larin V. and Hernando A. Magnetic properties of amorphous and devitrified FeSiBCuNb glass-coated microwires // Nanostructured Materials. – 1996. - Vol.7 No 8. – P. 823-834.

10.Miguel C., Zhukov A., del Val J.J., Ramírez de Arellano A., Gonzalez J. Effect of stress and/or field annealing on the magnetic behavior of the (Co77Si13.5B9.5)90Fe7Nb3 amorphous alloy // J. Appl. Phys. – 2005. – Vol.97. - Issue3 – P. 034911.

11.Miguel C., Zhukov A.P., Del Val J.J. and González J. Coercivity and Induced Magnetic Anisotropy by stress and/or field annealing in Fe- and Co-based amorphous Alloys // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2005. – Vol.294. – P.245-251.

12.Vázquez M., Knobel M., Sánchez M.L., Valenzuela R. and Zhukov A. Giant

magnetoimpedance effect in soft magnetic wires for sensor applications // Sensors and Actuators A.

– 1997. – Vol.59. - P.20-29.

13.Vázquez M., Zhukov A. Magnetic properties of glass coated amorphous and nanocrystalline microwires // J.Magn.Magn.Mater. – 1996. – Vol.160. – P.223.

14.Vázquez M., P. Marin, A. Hernando, A. Zhukov and Gonzalez J. Influence of nanocrystalline structure on the magnetic properties of wires and microwires // Textures and Microstructures. – 1999. - Vol.32. - Nº1-4. - P.245-268.

15.Zhukov A., González J., Blanco J.M., Vázquez M. and Larin V. Microwires coated by glass: a new family of soft and hard magnetic materials // J.Mat.Res.– 2000. – Vol.15. – P.2107.

16.Zhukov A., González J., Blanco J.M., Prieto M.J., Pina E. and Vázquez M. Induced Magnetic Anisotropy in Co-Mn-Si-B Amorphous Microwires // J. Appl.Phys. – 2000. – Vol.87. – P.1402.

17.Zhukova V., Ipatov M., Gonzalez J., Blanco J. M. and Zhukov A. Studies of magnetic properties and giant magnetoimpedance effect in ultrathin magnetically soft amorphous microwires // J. Appl. Phys. – 2008. – Vol.103. – P.07E714 -1-3.

18.Zhukov A., Sinnecker E., Paramo D., Guerrero F., Larin V., González J. and Vázquez M. Fabrication and magnetic properties of glass-coated microwires from immiscible elements // J.Appl.Phys. – 1999. – Vol.85. – P.4482.

19.Zhukov A., Martinez J. L., Zhukova V., Palomares J., Gonzalez J., del Val J. J. and Vázquez M. Magnetoresistance in Granular Co-Cu Glass- coated Microwires // IEEE Trans. Magn. – 2004. – Vol.40-4. - P.2254-2256.

20.Larin V. S., Torcunov A. V., Zhukov A., González J., Vazquez M., Panina L. Preparation and properties of glass-coated microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater.– 2002.– Vol.249/1-2.– P.39-45.

21.Zhukov A., Luna C., Martinez J.L., Zhukova V. and Vázquez M. Magnetoresistance in Co-

Ni-Cu glass coated microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2004. – Vol.272-276. – P.e1389-e1391.

22.Zhukov A., Martín y Marero D., Batallan F., del Val J. J., Zhukova V., Martinez J.L., Luna C., Gonzalez J., Kaloshkin S. and Vázquez M. Studies of magnetoresistance and structure in Co-Ni-Cu thin wires // Phys. Stat. Sol. (c). – 2004. – Vol.1,12. – P.3717-3721.

23.Zhukov A., García C., Zhukova V., Larin V., González J., del Val J. J., Knobel M., Blanco J. M. Fabrication and magnetic properties of Cu50(Fe69Si10B16C5)50 thin microwires // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. – 2007. - Vol.353. – P.922–924.

24.García C., Zhukov A., González J., del Val J. J., Blanco J.M. and Zhukova V. Fabrication and magnetic properties of Cu70(Co70Fe5Si10B15)30 thin microwires// J. Alloys Compds. – 2009. – Vol.483. – P.566-569.

25.Zhukova V., Ipatov M., Zhukov A., Varga R., Torcunov A., Gonzalez J. and Blanco J.M. Studies of magnetic properties of thin microwires with low Curie temperatures // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2006. – Vol.300. – P.16-23.

26.Zhukova V., Blanco J.M., Ipatov M., Zhukov A., Garcıa C., Gonzalez J., Varga R., Torcunov A. Development of thin microwires with low Curie temperature for temperature sensors applications // Sensors and Actuators B. -2007. – Vol.126. – P.318–323.

27.Cobeño A.F., Zhukov A., de Arellano-López A.R., Elías F., Blanco J.M., Larin V. and González J. Physical properties of nearly zero magnetostriction Co-rich glass-coated amorphous microwires // J. Mat. Res. – 1999. – Vol.14. – P.3775.

28.Zhukova V., Cobeño A.F., Zhukov A., de Arellano Lopez A. R., López-Pombero S., Blanco J.M., Larin V. and Gonzalez J. Correlation between magnetic and mechanical properties of devitrified glass-coated Fe71.8Cu1Nb3.1Si15B9.1 microwires // J.Magn.Magn.Mater. – 2002. – Vol.249. P1-II. – P.79-84.

29.Ipatov M., Usov N.A., Zhukov A., Gonzalez J. Local nucleation fields of Fe-rich microwires and their dependence on applied stresses // Physica B. -2008. – Vol.403. – P.279–281.

30.Zhukov A., Zhukova V., Blanco J. M., Cobeño, A. F., Vazquez M. and Gonzalez J. Magnetostriction in glass-coated magnetic microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. -2003. – Vol.258-259. – P.151-157.

31.Ipatov M., Zhukova V., Zvezdin A. K. and Zhukov A. Mechanisms of the ultrafast magnetization switching in bistable amorphous microwires // J. Appl.Phys. – 2009. – Vol.106. – P.103902.

32.Vázquez M., Zhukov A., Aragoneses P., Arcas J., Marin P. and Hernando A. Magneto-impedance of glass-coated amorphous CoMnSiB microwires // IEEE Trans Magn. – 1998. – Vol.34. No 3. – P.724-728.

33.García C., Zhukov A., Zhukova V., Ipatov M., Blanco J.M. and Gonzalez J. Effect of Tensile Stresses on GMI of Co-rich Amorphous Microwires // IEEE Trans Magn. – 2005. – Vol.41.10. – P.3688-3690.

34.Kabanov Yu., Zhukov A., Zhukova V., Gonzalez J. Magnetic domain structure of microwires studied by using the magneto-optical indicator film method // Appl. Phys. Let. – 2005. – Vol.87. – P.142507.

35.Aragoneses P., Blanco J.M., Cobeño A.F., Dominguez L., Gonzalez J., Zhukov A. and Larin V. Stress Dependence of the Switching Field in Co-rich Amorphous Microwires // J. Magn. Magn Mater. – 1999. -Vol.196-197. – P.248-250.

36.Zhukova V., Zhukov A., Larin V., Torcunov A., Gonzalez J., de Arellano Lopez A. R., Quispe-Cancapa J.J. and Pinto-Gómez A.R. Magnetic and mechanical properties of magnetic glass-coated microwires with different glass coating // Materials Science Forum. – 2005. – Vol.480-481. – P.293-297.

37.Garcia Prieto M.J., Pina E., Zhukov A.P., Larin V., Marin P., Vázquez M. and Hernando A. Glass coated Co-rich Amorphous Microwires with Improved Permeability // Sensors & Actuators A. -2000. – Vol.81/1-3. – P.227-231.

38.Catalan C.F., Prida V.M., Alonso J., Vázquez M., Zhukov A., Hernando B. and Velázquez J. Effect of glass coating on magnetic properties of amorphous microwires, Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials // Materials Science & Engineering A, Supplement. – 1997.- P.438-441.

39.Zhukov A., Vázquez M., Velázqez J., Hernando A. and Larin V. Magnetic properties of Fe-based glass-coated microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 1997. – Vol.170. – P.323-330.

40.Gudoshnikov S. A., Grebenshchikov, Yu. B., Ljubimov, B. Ya., Palvanov, P. S., Usov, N. A.; Ipatov, M., Zhukov, A. and Gonzalez J. Ground state magnetization distribution and characteristic width of head to head domain wall in Fe-rich amorphous microwire // J. Phys. Stat. Sol (A). – 2009. – Vol.206. No.4. – P.613-617.

41.Пономарев Б.К., Жуков А.П. Флуктуации поля старта aморфного сплава Fe5Co70Si10B15 // ФТТ. – 1984. – Vol.26. – P.2874.

42.Zhukov A. The remagnetization process of bistable amorphous alloys // Materials and Design. – 1993. – Vol.14. – P.299.

43.Пономарев Б.К., Жуков А.П. Влияние температуры на распределение флуктуаций поля старта аморфного сплава Fe5Co70Si10B15 // ФТТ.- 1985. – Vol.27. – P.444.

44.Zhukova V., Usov N.A., Zhukov A. and Gonzalez J. Length effect in Co-rich amorphous wire // Phys. Rev B. – 2002. – Vol.65. – P.134407-1-7.

45.Zhukova V., Zhukov A., Blanco J.M., Usov N. and Gonzalez J. Effect of applied stress on remagnetization and magnetization profile of Co-Si-B amorphous wire // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2003. – Vol.258-259. – P.189-191.

46.Zhukova V., Zhukov A., Blanco J.M., Gonzalez J., Gómez –Polo C. and Vázquez M. Effect of applied stress on magnetization profile of Fe-Si-B amorphous wire // J. Appl. Phys. – 2003. – Vol.93. – P.7208-7210.

47.Zhukova V., Zhukov A., Blanco J.M., Gonzalez J. and Ponomarev B. K. Switching field fluctuations in a glass coated Fe-rich amorphous microwire // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2002. – Vol.249/1-2. – P.131-135.

48.Gawronski P., Zhukov A., Zhukova V., Blanco J. M., González J. and Kulakowski K. Distribution of switching field fluctuations in Fe-rich wires under tensile stress // Appl. Phys. Lett. – 2006. –Vol.88. – P.152507.

49.Varga R., Zhukov A., Ipatov M., Blanco J. M., Gonzalez J., Zhukova V., Vojtaník P. Thermal activation over complex energy barrier in bistable microwires // Phys. Rev. B. – 2006. – Vol.73. – P.054408-1-5.

50.Varga R., Zhukov A., Blanco J. M., Gonzalez J., Zhukova V. and Vojtanik P. Stress Dependence of the Domain Wall Potential in Amorphous CoFeSiB Glass-coated Microwires // Physica B: Condensed Matter. -2006. – Vol.372. – P.230-233.

51.Varga R., García K.L., Vázquez M., Zhukov A., Vojtanik P. Switching field distribution in amorphous magnetic bistable microwires // Phys. Rev. B. -2004. – Vol.70. – P.024402-1.

52.Zhukov A. Glass – coated magnetic microwires for technical applications // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2002. – Vol.242-245. – P.216.

53.Zhukova V., Blanco J.M., Ipatov M., Gonzalez J. and Zhukov A. Domain wall propagation in thin Fe-rich glass-coated amorphous wires // Phys. Status Solidi A. – 2009. – Vol.206. No 4. – P.679-682.

54.Ipatov M., Zhukova V., Zvezdin A. K. and Zhukov A. Mechanisms of the ultrafast magnetization switching in bistable amorphous microwires // J. Appl. Phys. – 2009. -Vol.106. -P.103902.

55.Zhukova V., Blanco J. M., Ipatov M. and Zhukov A. Effect of transverse magnetic field on domain wall propagation inmagnetically bistable glass-coated amorphous microwires // J. Appl. Phys. -2009. – Vol.106. – P.113914.

56.Zhukova V., Chizhik A., Zhukov A., Torcunov A., Larin V. and Gonzalez J. Optimization of giant magneto-impedance in Co-rich amorphous microwires // IEEE Trans. Magn. -2002. – Vol.38. 5. part I. – P.3090-3092.

57.Zhukov A., Zhukova V., Blanco J.M. and Gonzalez J. Recent research on magnetic

properties of glass-coated microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2005. – Vol.294. – P.182-192.

58.Herzer G., Vazquez M., Knobel M., Zhukov A., Reininger T., Davies H.A. and Grössinger R. Round table discussion: present and future application of nanocrystalline materials // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2005. – Vol.294. – P.252-266.

59.Zhukov A., Zhukova V., Blanco J.M. and Gonzalez J. Giant magneto-impedance effect in thin amorphous wires for sensor applications // The Physics of Metalls and Metallography. -2005. – Vol.99. Suppl.1. – P.57-61.

60.Blanco J. M., Zhukov A. and Gonzalez J. Effect of tensile and torsion on GMI effect in amorphous wire // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. - 1999. – Vol.196-197. – P.377-379.

61.Blanco J. M., Zhukov A. and Gonzalez J. Torsional Stress Impedance and Magneto-impedance in (Co0.95Fe0.05)72.5Si12.5B15 Amorphous Wire with Helical Induced Anisotropy // J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. – 1999. – Vol.32. - P.3140-3145.

62.González J., A.P. Chen, J.M. Blanco and Zhukov A. Effect of the applied mechanical stressses on the impedance response in amorphous microwires with vanishing magnetostriction // Phys. Stat. Sol. – 2002. – Vol.189. – P.599-608.

63.Zhukov А., J. Gonzalez, J.M. Blanco, P. Aragoneses and Dominguez L. Magnetoelastic sensor of level of the liquid based on magnetoelastic properties of Co-rich microwires // Sensors and Actuators A. – 2000. – Vol.81/1-3. – P.129-133.

64.Zhukova V., M, Ipatov and Zhukov A. Thin Magnetically Soft Wires for Magnetic Microsensors // Sensors. – 2009. – Vol.9. – P.9216-9240.

65.Gonzalez J., Zhukov A. P., J. M. Blanco, A. F. Cobeño, M. Vázquez and Kulakowski K. Evaluation of the saturation magnetostriction in nearly-zero magnetostrictive glass-coated amorphous microwires // J. Appl. Phys. – 2000. – Vol.87. No9. – P.5950-5952.

66.Zhukova V., J.M. Blanco, Zhukov A., J. Gonzalez, A. Torcunov and Larin V. Magnetostriction of glass-coated Co-rich amorphous microwires and its dependence on current annealing // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2003. – Vol.254-255. – P.94-96.

67.Zhukova V., J.M. Blanco, Zhukov A., Gonzalez J. Studies of the magnetostriction of as-prepared and annealed glass-coated Co-rich amorphous microwires by SAMR method // J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. – 2001. – Vol.34. - L113-L116.

68.Cobeño A. F., Zhukov A., J. M. Blanco and Gonzalez, J. Giant magneto-impedance effect in CoMnSiB amorphous microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2001. – Vol.234. - L359-L365.

69.Cobeño A. F., Zhukov A., J. M. Blanco, V. Larin and Gonzalez J. Magnetoelastic sensor based on GMI of amorphous microwire // Sensors and Actuators (A). – 2001. – Vol.91. – P.95-98.

70.Zhukova V., Ipatov M., García C., Gonzalez J., Blanco J. M. and Zhukov A. Development of Ultra-Thin Glass-Coated Amorphous Microwires for High Frequency Magnetic Sensors Applications // Open Materials Science Reviews. – 2007. – Vol.1. – P.1-12.

71.García C., Zhukov A., J. Gonzalez, V. Zhukova and Blanco J. M. High-frequency GMI effect in different families of thin amorphous wires // Trans. Magn. Soc. Jpn. – 2005. - Vol.5 No 4. – P.148-151.

72.Zhukov A. Design of the Magnetic Properties of Fe-Rich, Glass-Coated Microwires for Technical Applications // Adv. Func. Mat. – 2006. – Vol.16 Issue 5. – P.675-680.

73.Zhukov A., Zhukova V., Larin V., Blanco J.M. and Gonzalez J. Tailoring of magnetic anisotropy of Fe-rich microwires by stress induced anisotropy // Physica B. – 2006. – Vol.384. – P.1-4.

74.Larin V. and Zhukov A. Magnetic properties of microwires with amorphous structure after thermo mechanical treatment // Phys. Stat. Sol.(C). – 2009. – Vol.6, No 4. – P.958-961.

75.Zhukova V., Blanco J. M.; Gonzalez J. and Zhukov A. Off-diagonal magneto-impedance in amorphous microwires with diameter 6–10 µm and application to linear magnetic sensors // Phys. Stat. Sol. (A). – 2008. – Vol.205, No.8. – P.1779–1782.

76.Zhukova V. A., Chizhik A. B., Gonzalez J., Makhnovskiy D. P., Panina L.V., Mapps D. J. and Zhukov A. P. Effect of annealing under torsion stress on the field dependence of the impedance tensor in amorphous wire // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2002. – Vol.249. – P.318.

77.Zhukov A., Zhukova V., Gonzalez J., Panina L. and Blanco J.M. Development of Stress and Temperature Sensitive Microwires for the Sensor Applications and Tuneable Composite Materials // Advances in Science and Technology. – 2008. - Vol.54. – P.180-186.

78.Makhnovskiy D., Zhukov A., Zhukova V., Gonzalez J. Tunable and self-sensing microwave composite materials incorporating ferromagnetic microwires // Advances in Science and Technology. – 2008. - Vol.54. – P.201-210.

79.Chizhik A., Zhukov A., Blanco J.M. and Gonzalez J. Surface and bulk hysteresis loops of Fe-rich glass coated microwires // Non-crystalline solids. – 2001. – Vol.287. – P.374-379.

80.Chizhik A., Zhukov A., Blanco J.M., Szymczak R. and Gonzalez J. Interaction between Fe-rich ferromagnetic glass coated microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2002. – Vol.249/1-2. – P.99-103.

81.García C., Zhukova V., Zhukov A., Usov N., Ipatov M., Gonzalez J. and Blanco J.M. Effect of interaction on GMI effect in a system of few thin wires // Sensor Letters. – 2007. – Vol.5, No1. – P.10-12.

82.Rodionova V., Ipatov M., Ilin M., Zhukova V., Perov N., Gonzalez J. and Zhukov A. Design of magnetic properties of arrays of magnetostatically coupled glass-covered magnetic microwires // Phys. Stat. Sol. (A). – 2010. Vol.1-6 / DOI 10.1002/pssa.200925497.

83.Pirota K., Hernandez-Velez M., Navas D., Zhukov A., Vázquez M. Multilayer microwires: Tailoring magnetic behaviour by sputtering and electroplating // Adv. Funct. Mat. – 2004. – Vol.14. – P.266-268.

84.Zhukova V., Cobeño A.F., Zhukov A., Blanco J.M., Larin V. and González J. Coercivity of glass-coated Fe73.4-xCu1Nb3.1Si13.4+xB9.1 (0£x£1.6) microwires // Nanostructured Materials. – 1999. – Vol.11. – P.1319.

85.González J., Zhukov A., Zhukova V., Cobeño A.F., Blanco J.M., de Arellano-López A.R., López-Pombero S., Martínez-Fernández J., Larin V. and Torcunov A. High Coercivity of Partially Devitrified Glass-Coated Finemet Microwires: Effect of Geometry and Thermal Treatment // IEEE Trans. Magn.- 2000. - Mag-36. – P.3015.

86.Garcia C., Zhukov A., Ipatov M., Zhukova V., del Val J.J., Domínguez L., Blanco J.M., Larin V. and González J. Soft Magnetic Behaviour of Nanocrystalline Fe-Based Glass-Coated Microwires // Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. – 2006. - Vol.8, No 5. – P.1667-1671.

87.Aragoneses P., Holzer D., Sassik H., Zhukov A., Grössinger R. and Gonzalez J. Frequency

dependence of GMI effect in nanocrystalline Fe86Zr7B6Cu1 ribbons // J.Magn. Magn. Mater. – 1999.

– Vol.203. – P.292-294.

88.García C., Zhukov A., Gonzalez J., Zhukova V., Varga R., del Val J.J., Larin V., Chizhik A. and Blanco J.M. Stress dependence of coercivity in nanocrystalline Fe79Hf7B12Si2 glass-coated microwires // J.Appl. Phys. – 2006. – Vol.99. - 08F116.

89.García C., Zhukov A., Gonzalez J., Zhukova V., Varga R., del Val J.J., Larin V. and Blanco J.M. Studies of structural and magnetic properties of glass-coated nanocrystalline Fe79Hf7B12Si2 microwires // J. Alloys Compds. – 2006. – Vol.423. – P.116-119.

90.Baibich M.N., Martínez G., Miranda M.G.M., da Rosa A.T., González J., Zhukov A. Ribbons and micro-wires of CuCo segregated alloys // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2008. – Vol.320. – P.e29-e31.

91.Zhukov A., García C., Del Val J. J., Gonzalez J., Knobel M., Serantes D., Baldomir D. and Zhukova V. Studies of Fe-Cu microwires with nano-granular structure // J. Phys. C. – 2009. – Vol.21. – P.035301.

92.Gonzalez J., Zhukova V., Zhukov A. P., Del Val J.J., Blanco J.M., Pina E. and Vázquez M. Magnetic and Structural Features of Glass-Coated Cu-based (Co,Fe,Ni – Cu) Microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2000. – Vol.221. – P.196-206.

93.Del Val J.J., Gonzalez J., Zhukov A. Structural study of glass coated Cu-based microwires // Physica B. – 2001. – Vol.299. – P.242–250.

94.Chiriac H., Ovari T.A. and Zhukov A. Magnetoelastic anisotropy of amorphous microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. -2003. – Vol.254-255. – P.469-471.

95.Жуков A.П., Пономарёв Б.K. Зависимость поля старта аморфных сплавов на основе Fe и Со от частоты и амплитуды перемагничивающего поля // ФТТ. – 1989. – Vol.31. No7. – P.26-30.

96.Zhukov A., Vázquez M., Velázquez J., Garcia C., Valenzuela R. and Ponomarev B. Frequency dependence of coercivity in rapidly quenched amorphous materials // J. Mat. Sci. Eng. -1997. – Vol.A226-228. – P.753-756.

97.García C., Zhukova V., Gonzalez J., Blanco J.M., Zhukov A. Effect of magnetic field frequency on coercivity behavior of nanocrystalline Fe79Hf7B12Si2 glass-coated microwires // Physica B. – 2008. – Vol.403. – P.286–288.

98.Zhukova V., Cobeño A.F., Pina E., Zhukov A., Blanco J.M., Dominguez L., Larin V. and Gonzalez J. Study of the magnetic properties of Fe73.4-xCu1Nb3.1Si13.4+xB9.1 (1.1≤x≤1.6) microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. – 2000. – Vol.215-216. – P.322-324.

99.Aragoneses P., Blanco J. M., Kulakowski K., Dominguez L., Zhukov A. and Gonzalez J. The stress dependence of the switching field in glass-coated amorphous microwires // J. Phys.D: Applied Phys. – 1998. – Vol.31. – P.3040-3045.

100.Krupinska G., Zhukov A., Gonzalez J. and Kulakowski K. Equation of motion of domain walls and the dynamic coercive field in bistable wires // Computational Material Science. – 2006. – Vol.36. – P.268-271.

101.Zhukov A., M.Ipatov, J.Gonzalez, J.M.Blanco and Zhukova V. Recent advances in studies of magnetically soft amorphous microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. - 2009. – Vol.321. – P.822– 825.

102.Zhukov A., Ipatov M., Blanco J.M., Gonzalez J. and Zhukova V. Studies of thin microwires with enhanced magnetic softness and GMI effect // Phys. Stat. Sol. (A). – 2009. – Vol.206, No 4. – P.674-678.

103.Ilyn M. I., V. Zhukova, J. D. Santos, M. L. Sánchez, V. M. Prida, B. Hernando, V. Larin, J. González, A. M. Tishin, and Zhukov A. Magnetocaloric effect in nanogranular glass coated microwires // Phys. Stat. Sol. (A). – 2008. – Vol.205 No 6. – P.1378-1381.

104.Zhukov A., Garcia-Beneytez J. M. and Vázquez M. Magnetoelastic sensor for signature identification based on mechanomaghnetic effect in amorphous wires // J. De Physique IV. – 1998. – Vol.8. – P.Pr2-763-Pr2-766.

105.Olivera J., M. Ipatov, M. L. Sánchez, V. M. Prida, R.Varga, B. Hernando, and Zhukov A. Pinning Field Distribution and Microstructural Study of Thermal Annealed Fe-Nb-Cu-Si-B Wires // IEEE Trans. Magn. – 2010. - Vol. 46, No.2. – P.387-389.

106.Ekstrom P. A. and Zhukov A. Spatial structure of the head-to-head propagating domain wall in glass-covered FeSiB microwire // J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. – 2010. – Vol.43. – P.205001.

107.Zhukov A., J. Gonzalez, A. Torcunov , E. Pina, M.J Prieto, A. F. Cobeño, J.M. Blanco, V. Larin and Baranov S. Ferromagnetic resonance and Structure of Fe-based Glass-coated Microwires // J. Magn. Magn. Mater. - 1999. – Vol.203. – P.238-240.

108.Velázquez J., Vazquez M. and Zhukov A. Magnetoelastic anisotropy distribution in glass-coated microwires // J. Mater. Res. – 1996. –Vol.11, No10. – P.2499-2505.


1.Larin V., Torcunov A., Baranov S., Vázquez M., Zhukov A. and Hernando A. “Method of magnetic codification and marking of the objects” // Spain Patent –Nº P9601993 - 1996.

2.Vázquez M., Zhukov A., Hernando A., Larin V., Torcunov A., Panina L., Gonzalez J.and Mapps D. “Microwire and process of their fabrication”// UE Patent - AWP/RPS/56672/000. -No0108373.2 - 01.11.2001.

3.Zhukov A., V. Zhukova, M. Vázquez, J. González, V. S. Larin and Torcunov A.V. “Amorphous microwires as an element of magnetic sensor based on magnetic bistabily, magneto-impedance and material for the radiation protection” // Spain Patent – No P200202248 - 02.10.2002.

4. Zhukov A., V. Zhukova, J. González, V. S. Larin and Torcunov A.V. “Hilos amorfos ultrafinos con recubrimiento vitreo exhibiendo efecto de magnetoimpedancia gigante (GMI) a frecuencias elevadas” // PCT Patent –Es/2006/000434 - WO2008/023079.

Труды конференций и статьи в сборниках

1. Ipatov M., Zhukova V., Panina L.V., and Zhukov A. Ferromagnetic Microwires Composite Metamaterials with Tuneable Microwave Electromagnetic Parameters // “Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings”. Moscow, Russia. – 2009. – P.1657-1661.

2.Gonzalez J, Zhukov A. P., J.M. Blanco and Vazquez M. Magnetic Properties of nearly-zero magnetostriction glass-coated amorphous microwires // Proceedings of Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism (MISM´99). – Moscow: MSU. – 1999. - P.249-258. 3. Zhukov A., Garcia-Beneytez J. M., Vázquez M., Hernandez J. M., Zhang X.X. and Tejada J. Critical behaviour of magnetic bistability in amorphous ferromagnetic materials // “Proceedings of IV Internation Workshop”. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. -1997. - P.149-153.

3.Zhukova V., Blanco J.M., Ipatov M., Gonzalez J. and Zhukov A. Domain Wall Propagation in Thin Fe-Rich Glass-Coated Amorphous Wires //“AIP Conf. Proceedings”.– 2008.–Vol.1003.– P.301.

4.Жуков А.П., Инденбом М.В., Пономарев Б.К., Серебряков А.В. Исследования свойств аморфных сплавов в бистабильном состоянии // Черноголовка. - 1989. – C.20.

Монографии и главы в книгах

1.González J. and Zhukov A. Amorphous magnetic materials for sensors // “Encyclopedia of Sensors”, PUBLISHER: American Scientific Publishers. – 2006. - Vol.1 - P.79-103.

2.Zhukov A., A. Chizhik, J. J. d el Val, J. M. Blanco, Zhukova V. Nanocrystalline Structure in Amorphous Magnetic Wires, Glass Covered Microwires and Ribbons // Nanoclusters and Nanostructured Surfaces. - Edited by Asok K. Ray. / American Scientific Publishers (accepted), ISBN: 1-58883-182-5. – 2010. – Cap.1. - P.1–35.

3.Zhukov A. and Gonzalez J. Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Soft Magnetic Materials // in Advanced Magnetic Materials, book 3 “Processing of advanced magnetic materials”/ Edited by Y. Liu, D.J. Sellmyer and D. Shindo. – (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, USA). -2004. -Vol.3, Cap. 5. – P.115-181.

4.Zhukov A., J. González, M. Vázquez, V. Larin and Torcunov A. Nanocrystalline and Amorphous Magnetic Microwires // Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology / American Scientific Publishers. – 2004. - Vol.6. – P.365-387

5. Zhukov A. and Zhukova V. Magnetic properties and applications of ferromagnetic microwires with amorphous and nanocrystalline structure // Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 400 Oser Avenue, Suite 1600 Hauppauge, NY 11788. - ISBN: 978-1-60741-770-5.– 2009. – P.162.

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