Специальность: 03.02.08
Год: 2013
Отрасль науки: Биологические науки
Основные научные положения, сформулированные автором на основании проведенных исследований:
  1. В дальневосточных морях России нагуливаются серые и горбатые киты всех северотихоокеанских популяций. Локализация нагульных скоплений серых и горбатых китов определяется не только неоднородностью пространственного распределения кормовых ресурсов и видовыми особенностями питания, но и внутрипопуляционными факторами, такими как материнская привязанность к местам нагула.
  2. Социальная структура популяций усатых китов имеет сложную видо-специфическую природу, которая обеспечивает длительное существование внутрипопуляционных группировок и стабильность существования нагульных скоплений.
  3. Выбор путей миграций, нагульных районов и формирование ареала усатых китов является результатом возникновения у самок устойчивых традиций и передачи их потомству путем научения. Длительная привязанность некоторых групп животных к местам нагула формирует определенную степень групповой изоляции и, как следствие, различия в частоте встречаемости маркеров мтДНК.
Список опубликованных работ
Работы, опубликованные в изданиях, определенных ВАК Минобразования и науки РФ

1.Burdin A.M. Humpback whale diet on the shelf and oceanic feeding grounds in the western North Pacific inferred from the stable isotope analysis / Filatova O.A., Witteveen B.H., Goncharov A.A., Tiunov A.V., Goncharova M.I., Burdin A.M., Hoyt E. // Marine Mammal Science. – 2012. – Article first published online: 1 November 2012 DOI:10.1111/j.1748-7692.2012.00617.

2.Burdin A.M. Movements of gray whales between the western and eastern North Pacific / Weller D. W., Klimek A., Bradford A. L., Calambokidis J., Lang, A.R., Gisborne B., Burdin A.M., Szaniszlo W. and Brownell R.L. Jr. // Endangered Species Research. – 2012. – No 18. – P. 193–199.

3.Burdin A. M. Leaner leviathans: body condition variation in a critically endangered whale population / Bradford A.L., Weller D.W., Punt A.E., Ivashchenko Y.V., Burdin A.M., VanBlaricom G. R., Brownell, R.L. Jr. // Journal of Mammology. – 2012. – V. 93. – No 1. – P. 251–266.

4.Burdin A.M. Humpback whale abundance in the North Pacific estimated by photographic capture-recapture with bias correction from simulation studies / Barlow J., Calambokidis J., Baker C.S., Burdin A.M., Clapham P.J., Ford J.K.B., Gabriele C.M., LeDuc R., Mattila D.K., Quinn II T.J., Rojas-Bracho L., Straley J. M., Taylor B.L., Urbá R.J., Wade P., Weller D., Witteveen B.H., Yamaguchi M. // Marine Mammal Science. – 2011. – No 27 (4). – P. 793–818.

5.Burdin A.M. Using barnacle and pigmentation characteristics to identify gray whale calves on their feeding grounds / Bradford A.L., Weller D.W., Burdin A.M., Brownell R.L. Jr. // Marine Mammal Science. – 2011. – 27(3). – P. 644–651.

6.Burdin A.M. Anthropogenic scarring of western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) / Bradford A.L., Weller D.W., Ivashchenko Y.V., Burdin A.M., Brownell R.L., Jr. // Marine Mammal Science. – 2009. – V. 25 (1). – P. 161–175.

7.Burdin A.M. Photographic match of a western gray whale between Sakhalin Island, Russia, and Honshu, Japan: First link between feeding ground and migratory corridor / Weller,D.W., Bradford, A.L., Kato, H., Bando, T., Ohtani, S., Burdin, A.M. and Brownell, R.L., Jr. // Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. – 2008. – No 10 (1). – P. 89–91.

8.Burdin A.M. Population abundance and growth rate of western gray whales Eschrichtius robustus / Bradford A.L., Weller D.W., Wade P.R., Burdin A.M., Brownell R.L., Jr. // Endangered Species Research.– 2008.– Vol. 6.– P. 1–14.

9.Burdin A. M. Killer whales and marine mammal trends in the North Pacific – a reexami-nation of evidence for sequentional megafauna collaps and the prey-switching hypothesis / Wade P.R., Burkanov V.N., Dahlheim M.E., FridayN.A., Fritz L.W., Loughlin T.R., Mizroch S.A., Muto M.M., Rice D.W., Barrett-Lennard L.G., Black N.A., Burdin A.M., Calambokidis J., Cerchio S., Ford J.K., B. Jacobsen J.K., Matkin C.O., Matkin D.R., Mehta A.V., Small R.J., Straley J.M., McCluskey S.M., VanBlaricom G.R., Clapham P. J. // Marine Mammal Science. – 2007. – V. 23(4). – P. 766–802.

10.Burdin A.M. Survival estimates of western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) incorporating individual heterogeneity and temporary emigration / Bradford A.L., Wade P.R., Weller D.W., Burdin A.M., Ivashchenko Y.V., Tsidulko G.A, VanBlaricom G.R. and Brownell R.L., Jr. // Mar. Eco. Prog. Series. – 2006. – No 315. – P. 293–207.

11.Burdin A. M. Survival estimates of western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) incorporating individual heterogeneity and temporary emigration / Bradford A.L., Wade P.R., Weller D.W., Burdin A.M., Ivashchenko Y.V., Tsidulko G.A., VanBlaricom G.R. and Brownell R.L., Jr. // Mar. Eco. Prog. Series. – 2006. – No 315. – P. 293–207.

12.Burdin A.M. Genetic analyses (mtDNA and microsatellites) of Okhotsk and Bering/Chukchi / Beaufort Seas populations of bowhead whales / LeDuc R.G., Dizon A.E., Burdin A.M., Blokhin S.A., George J.C., Brownеll R.L., Jr. // Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. – 2005. – V. 7. – No 2. – P. 107–11.

13.Burdin A.M. Genetic differences between western and eastern gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) / LeDuc R.G., Weller D.W., Hyde J., Burdin A.M., Rosel P.E., Brownell R.L. Jr., Wursig B. and Dizon A.E. // Journal of Cetacean Research & Management. – 2002. – No 1. – P. 1–5.

14.Burdin A.M. The western gray whale: a review of past exploitation, current status and potential threats / Weller D.W., Burdi A.M., Würsi B., Taylor B.L. a d Brow ell R.L., Jr. // Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. – 2002. – No 4(1). – P. 7–12.

15.Burdin A. M. A note on the spatial distribution of western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) off Sakhalin Island, Russia in 1998 / Weller D.W., Reeve S.H., Burdin A.M., Würsi B. and Brownell R.L., Jr. // Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. – 2002. – No 4(1). – P. 13–17.

16.Бурдин A.M. Распределение, численность и некоторые черты поведения серого кита Eschrichtius robustus корейского стада у северо-восточного побережья Сахалина / Бло-хин С.А., Бурдин A.M. // Биология моря. – 2001. – Т. 27. – № 1. – С. 15–20.

17.Burdin A.M. Western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) off Sakhalin Island, Russia: Spatial distribution as determined by aerial survey / Weller D.W., Reeve S.H., Burdin A.M., Wursig B. and Brownell R.L., Jr. // J. Cetacean Res. Manage. (Gray Whale Spec. Issue). – 2001.

18.Burdin A. M. Gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) off Sakhalin Island, Russia: seasonal and annual patterns of occurrence / Weller D.W., Würsi B., Bradford A.L., Burdi A.M., Blokhi S.A., Minakuchi H. and Brownell R. L., Jr. // Marine Mammal Science. – 1999. – V. 15. – P. 1208–1227.


1. Бурдин А.М. Морские млекопитающие России: справочник-определитель / Бур-дин А.М., Филатова О.А., Хойт Э. // Киров : Кировская областная типография. – 2009. – 208 с.

Основные статьи, опубликованные в зарубежных изданиях

1.Urbá J. R., Weller D., Tyurneva O., Swartz S., Bradford A., Yakovlev Y., Sychenko O., Rosales H.N., Martí ez S.A., Burdin A., Gómez-Gallardo U. Report on the photographic comparison of the western grtay whale cataloges // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2012. – SC/64/BRG13.

2.Burdin A.M., Sychenko O.A., Sidorenko M.M. Status of western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island and eastern Kamchatka, Russia in 2011 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2012. – SC/64/BRG5.

3.Burdin A.M., Bradford A. L., Tsidulko G. A., Sidorenko M.M. Status of western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island and eastern Kamchatka, Russia, in 2010 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2011. – SC/63/BRG8.

4.Weller D.W., Klimek A., Bradford A.L., Calambokidis J., Lang A.R., Gisborne B., Burdin A.M., Szaniszlo W., Brownell R.L., Jr. Movements of western gray whales from the Okhotsk Sea to the eastern North Pacific // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2011. – SC/63/BRG6.

5.Lang A.R., Weller D.W., LeDuc R., Burdin A.M., Pease V.L., Litovka D., Burkanov V., Brownell R.L., Jr. Genetic analysis of stock structure and movements of gray whales in the eastern and western North Pacific // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2011. – SC/63/BRG10.

6.Burdin A.M., Tsidulko G.A., Sidorenko M.V., Dzhkiya E.L. Status of western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, in 2009 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn, Scientific Committee. - 2010. - SC/62/BRG8.

7.Lang A.R., Weller D.R., LeDuc R.G., Burdin A.M., Brownell R.L., Jr. Genetic differenciation between western and eastern gray whale popilations using microsatellite markers // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2010. - SC/62/BRG.

8.Lang A.R., Weller D.R., LeDuc R.G., Burdin A.M., Brownell R.L., Jr. Delineating patterns of male reproductive success in the westewrn gray whale population // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2010. - SC/62/BRG

9.Burdin AM., Tsidulko G.A., Sidorenko M.V., Bradford A.L., Weller D.W., Brownell R.L., Jr. Status of western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, in 2008 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2009. - SC/61/BRG8.

10.Weller D.W., Bradford A.L., Burdin A, Brownell R.L., Jr. The Incidence of Killer Whale Tooth Rakes on Western Gray Whales off Sakhalin Island, Russia // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2009. - SC/61/BRG9.

11.Weller D.W., Bradford A.L., Lang A.R., Burdin A.M., Brownell R.L., Jr. Birth-Intervals and Sex Composition of Western Gray Whales Summering off Sakhalin Island, Russia // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2009. - SC/61/BRG10.

12.Bradford A.L., Weller D.W., Ivashchenko Y.V., Burdin AB. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Seasonal and annual variation in body condition of western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2008. - SC/60/BRG16. - 11pp.

13.Cooke J.G., Weller D.W., Bradford A.L., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R. L., Jr. Population assessment of western gray whales in 2008 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. -2008. - Paper SC/60/BRG11. - 10 pp.

14.Weller D.W., Bradford A.L., Lang AR, Kim H.W., Sidorenko M., Tsidulko G.A., Burdin AM. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Status of western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, in 2007 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2008. - SC/60/BRG3. - 9 pp.

15.Robbins J., Barlow J., Burdin A.M., Calambokidis J., Clapham P.J., Ford J. K.B., Gabrie-le C. M., LeDuc R., Mattila D., Quinn T. J., Rojas-Bracho L., Straley J. M., Úrba J., Wade P., Weller D., Witteveen B.H., Wynne K. and Yamaguchi M. Preliminary minimum estimates of humpback whale entanglement frequency in the North Pacific Ocean based on scar evidence. Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2007. - SC/59/BC15.

16.Weller D.W., Bradford A.L., Lang A.R., Kim H.W., Krukova N., Tsidulko GA, Burdin AM. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Status of western gray whales of Sakhalin Island, Russia in 2006 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2007. - SC/59/BRG19. - 10 pp.

17.Bradford A.L., Weller D.W., Ivashchenko Y.V., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Seasonal and annual variation in body condition of western gray whales off northeast Sakhalin Island, Russia: a preliminary report // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2007. -SC/59/BRG22. - 18 pp.

18.Bradford A.L., Weller D.W., Ivashchenko Y.V., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Anthropogenic scarring of western gray whales (Eschrictius robustus) // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2007. - SC/59/BRG37. - 15 pp.

19.Burdin AM., Hoyt E., Filatova O.A, Ivkovich T.,Tarasyan K., Sato H. Status of Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in Eastern Kamchatka (Russian Far East) Based on Photo-Identification and Acoustic Studies // Preliminary Results. Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. - 2007. -SC/59/SM4.

20.Cooke J.G., Weller D.W., Bradford A.L., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Population assessment of western gray whales in 2007 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2007. – SC/59/BRG41 – 10 pp.

21.Weller D.W., Rickards S.H., Bradford A.L., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. The influence of 1997 seismic surveys on the behavior of western gray whales off Sakhalin Island, Russia. // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2006. – SC/58/E4. – 12 pp.

22.Weller D.W., Tsidulko G.A., Ivashchenko Y.V., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. A re-evaluation of the influence of 2001 seismic surveys on western gray whales off Sakhalin Island, Russia. Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2006. – SC/58/E5. – 8 pp.

23.Weller D.W., Burdin A.M., Bradford A.L., Lang A.R., Tsidulko G.A., Kim H.W. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Status of western gray whales off Sakhalin Island Russia, in 2005 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2006. – SC/58/BRG3. – 10 pp.

24.Weller D.W., Bradford A.L., Tsidulko G.A., Ivashchenko Y.V., Lang A.R., Kim H.W., Rickards S.H., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Western gray whales off Sakhalin Island, Russia: A catalog of photo-identified individuals // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2006. – SC/58/BRG2. – 165 pp.

25.Bradford A.L., Weller D.W., Burdin A.M., Ivashchenko Y.V. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Anthropogenic scarring of western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus): a preliminary report // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2006.– SC/58/BRG12. – 14 pp.

26.Cooke J.G., Weller D.W., Bradford A.L., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Population assessment of Western Gray Whales in 2006 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2006. – SC/58/BRG30. – 10 pp.

27.Weller D. W., Burdin A.M., Bradford A.L., Ivashchenko Y.I., Tsidulko G.A., Lang A.R. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Status of western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, in 2004 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2005. – SC/57/BRG1. – 10 pp.

28.Cooke J., Weller D.W., Bradford A.L., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L, Jr. Estimates and projections of the western gray whale population using an individually-based population model // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2005.– SC/57/BRG22. – 14 pp.

29.Lang A.R., Weller D.W., Leduc R.G., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Genetic assessment of the western gray whale population: current research and future directions // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – SC/57/BRG14. – 2005. – 14 pp.

30.Burdin A.M., Hoyt E., Sato H., Filatova O.A. and Tarasyan K.K. Resident and transient-type killer whales, Orcinus orca, in southeast Kamchatka, Russia // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2004. – SC/56/SM15.

31.Burdin A. M., Nikulin V.S., Jacobs-Spauding M. and Brownell R. L., Jr. Incidental entanglement of Okhotsk Sea Right Whales: A Future Conservation Issue? // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2004. – SC/56/BRG41.

32.Weller D. W., Burdin A.M., Bradford A.L., Ivashchenko Y.I., Tsidulko G.A., Lang A.R. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Status of western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia, in 2003 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2004. – SC/56/BRG40. – 18 pp.

33.Lang A.R., Weller D.W., Leduc R.G., Burdin A.M., Hyde J. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Genetic differentiation between western and eastern gray whale populations using microsatellite markers // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2004. – SC/56/BRG38. – 15 pp.

34.Weller D.W., Burdin A.M., Ivashchenko Y.V., Tsidulko G.A., Brownell R.L., Jr. Summer sightings of western gray whales in the Okhotsk and western Bering Seas // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2003. – SC/55/BRG9.

35.Bradford A.L., Wade P.R., Burdin A.M., Ivashchenko Y.V., Tsidulko G.A., Brownell R.L., Jr. and Weller D.W. Survival estimates of western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) incorporating individual heterogeneity and temporary emigration // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2003. – SC/55/BRG14.

36.Burdin A.M., Weller D.W., Tsidulko G.A. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Status of the western gray whale population off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia in 2002 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2003. – SC/55/BRG19.

37.Burdin A.M., Weller D.W., Tsidulko G.A. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Russia-U.S. research program on western gray whales off northeastern Sakhalin Island in 2003 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. 2003. – SC/55/BRG20.

38.Wade P.R., Burdin A.M., Bradford A.L., Brownell R.L., Jr. and Weller D.W. Abundance estimates of western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) off northeastern Sakhalin Island, Russia // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2003. – SC/55/BRG18.

39.Weller D.W., Bradford A.L., Burdin A.M., Miyashita T., Kariya T., Trukhin A.M., MacLean S.A., Vladimirov V.A. and Doroshenko, N.V. Photographic recaptures of western gray whales in the Okhotsk Sea // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2002. – SC/54/BRG13.

40.Weller D.W., Burdin A.M., Bradford A.L. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Observations of skinny whales on the Piltun feeding ground 1999-2001 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2002. – SC/02/WGW5.

41.Burdin A.M., Tsidulko G.A., Ivashchenko Y.V., Bradford A.L. and Weller D.W. Photo-identification of western gray whales in coastal and offshore Sakhalin shelf waters // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2002. – SC/02/WGW4.

42.Weller D.W., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Status of the western gray whale population in 2002. // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2002. – SC/02/WGW9.

43.Weller D.W., Ivashchenko Y.V., Tsidulko G.A., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Influence of seismic surveys on western gray whales off Sakhalin Island, Russia in 2001 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2002. – SC/54/BRG14.

44.Weller D.W., Ivashchenko Y.V., Tsidulko G.A., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Influence of the Odoptu seismic surveys on western gray whales while on their feeding ground in 2001 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2002. – SC/02/WGW20.

45.Bradford A.L., Burdin A.M., Wade P.R., Ivashchenko Y.V., Tsidulko G.A., VanBlaricom G.R. and Weller D.W. Survival estimates of western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2002. – SC/54/BRG9.

46.Brownell R.L., Jr., Lang A.R., Burdin A.M. and Weller, D.W. Future long-term genetic research on the western gray whale // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2002. – SC/02/WGW12.

47.Burdin A.M., Tsidulko G.A., Ivashchenko Y.V., Bradford A.L. and Weller D.W. Photo-identification of western gray whales in coastal and offshore Sakhalin shelf waters // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2002. – SC/02/WGW4.

48.Burdin A.M., Weller D.W. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Russian-American research program on western gray whales: 2003-2007 // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2002. – SC/02/WGW18.

49.Southern S.O., Kellar N.M., Allen A.C., Weller D.W., Burdin A.M., Dizon A.E. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Molecular analysis of chronic physiological stress in emaciated gray whales: preliminary report // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2001. – SC/54/BRG19.

50.Weller D.W., Burdin A.M. and Brownell R.L., Jr. The western North Pacific gray whale: a review of past exploitation, current status, and potential threats // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 2001. – SC/54/BRG12.

51.LeDuc R.G., Rosenberg A., Dizon A.E., Burdin A.M., Blokhin S.A. and Brownell R.L., Jr. Preliminary genetic analyses (mtDNA and microsatellites) of two populations of bowhead whales // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 1998. – SC/50/AS11.

52.LeDuc R.G., Rosenberg A.E., Burdin A.M., Blokhin, S.A. and Brownell R.L. A preliminary genetic analysis (mtDNA and microsatellites) of two populations of bowhead whales // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn., Scientific Committee. – 1998. – SC/50/AS11.

53.Burdin A. M. Observations on Okhotsk-Korean gray whales on their feeding grounds off Sakhalin Island / Brownell R.L. Jr., Blokhin S.A., Burdin A.M., Berzin A.A., LeDuc R.G., Pitman R.L., Munakuchi H. // Rep. Int. Whal. Commn. – 1997. – No 47. – P. 161–162.