Специальность: 03.01.03
Год: 2011
Отрасль науки: Биологические науки
Основные научные положения, сформулированные автором на основании проведенных исследований:
  1. Избыток полового феромона индуцирует запрограммированную смерть дрожжей путем повышения концентрации кальция в клетке.
  2. Избыточный кальций вызывает гиперполяризацию митохондрий, что увеличивает генерацию активных форм кислорода и смерть клетки.
  3. Проникающие катионы обладают разобщающим действием и при этом менее токсичны при передозировке, чем анионные протонофоры.
  4. Активные формы кислорода являются защитными при слабом генотоксическом стрессе и повреждающими при относительно сильном стрессе.
  5. Причина токсичности белковой агрегации в дрожжевой модели полиглутамин-зависимых заболеваний - неспособность клетки расщеплять субстраты циклосомы.
Список опубликованных работ
1.Kuznetsov, S.A., Rivera, D.T., Severin, F.F., Weiss, D.G., Langford, G.M. Movement of axoplasmic organelles on actin filaments from skeletal muscle. // Cell Motil Cytoskeleton – 1994 – V.28, P.231-242.

2.Sorger, P.K., Severin, F.F., Hyman, A.A. Factors required for the binding of reassembled yeast kinetochores to microtubules in vitro. // J Cell Biol - 1994 – V.127, P. 995-1008.

3.Severin, F.F., Schuyler, S., Kaplan, K.B., Sorger, P.K., Hyman, A.A.

Interaction of yeast kinetochores with microtubules. // Molecular Biology of the Cell – 1996 – V.7, P. 3289-3289.

4.Blocker, A., Severin, F.F., Habermann, A., Hyman, A.A., Griffiths, G., Burkhardt, J.K. Microtubule-associated protein-dependent binding of phagosomes to microtubules. // J Biol Chem – 1996 - V.271, P.3803-3811.

5.Nadezhdina, E.S., Bukharova, T.B., Koretsky, V.V., Potekhina, E.S., Severin, F.F., Shanina, N.A., Solovyanova, O.B., Zinovkina, L.A. Identification of new molecular components of microtubules and centrosomes. // Cell Biol Int – 1997 - V21, P.885-887.

6.Blocker, A., Severin, F.F., Burkhardt, J.K., Bingham, J.B., Yu, H., Olivo, J,C.,. Schroer, T.A., Hyman, A.A., Griffiths, G. Molecular requirements for bi-directional movement of phagosomes along microtubules. // J Cell Biol – 1997 - V137, P.113-129.

7.Severin, F.F., Sorger, P.K., Hyman, A.A., Kinetochores distinguish GTP from GDP forms of the microtubule lattice. // Nature - 1997 – V.388, P.888-891.

8.Severin, F.F., Shanina, N.A., Shevchenko, A,. Solovyanova, O.B., Koretsky, V.V., Nadezhdina, E.S. A major 170 kDa protein associated with bovine adrenal medulla microtubules: a member of the centrosomin family? // FEBS Lett – 1997 – V.420, P.125-128.

9.Blocker, A., Griffiths, G., Olivo, J.C., Hyman, A.A., Severin, F.F. A role for microtubule dynamics in phagosome movement. // J Cell Sci – 1998 – V.111, P.303-312.

10.Muller-Reichert, T., Chretien, D., Severin, F.F., Hyman, A.A. Structural changes at microtubule ends accompanying GTP hydrolysis: information from a slowly hydrolyzable analogue of GTP, guanylyl (alpha,beta)methylenediphosphonate. // Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A -1998 – V.95, P.3661-3666.

11.Severin, F.F., Kaplan, K.B., Sorger, PK., Hyman, A.A. In vitro assays for studying Saccharomyces cerevisiae kinetochore activity. // Methods Cell Biol – 1999 - V.61, P.145-153.

12.Biggins, S, Severin, F.F, Bhalla, N., Hyman, A.A., Murray, A.W. Studies on sister chromatid separation and segregation in budding yeast. // Faseb Journal – 1999 - V13, P. A1583-A1583.

13.Biggins, S., Severin, F.F., Bhalla, N., Hyman, A.A., Murraw, A.W. The conserved protein kinase Ipl1 regulates kinetochore binding to microtubules in budding yeast. // Genes and Development – 1999 - V13, P.532-544.

14.Sassoon, I., Severin, F.F., Andrews, P., Taba, H., Kaplan, K., Ashford, A., Stark, M, Sorger, P., Hyman, A. Regulation of yeast Sacharomyces cerevisiae kinetochores by the type 1 phosphatase Glc7p. // Genes and Development – 1999 – V.13, P.545-555.

15.Nielsen E., Severin F.F., Backer M.J., Hyman A.A., Zerial M. Rab5 regulates Motility of Early Endosomes on Microtubules. // Nat Cell Biol – 1999 – V.6, P.376-382.

16.De Vos, K., Severin F.F., Van Herreweghe, F,. Goosens, V., Hyman, A.A, Grooten, J. Tumor necrosis factor inhibits kinesin-mediated transport of mitochondria by hyperphosphorylation of kinesin light chain. // J Cell Biol – 2000 – V.149, P. 1207-1214.

17.Desai, A.B., Oegema, K.F., Severin, F.F., Rybina, S., Hyman, A.A. Analysis of microtubule binding by budding yeast kinetochores in vitro. Molecular Biology of the Cell - 2001 – V.12, P.177A-177A.

18.Nielsen, E., Severin F.F., Hyman, A., Zerial, M. In Vitro Reconstitution of Endosome Motility Along Microtubules. // Methods Mol Biol – 2001 – V.164, P.133-146.

19.Severin, F.F., Habermann, B., Huffaker, T., Hyman, T. Stu2 promotes mitotic spindle elongation in anaphase. // J Cell Biol – 2001 – V.153, P. 435-442.

20.Shanina, N.A., Ivanov, P.A., Chudinova, E.M., Severin, F.F., Nadezhdina, E.S. [Translation initiation factor eIF3 is able to bind with microtubules in mammalian cells]. // Mol Biol (Mosk). – 2001 – V.35, P. 638-646.

21.Severin, F.F., Hyman, A., Piatti, S. Correct spindle elongation at the metaphase/anaphase transition is an APC-dependent event in budding yeast. // J Cell Biol – 2001 – V.155, P. 711-718.

22.Severin, F.F., Hyman, A.A. Pheromone Induces Programmed Cell Death in S. cerevisiae. Curr Biol – 2002 – V.12, P. R233-R235.

23.Popov, A.V., Severin, F.F., Karsenti, E. XMAP215 Is Required for the Microtubule- Nucleating Activity of Centrosomes. // Curr Biol – 2002 – V.12, P. 1326–1330.

24.Lehto T., Miaczynska M., Zerial M., Mьller D., Severin F.F. Observing the growth of individual actin filaments in cell extracts by time-lapse atomic force microscopy. // FEBS Letters – 2003 - V.551, P.25-28.

25.Hashimoto, O.H., Severin, F.F. , Lanoix, J. , Hatsuzawa, K. , Wada, I. , Nilsson, T. Coatomer I protein I (COPI) and rab proteins are needed for ER-Golgi transport and juxta nuclear positioning of the Golgi. // Cell Structure and Function - 2004 – V.29, P.104-104.

26.Akhmanova, A., Severin, F.F. Thirteen is the Lucky Number for Doublecortin. // Developmental Cell – 2004 – V7, P.5-6.

27.Mimori-Kiyosue, Y., Grigoriev, I., Lansbergen, G., Sasaki, H., Matsui, C., Severin, F.F., Galjart, N., Grosveld, F., Vorobiev, I., Tsukita, S., Akhmanova, A. CLASP1 and CLASP2 bind to EB1 and regulate microtubule plus end dynamics at kinetochores and the cell cortex. // J Cell Biol – 2005 - V.168, P.141-153.

28.Pozniakovsky, A.I, Knorre, D.A, Markova, O.V, Hyman, A.A, Skulachev, V.P., Severin, F.F. Role of mitochondria in the pheromone- and amiodarone-induced programmed death of yeast. // J Cell Biol – 2005 - V.168, P.257-269.

29.Knorre, D.A, Smirnova, E.A., Severin, F.F. Natural conditions inducing programmed cell death in yeast Sacharomyces cerevisiae. // Biochemistry (Mosc) – 2005 – V.70, P.264-266.

30.Sokolov, S.S., Severin, F.F., Agaphonov, M.O., Kalebina, T.S. The metilotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha as the model for screening for genes involved in apoptosis. // FEBS Journal – 2005 – V.272, P.44-44.

31.Hoepfner, S., Severin, F.F, Cabezas, A., Habermann, B., Runge, A., Gillooly, D., Stenmark, H., Zerial, M. Modulation of Receptor Recycling and Degradation by the Endosomal Kinesin KIF16B. // Cell – 2005 – V.121, P. 437-450

32.Pal, A., Severin, F.F., Lommer, B., Schevchenko, A., Zerial, M. Huntingtin-HAP40 complex is a Novel Rab5 Effector that controls Early Endosome Motility and is upregulated in Huntington Disease. // J Cell Biol – 2006 – V.172, P. 605-618

33.Sokolov, S.S., Pozniakovsky A.I., Bocharova, N.A., Knorre, D.A., Severin, F.F. Expression of an expanded polyglutamine domain in yeast causes death with apoptotic markers. // Biophys. Biochem. Acta – 2006 – V.1757, P. 660-666.

34.Sokolov, S.S., Knorre, D.A, Smirnova, E., Markova, O.V., Pozniakovsky, A.I., Skulachev, V.P., Severin, F.F. Ysp2 mediates death of yeast induced by amiodarone or intracellular acidification. // Biophys. Biochem. Acta – 2006 – V.1757, P. 1366-1370.

35.Sandall, S., Severin, F F.., McLeod, I., Yates 3rd, J., Oegema, K., Hyman, A., Desai, A. Complex of Sli15-Bir1 (INCENP-Survivin) Connects Centromeres to Microtubules and is the Likely Tension Sensor Controlling Aurora B Activation. // Cell – 2006 – V.127, P. 1179-1191.

36.Elie-Caille, C., Severin, F.F., Helenius, J., Howard, J., Muller, D.J., Hyman, A. Straight GDP-Tubulin Protofilaments Form in the Presence of Taxol. // Curr Biol – 2007 – V.17, P. 1765-1770.

37.Pal, A., Severin, F.F., Hopfner, S., Zerial, M. Regulation of endosome dynamics by Rab5 and its Huntingtin-HAP40 effector complex in physiological versus pathological conditions. // Methods in Enzymology – 2008 - V. 438, P. 239-257

38.Severin, F.F., Meer, M.V., Smirnova, E.A., Knorre, D.A., and Skulachev, V.P. Natural causes of programmed death of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. // Biochim Biophys Acta – 2008 – V.1783, P.1350-1353

39.Knorre, D.A., Saprunova, V.B., Ojovan, S.M., Sokolov, S.S., Bakeeva, L.E., Severin, F.F. Mitochondrial matrix fragmentation as a protection mechanism of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. // Biochemistry (Mosc) – 2008 – V.73, P. 1561-1568.

40.Bocharova, N.A, Chave-Cox, R, Sokolov, S.S, Knorre, D.A., Severin, F.F. Protein aggregation and neurodegeneration: clues from a yeast model of Huntington´s disease. // Biochemistry (Mosc) – 2009 – V.74, P. 231-234.

41.Bocharova, N.A., Sokolov, S.S., Knorre, D.A., Skulachev, V.P., Severin, F.F. Unexpected link between anaphase promoting complex and the toxicity of expanded polyglutamines expressed in yeast. // Cell Cycle – 2008 – V.7, P.3943-3946.

42.Knorre, D.A., Krivonosova, T.N., Markova O,V., Severin, F.F. Amiodarone inhibits multiple drug resistance in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. // Arch Microbiol – 2009 – V.191, P. 675-679.

43.Severin, F. F., Skulachev, V. P. Programmed cell death as a target to interrupt the aging program. // Advances in Gerontology – 2009 – V. 22, P.37-48

44.Ожован, С. М., Кнорре, Д. А., Северин, Ф. Ф., Бакеева Л. Е. Влияние амиодарона на ультраструктуру дрожжей Saccharomyces cerevisiae. // Цитология – 2009 - Т.51, С.911-916

45.Severin, F.F., Severina, I.I., Antonenko, Y,N,, Rokitskaya, T.I., Cherepanov, D.A., Mokhova, E.N., Vyssokikh, M.Y., Pustovidko, A.V., Markova, O.V., Yaguzhinsky, L.S., Korshunova, G.A., Sumbatyan, N.V., Skulachev, M.V., Skulachev, V.P. Penetrating cation/fatty acid anion pair as a mitochondria-targeted protonophore. //Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A – 2010 V.107, P. 663-668.

46.Skulachev, V.P., Antonenko, Y.N., Cherepanov, D.A., Chernyak, B.V., Izyumov, D.S., Khailova, L.S., Klishin, S.S., Korshunova, G.A., Lyamzaev, K.G., Pletjushkina, O.Y., Roginsky, V.A.,Rokitskaya, T.I., Severin, F.F., Severina, I.I., Simonyan, R.A., Skulachev, M.V., Sumbatyan, N.V., Sukhanova, E.I., Tashlitsky, V.N., Trendeleva, T.A., Vyssokikh, M,Y., Zvyagilskaya, R.A. Prevention of cardiolipin oxidation and fatty acid cycling as two antioxidant mechanisms of cationic derivatives of plastoquinone (SkQs). // Biochim Biophys Acta – 2010 -V. 1797, P. 878-889.

47.Knorre, D.A., Smirnova, E.A., Markova, O.V., Sorokin, M.I., Severin, F.F. Prooxidants prevent yeast cell death induced by genotoxic stress. // Cell Biol Int – 2011 – V.35, P. 431-435.

48.Knorre, D.A., Kulemzina, I.A., Sorokin, M.I., Kochmak, S.A., Bocharova, N.A., Sokolov, S.S., Severin, F.F. Sir2-dependent daughter-to-mother transport of the damaged proteins in yeast is required to prevent high stress sensitivity of the daughters. // Cell Cycle – 2010 – V.9, P. 4501-4505.

49.Kochmak, S.A., Knorre, D.A., Sokolov, S.S., Severin, F.F. Physiological Scenarios of Programmed Loss of Mitochondrial DNA Function and Death of Yeast. // Biochemistry (Moscow) – 2011 – V.76, P. 167-171.

50.Ojovan, S.M., Knorre, D.A., Markova, O.V., Smirnova, E.A,, Bakeeva, L.E., Severin, F.F. Accumulation of dodecyltriphenylphosphonium in mitochondria induces their swelling and ROS-dependent growth inhibition in yeast. // J Bioenerg Biomembr – 2011 – V.43, P. 175-180.

51.Antonenko, Y.N., Avetisyan, A.V., Cherepanov, D.A., Knorre, D.A., Korshunova, G.A., Markova, O.V., Ojovan, S.M., Perevoshchikova, I.V., Pustovidko, A.V., Rokitskaya, T.I., Severina, I.I., Simonyan, R.A., Smirnova, E.A., Sobko. A,A,, Sumbatyan, N.V., Severin, F.F., Skulachev, V.P. Derivatives of Rhodamine 19 as Mild Mitochondria-targeted Cationic Uncouplers. // J Biol Chem - 2011 - V.286, P. 17831-17840.

52.Skulachev, M.V., Antonenko, Y.N., Anisimov, V.N., Chernyak, B.V., Cherepanov, D.A., Chistyakov, V.A., Egorov, M.V., Kolosova, N.G., Korshunova, G.A., Lyamzaev, K.G., Plotnikov, E.Y., Roginsky, V.A., Savchenko, A.Y., Severina, I.I., Severin, F.F., Shkurat, T.P., Tashlitsky, V.N., Shidlovsky, K.M., Vyssokikh, M.Y., Zamyatnin, A.A., Jr, Zorov, D.B., Skulachev, V.P. Mitochondrial-targeted plastoquinone derivatives. Effect on senescence and acute age-related pathologies. // Curr Drug Targets – 2011 – V.12, P. 800-826.